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Caring for ornamental plant decorations

Caring for ornamental plant decorations

Date: 2024/04/22


Table Of Contents

Types of ornamental plants:


Ornamental plants are those plants that are used to beautify homes, gardens, offices and public spaces. These plants are very diverse and include many different species that can be used indoors and outdoors. 


Caring for ornamental plant decorations (3)


Indoor ornamental plants


Indoor ornamental plants are plants that can survive and thrive in indoor conditions such as low light and air conditioning. These plants are ideal for people who do not have the time or experience to care for plants. It needs a little care and attention and can withstand harsh conditions inside the house.


Let us give some examples of these plants, including the Bosnian plant. It is a beautiful, shade-tolerant plant that can be ideal for homes that lack adequate natural lighting. It also has attractive, gorgeous leaves that add beauty to any corner of the house.


As for the Sansevieria plant, it is an ideal plant for people who forget to water the plants regularly. It is a strong and durable plant, and can withstand long periods without watering. In addition, it has beautiful and varied colored leaves, making it a great addition to any interior decor.


Outdoor ornamental plants


Outdoor ornamental plants are impressive plants that can be grown in open spaces such as gardens and backyards. These plants are characterized by their ability to withstand harsh weather conditions such as direct sunlight and lack of water.


Outdoor plants are drought-resistant, as they can survive in conditions of lack of water and humidity. For example, aloe vera plants can be grown in outdoor gardens, as they are distinguished by their fleshy leaves that help them store water and remain fresh and beautiful even in the hot summer.


In addition, there are other types of drought-resistant outdoor plants such as lemongrass, olives, and lavender. These plants have deep roots that enable them to survive in dry and barren soil.


Hanging ornamental plants


Hanging plants are a great choice for adding vertical accents to narrow spaces like balconies and small spaces. These plants hang from the top and hang elegantly, giving a beautiful appearance to the place.


Among the popular hanging plants we can mention spider plants and balsam. The spider is distinguished by its long, drooping green leaves that resemble the shape of a spider's web, which gives it an attractive appearance. As for balsam, it is a plant with small, drooping leaves in various colors, such as green, red, and yellow


Besides their beauty, hanging ornamental plants are also easy to care for. It needs a small amount of water and regular attention with fertilization. In addition, they can be beautifully arranged with other types of ornamental plants, such as small flowers or herbs.


Flowering ornamental plants


Flowering ornamental plants are a wonderful gift from nature to us, as they add a touch of beauty and bright colors to any place where they are placed. It is nice to see flowers blooming and slowly opening, giving us a fragrant scent that fills the air. These plants vary in their shapes and colors. Some have large, colorful flowers, while others have small, homogeneous flowers. 


For example, we have beautiful roses that come in multiple colors such as red, white and pink. We also have chrysanthemums that come in bright colors such as yellow, red and orange. It is nice to place these plants in our garden or in flower pots in our home to enjoy their beauty and colors.


In addition to their beauty, flowering plants with bright leaves are also beneficial to the environment. They help purify and add oxygen to the air, and they also attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies, which play an important role in pollinating other plants.


Ornamental plants with bright leaves


Ornamental plants with bright leaves are a type of beautiful plant that is distinguished by its attractive and colorful leaves. When you place these plants anywhere, they add a touch of liveliness to the surrounding space. Think of it like adding a bright painting to your room or office. Suppose you place a flowering plant with red leaves in a corner of your room. This corner will be bright and colorful, and you will feel happy when you look at it. These bright plants are considered living masterpieces that add beauty and vitality to the place in which they are placed.


Choosing appropriate ornamental plants:


When we talk about choosing beautiful plants to decorate our home or workplace, there are several factors we should take into consideration. It is important to understand the needs of these plants and balance them with the conditions of the place where they will be placed.


Lighting conditions


For plants, lighting plays an important role in their growth and development. There are some plants that need a large amount of direct sunlight to be able to carry out the process of photosynthesis and produce the energy necessary for their growth. Such plants use sunlight as their main source of energy and rely on it to make their own food.


