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History of art in oil painting and its types

History of art in oil painting and its types

Date: 2023/06/05


Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

Art in oil painting  is a painting technique that uses painting oils and petroleum pigments to create artistic paintings and drawings. Art in oil painting is characterized  by brilliance, depth and stability, and is considered one of the most challenging and complex types of painting in the plastic arts.


Historically, art in oil painting has been used  in many different schools of art, such as the Flemish School, the Italian School, and the French School. It was used to provide paintings and drawings of high quality and accurate details, and the art technique is used in oil painting  at the present time also in abstract painting, modernism and realism.


The quality of art in oil painting is determined  by the pigments and oils used in the mixture, as well as by the artist's technique and skills in controlling the tools used. Artists use oil paint to create paintings and drawings in a variety of styles and forms, including still life, realism, abstraction, landscapes, animals, and people.


The art technique in oil painting is considered  one of the most challenging techniques in the plastic arts, as it requires high control over the tools and techniques used, and advanced artistic skills in expressing the artistic idea and controlling colors, shadows and lighting.

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2- Types  of art in oil painting 

The art technique  in oil painting  is used in the creation of many fine arts, some of which include the following: 


1- Silent nature: 

It is considered one of the main types of oil painting, and is characterized by the depiction of static objects such as flowers, fruits, utensils, etc., and emphasis is placed on fine details, shadows, and lighting.


2- Realism: 

It relies on depicting realistic objects and scenes with the greatest accuracy and realism, and focus is placed on fine details, shadows, lighting and colors.


3- Abstraction:

 It relies on the use of simple shapes and bold and exaggerated colors, and aims to express a specific artistic idea rather than depict reality.


4- Landscape: 

It relies on photographing landscapes such as mountains, seas, rivers, and forests, and emphasis is placed on fine details, shadows, lighting, and colors.


5- Animals and people: 

It relies on depicting animals and people with the greatest accuracy and realism, and emphasis is placed on fine details, shadows, lighting and colors.


In addition, the  art technique of oil painting can be used  in many other art styles such as abstract expressionist art, modern art, textile art, and others. 

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3-  Art tools in oil painting


The artist needs a set of basic tools in the art of oil painting,  which are as follows:


1- Oil colors : It is the main element in the oil painting technique, and many oil colors are available in the market in different colors.


2- Oils: Oils are used as solvents for oil colors, and provide the necessary mixture to obtain the appropriate paint texture.


3- Brushes: Brushes are available in different shapes and sizes, and are used to apply colors to the painting. It is preferable to use brushes with long bristles to work on large surfaces, and brushes with short bristles for fine details.


4- Artboards: These are the surfaces on which paintings are drawn, and they are available in different sizes and shapes.


5- Solvents: Solvents are used to clean brushes after finishing work, and vegetable oils can be used as a natural solvent instead of chemical solvents.


6- Other tools: such as stretched boards, paper towels for cleaning brushes, and measuring tools to determine the correct proportions and dimensions.


An artist must invest in high-quality tools to get good results, and the artist can select the basic tools needed for him based on the type of artwork to be achieved, the size of the painting, and the details required.

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4- History    of art in oil painting 

The art technique  of oil painting dates back  to the European Middle Ages, when it was used to create religious paintings and architectural designs. In the fifteenth century, the Flemish School of Art appeared in Belgium and the Netherlands, which used the  oil painting technique  extensively to create amazing paintings.


In the sixteenth century, the Italian School of Art emerged, which also used the  oil painting technique  extensively. The Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci had a major role in developing the oil painting technique, as he used different solvents and oils to improve the quality of the paintings.


In the nineteenth century, the  art technique of oil painting flourished  in France, where it was widely used in contemporary and impressionist art. The technique of oil painting developed greatly in the twentieth century, as it was used in abstract, modern, textile and other art.


The history  of art in oil painting is characterized by the development of color, oil and solvent techniques, as the quality of paintings was improved and attention to fine details, shadows and lighting increased. To this day, artists use the oil painting technique to create wonderful and varied paintings.


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5 -  The importance of art in oil painting     

The art technique in oil painting is  one of the important artistic techniques that are used in creating artistic paintings, and it is characterized by many benefits and importance, including:


1- Save time and durability: The oil painting technique is considered  one of the most durable and permanent artistic techniques, and the artist can use it to create paintings that last for decades.


2- The ability to work in a flexible way: where the artist can control the colors, shadows, and lighting accurately, and make the necessary adjustments until he gets the alternative art  and the desired result.


3- Possibility of developing technical skills: the use of oil painting requires  advanced technical skills, which helps the artist to improve and develop his skills.


4- Creativity and artistic expression: The technique of painting and decorating arts allows  the artist to express his thoughts and feelings in an innovative and beautiful artistic way.


5- Various uses: The oil painting technique can be used to create various artistic paintings, including still life, realism, abstraction, landscapes, and others.


All in all, the art technique of oil painting is  one of the most common art techniques in the world, and is used by artists all over the world to create paintings of high quality and stunning aesthetics.

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5 - Art in oil painting   and services provided by SMD Decoration  

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The art technique in oil painting   is considered one of the basic artistic techniques used in contemporary art, as it allows artists to express their feelings and ideas in a beautiful and innovative artistic way. They also feature durability, precision, and complete control over colours, shadows, and lighting, helping the artist create stunning and lasting canvases.


The arts of paints and decoration  are  ancient, dating back to the European Middle Ages, and appeared in Flemish, Italian and French schools of art, and developed greatly in the twentieth century. To this day, artists use the oil painting technique to create wonderful and varied paintings.


The use of art in oil painting  requires  advanced technical skills and special tools, and the artist must invest in high quality tools to get good results. It is important to determine the basic tools needed for the artist based on the type of artwork to be achieved, the size of the painting, and the details required.


In general, the art technique in oil painting  represents an essential part of the history of art and human culture, and is considered one of the artistic achievements that reflect the development of human civilization throughout the ages.

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