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Basic and professional rules in interface design

Basic and professional rules in interface design

Date: 2023/03/31


Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

Facade design   is considered the subject of the engineers’ research and the center of the client’s attention, and the reason is simply that the design of the facades  is considered the visible part of the architectural work and the part most subject to criticism as well as being in continuous development and renewal  . Facade design is  the art of planning and beautifying spaces  . A clear interest in the aesthetics and design of places throughout the ages

The design of the facades depends  on the techniques of creativity and innovation, so that the designer deals with all his materials, spaces, places, and lighting; To achieve an integrated design, through his familiarity with the foundations, architectural methods and their various techniques, and his knowledge of all the materials and tools that he will deal with during the implementation of the work, and how to use colors and combine them with each other.

SMD Decoration  provides the best, most creative and proficient facade design   services   in this field 

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2-   Interface design  patterns   .

  Interface design  is based on collecting elements, and preparing all that these elements need in terms of treatment, measurement, and modification, by relying on ideas and personal experiences, to produce something new and distinctive, that performs its tasks and meets the purpose of its design, and interface design has become one of the important  things Nowadays, when designing facades , the designer emphasizes choosing quality materials that are suitable for the budget of the design student. By adopting colors that match the desire and psychology of the student      


And because excellence and obtaining error-free designs are the desired work of SMD Decoration     through the agreement between the client and the company 

To watch a video on interface design steps , click here 

SMD Decoration Company shows that the façade style and pattern is the basis for  façade design in order to achieve a consistent façade. There are many architectural styles, including: 

classic style:

An architectural style and style that focuses on elements of artistic and aesthetic value. It originally dates back to the Greek and Roman civilizations and relies mainly on classical columns, inscriptions, motifs and small details, so that the final product expresses prestige and greatness.




Modern classic style:

This style represents a stage between classic design and modern design, as it mainly focuses on the use of classical architecture after separating it from the complexity and infinitesimal elements.

Modern design style:

 This style is based on abandoning the ornaments and subtle elements in the architectural composition and maintains the clear lines, considering that little is much, and the artistic and aesthetic value of the building stems from the simplicity of the shape and the beauty of the proportionality of the blocks.


Arabic style:

This style is based on the use of Islamic decorative elements and elements of local architecture such as pointed arches and domes.


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European style:

A unique architectural style resulting from environmental factors in European countries, where slanted and gable roofs are used for the purpose of protection from the effects of snow and nature.

3- The basics   of interface design  .  

The comprehensive procedures in the design of the facades  aim to harness the material, spiritual and social needs to serve the design, which plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the building, and it consists of components ranging from technical to planning, and these components focus most of their attention on the technical aesthetic aspects

The design of facades is considered  one of the most important works of building design. The first factor that indicates the success of the work is because it is the visible part of the architectural work.

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To get   a great and beautiful facade design requires a lot of work, a lot of planning and a lot of knowledge of architectural basics. SMD Decoration will mention it to you. Let's start….

Choose the appropriate configuration 

Composition is the final building form that results from the amalgamation of blocks made up of initial design shapes and elements. Like those configurations you were making with some little blocks and units when we put them together. However, the architectural formations are studied in terms of proportions and the relationship between the blocks, and this is achieved based on the foundations of design and architectural composition and their purpose is to serve the beauty of the facade.


Attention to liveliness in the interface

This is done by making the façade have gradients of blocks and moving the sky line to remove the rigidity that may dominate the façade.


Use of shadow and light

One of the best ways to  design facades in order to add artistic and aesthetic value to the architectural work, and its artistic benefit is in removing boredom that may dominate the facade, and this factor is achieved by choosing the appropriate type of lighting and its locations. External lighting is distributed to focus on points and elements in the façade, on both sides of the main entrance, for example, or on the balconies. It is also necessary to distribute the internal and external lighting to obtain a more beautiful view in the design of the facades  at night, so that the facade has clear features and a suitable gradation of lighting.



 Therefore, SMD Decoration takes care of all these details and takes care of them, in order not to waste money or time in repairing or correcting errors.


The importance of facade design   lies   in making the best use of the space available for the place based on the function and professionalism of the design. The following are the most important points in  interface design 

Make the Most of Available Spaces: A properly designed home will make better use of space especially when it comes to the living room. In addition to facilitating a measure of open space in the house. This will eliminate aspects of unnecessary crowding and those common in poorly designed homes.

 Cost saving and easy maintenance   : A good investment adds value in the long run, as the interior designer is well aware of the types of fixtures, lighting, curtains, paint, sofa designs, and rugs that you should place in different parts of the house. A good interior designer will also help you save on costs by helping you choose the best materials, fixtures, and furniture that you can afford with your current budget. Many times homeowners trying to save on the cost of hiring a professional interior designer end up spending more time figuring out what to install and how to install it properly.

 Design that fits the user's lifestyle:  Its importance lies in its ability to improve the user experience by managing home and office spaces in better ways, and improving the space in the internal environment so that it is harmonious and consistent with its purposes. For example, if you are an interior designer working on developing the work environment in the office, you will make the design help employees to be productive, focus and increase the level of job performance. If you are designing bedrooms, your main goal will be to provide a more relaxing and comfortable environment


SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the client and apply them at all stages in order to satisfy him and obtain his trust and maintain its leadership in the labor market with its good reputation. 



4- SMD Decoration services in facade design .

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In fact, SMD Decoration is one of the most distinguished companies , so when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from placing small details to final finishes, and SMD Decoration uses the best cadres of architects, interior designers and artists as well, in order to give distinguished results to its customers And you follow up all global developments in the field of decoration, in order to remain in front of all companies specialized in the field of decoration with hundreds of steps. If you are looking for excellence, then the company is your first and only choice, and because excellence is a decision and not a mere coincidence, so he decided to be distinguished through SMD Decoration servicesThe distinctive that we offer you, we put our own mark in any field by focusing on the simple details to produce great results such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the exterior design. If the restaurant is close to the sea or serves seafood, we try to make the exterior design to indicate this thing.

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