On the other hand, there are some plants that can adapt to low light, such as plants found in dense forests or under large trees. These plants adapt by developing larger, darker leaves to absorb the greatest amount of available light. In addition, they also depend on the light reflected from trees and other leaves in the surrounding area.


To illustrate the idea, we can imagine that plants are like humans. Just as some of us need the sunshine to gain energy and vitality, there are also those who prefer to relax in the shade and take advantage of the reflected light. This depends on their individual needs and the environment in which they live.




Some plants are warm-tolerant, meaning they grow well when the weather is warm. For example, palm trees and bananas prefer high temperatures in order to be able to grow and produce fruits well. On the other hand, there are some plants that tolerate cold, such as pine and cedar, as they thrive in cold areas and tolerate frost and snow. These plants adapt to cold conditions by covering their sensitive parts and storing nutrients in other parts for winter use.


Air humidity


Some plants need moisture to survive and thrive. These plants differ from other plants that can adapt and live in a dry environment. To understand this better, let's imagine that plants are like people.


Suppose there is a person who loves to travel and explore and enjoys living in different environments. This person may be able to adapt and live in many different places, regardless of how dry they are. But there are other people who need to stay in a humid environment because they feel comfortable and happy in it. If they are in a dry environment for a long time, they may feel dehydrated and react negatively.


This is the same for plants. Some can survive and grow in a dry environment, while others need moisture to continue to grow and thrive. If plants that need moisture live in a dry environment for a long time, they may be negatively affected, become dehydrated, and stop growing.


Soil type


The type of soil plants need varies depending on their specific needs. Some plants need soil rich in nutrients and water, similar to the soil found in regularly irrigated gardens. These plants can benefit from the nutrients in the soil to grow and flower well. An example of this is roses, which need nutrient-rich soil in order to grow with beautiful colors and a pleasant scent.


As for other plants, they can grow in dry and nutrient-poor soil. These plants can take advantage of the limited resources available in the soil to survive and grow well. An example of this is cactus, which can grow in dry desert soil without needing much water.


Irrigation needs


Some plants need large amounts of water in order to grow and flourish. Imagine, for example, the iris plant, which needs regular watering to maintain its beauty and bloom with its bright colors. While there are other plants that can survive even with little water, such as cacti that have an efficient root system that can store water for long periods and use it when needed, imagine it like a reservoir that holds water for times of drought. Each plant has its own needs and adapts to the conditions of the environment in which it grows.


Caring for ornamental plant decorations (4)



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I would like to remind you that SMD Decoration Company has a team of specialists and professionals to choose ornamental plants to decorate your homes with professionalism and mastery.


Ornamental plant care:


Caring for ornamental plants is an important process to maintain their beauty and health. Just as we need food and water to grow, ornamental plants need care and attention to grow well.

First, we must water the plants regularly. Watering them means giving them the right amount of water to meet their moisture needs. We must make sure that the soil in the plant pot is dry before we water it again. We can also use other methods to measure the watering needs of plants, such as testing the soil by sticking our finger into it to see if it is dry or wet.

Secondly, we must feed plants with the nutrients necessary for their healthy growth. We can use fertilizers to provide these nutrients. You should choose the appropriate fertilizer for the type of plant and follow the instructions on the package to ensure that it is used correctly.

Third, we must cut off the excess or dead parts of the plants. This promotes plant growth and helps maintain its beautiful shape. We can use garden shears to prune long branches or old leaves.

Finally, we must be prepared to combat pests and diseases that may affect plants. Harmful insects and diseases can cause plants to deteriorate and cause damage. We must monitor the plants regularly and look for any signs of pests or diseases. If we detect anything abnormal, we must take measures to get rid of them and treat the affected plants.




It is necessary to water plants regularly to ensure their healthy and strong growth. However, we must avoid watering it in excessive quantities, as this can cause the roots of the plants to rot.


To understand this concept better, let's imagine that plants are like people who need to drink water to survive. If we give people too much water at one time, they may feel overly full and may become nauseous and tired. Likewise, if plants are watered with too much water, their roots may rot and become damaged.


Therefore, we must be careful when watering plants and give them a moderate amount of water on a regular basis. We can watch and feel the soil to know when a plant needs water. If the soil is dry and the plant looks tired, it means it needs watering. Conversely, if the soil is very moist and the plant appears healthy, it does not need water at that moment.




Fertilization is the process of adding the necessary nutrients to plants to meet their needs. Nutrients are essential for proper growth and development of plants. For example, plants need nitrogen to form proteins and nucleic acids, they need phosphorus to develop roots and form seeds, and they need potassium to enhance plant health and resistance to disease.


But we must deal with fertilization with caution, as adding an excessive amount of nutrients can have a negative impact on the plants and the surrounding environment. For example, if an excessive amount of nitrogen is added, it may lead to excessive leaf growth and the formation of harmful substances in the soil. Therefore, we must follow expert fertilization guidelines and determine the actual needs of plants before adding nutrients.




Pruning is a very important process for plants, where excess or damaged parts are cut off. This procedure helps maintain the plant's shape and size, and promotes new growth.


Think of plants like hair, when the hair grows, it needs to be trimmed to maintain its shape and beauty. In the same way, when plants grow and bloom, they also need pruning to maintain their beautiful appearance.


When you prune plants, old leaves and broken or damaged branches are removed. This helps the plant direct its energy towards healthy, sound parts, promoting new growth and making it more beautiful.


For example, if you have a plant with multiple branches growing in different directions, you can prune excess branches to better shape the plant and direct growth in the direction you desire.


In addition, pruning can be beneficial to enhance flower or fruit production. When you remove old and dead branches, the plant can focus its energy on producing new flowers or delicious fruit.


Pest and disease control


When we talk about controlling pests and diseases in plants, we are talking about maintaining the health of plants and protecting them from diseases and harmful insects. This is important because plants are an important source of food and oxygen for us.


Therefore, we must be careful and monitor the plants regularly to ensure that there are no pests or diseases. These pests and diseases can be difficult to see with the naked eye, so we can use tools like a microscope to see them better.


When we find any pest or disease in plants, we must take appropriate measures to combat it. This may include using insecticides to get rid of harmful insects, or using fungicides to get rid of fungal diseases.


For example, if we have a plant suffering from an insect pest such as caterpillars, we can use a natural insecticide to eliminate them. If the plants suffer from a fungal disease such as gray mold, we can use a fungicide to get rid of it.


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Ornamental plant decoration design:


Designing ornamental plant decorations is a great way to add life to the spaces around us. When we use ornamental plants in decorating, we add a touch of nature and beautiful colors to the place.


For example, we can use small plants such as aromatic herbs in the kitchens to add a refreshing scent and a relaxing feeling. We can also use vertical plants such as pottery in narrow spaces to give a feeling of height and expansion.


It is also nice to use overhead plants such as hanging plants or small plants placed on shelves to add a lively touch to rooms.


In addition, ornamental plants are also an excellent way to improve the air quality in the home or office, as they absorb harmful gases and improve the oxygen level in the air.


Use appropriate pots


Choosing the right pots for your plants and home decor is important. You can search for creative ideas for decorative plant pots that suit your taste and add beauty to the place. For example, you can use natural wood planters to add a natural touch to the decor. Or you can use colorful ceramic pots. There are also durable, lightweight plastic planters, which are a suitable option for outdoor areas where they can be exposed to the elements. In addition, you can use hanging pots to hang plants and save space at home. Explore the available options and choose pots that reflect your personality and meet the needs of your plants.


Arrangement of ornamental plants


Arranging plants in the home or garden can be fun and interesting. It is a great way to add an aesthetic touch to a place and make it look more vibrant. There are many different ways to arrange plants for an attractive visual effect. Let's take a look at some of these methods:


  1. Arrange plants by height: You can arrange plants so that you have taller plants in the back and shorter plants in the front. This creates multiple layers of plants and adds depth to the space. For example, you can place tall plants like bamboo in the back and shorter plants like small flowers in the front.


  1. Group plants with similar colors: You can group plants with similar colors together to create a beautiful visual effect. For example, you can group green plants together to create a green garden that is beautiful and easy on the eye.


  1. Arrange plants by type: You can also arrange plants by type. For example, you can create a mini desert garden by grouping desert plants together. This will create an eye-catching scene.


  1. Use different pots and utensils: You can use different pots and utensils to arrange the plants. You can use ceramic, wood, or glass utensils to add an artistic touch to the place. You can also use different sizes and shapes of pots to create variety and balance in the arrangement.


Creating indoor gardens


Creating a small indoor garden can be a great addition to your home, where you can enjoy a touch of nature without having to leave the house. Think of it as a little piece of heaven inside your home!


Instead of being surrounded by just walls and furniture, you can add some beautiful green plants and colorful flowers for a creative experience. You can choose plants that grow easily indoors such as sculibia, pothos or bonsai. You can also decorate the indoor garden with some beautiful decorations such as pebbles or natural wooden furniture.


In addition to visual beauty, an indoor garden can provide you with many health benefits. Plants help purify the air and improve its quality. They also enhance psychological comfort and reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, an indoor garden can be a great place to practice your gardening or plant care hobby.


Use ornamental plants to liven up spaces


Using beautiful plants and flowers to decorate spaces can add elegance to any place. For example, if you have a small apartment, placing some beautiful green plants in different corners of the house will give it a feeling of life and freshness. If you have a balcony, you can place colorful and flowering pots on its edges to add cheerful color to the place.


In addition, plants can act as air filters and help purify the air of impurities and unpleasant odors. For example, the aloe vera plant is excellent at absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the air, which improves the quality of the surrounding air and promotes a healthy environment.


Additionally, plants can help improve mood and overall wellness. Studies have shown that interacting with plants and nature can reduce the level of stress and anxiety and promote feelings of happiness and relaxation.


Tips for caring for ornamental plants:


There are many important tips to consider when caring for ornamental plants. It is important to choose plants that are easy to care for and do not require much effort to maintain. For example, plants such as cacti and plants with large, strong leaves that can easily withstand changes in environmental conditions can be chosen.

Always remember that taking good care of ornamental plants depends on choosing the right plant and providing appropriate care. Whether you are choosing an indoor or outdoor plant, it is important to understand its specific needs and provide it with the care it needs to grow and thrive.


For example, suppose you want to grow an indoor plant in your home. Before you decide which plant to choose, look up information about its water needs and appropriate light level. Does it need constant irrigation or can it survive with small amounts of water? Does it need direct sunlight or can it thrive in window light?


After you determine the plant's needs, provide optimal conditions for it in your home. You may need to place it in a suitable pot with nutrient-rich soil and provide good aeration for its roots. You can also use organic fertilizers to nourish the plant and maintain its health.


Don't forget to monitor the plant's growth and notice any changes in its health. If you notice any signs of diseases or pests, take necessary measures to deal with them. You may need to consult a garden expert if you are unsure how to address the problem.


Clean the leaves of ornamental plants regularly


Cleaning the leaves of ornamental plants regularly is important to maintain their beauty and health. When you clean the leaves regularly, you remove the dust and dirt that may accumulate on them, which contributes to improving the plant’s respiration and its absorption of sunlight necessary for photosynthesis.


 You can imagine that the leaves are the skin of the plant, and cleaning them regularly is like washing your face to maintain its freshness and beauty. Also imagine that the dust and dirt on the leaves are similar to the dirt that accumulates on the face, and that cleaning them helps improve the health and radiance of the plant.

Caring for ornamental plant decorations (1)

I hope these tips are useful to you in taking care of ornamental plants. Always remember that taking good care of plants begins with the right choice and proper care. No matter what type of plant you choose, make sure you know their special needs and give them the care they need to thrive.


 Caring for ornamental plants requires knowledge and attention. Make them part of your daily routine and enjoy watching them grow and flourish.



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A leading company in the field of interior design and decoration in Türkiye and the Arab region

SMD Decoration and Interior Design was established in 2017 in Istanbul, Türkiye. Since then, the company has grown to become one of the leading interior design companies in Turkey and the Arab region. The company provides its services worldwide, including interior design for homes, villas, companies and other commercial projects. The company has extensive experience in the field of interior design and a team of professional designers who can create unique and beautiful interior designs that meet your needs and budget.


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