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Planning children's room decor when pregnant

Planning children's room decor when pregnant

Date: 2024/07/23


Table Of Contents

Children’s rooms are their own world, where they spend most of their time playing, learning and growing. Designing these rooms is an important responsibility for parents, especially when there is a new baby on the way.


Planning children's room decor when pregnant (1)


The importance of designing children's rooms:


Children's room design is very important in the life and development of children. These rooms are their own space, where they can play, relax and learn in a comfortable and safe environment. Appropriate room design can affect the child's mood and mental and physical development.

When designing a child's room, we must take into account his needs and interests. For example, we can put educational toys that encourage him to think and explore. We can also decorate the room with pictures or drawings of characters that the child loves, such as fictional heroes or his favorite animals. This will help the child feel connected and comfortable in his room.


Tips for designing children's rooms when pregnant:


 Choose calm and relaxing colors:

When you want to turn your home into a calm and comfortable place, you can start by choosing calm and comfortable colors for the interior decoration. For example, you can use soft colors such as white, beige, and pastel colors, as they give a feeling of calm and comfort. For example, you can use pastel colors in furniture, curtains, and interior accessories to give a calm atmosphere to the place. You can also use dark colors in a balanced way.

When it comes to baby sleep, the environment around the baby plays an important role in calming and relaxing the baby and helping him sleep better. One of the ways that can be used to achieve this is by using calm colors in the bedroom.

When we talk about calm colors, we mean colors like light blue, green, or light pink. These colors have a calming effect on the body and mind, and can help a child relax and prepare for sleep.


 Provide enough space for play and movement:


Providing enough space for play and movement is very important for the health and happiness of children and adults alike. It is important that we have enough space in our homes or in the communities we live in to allow people to move around and enjoy their favorite activities.

 We must ensure that there is enough space for children to move and play in the room. This space is not just a place to play, but a gateway to discovering the world, developing their skills and enhancing their creativity. So, let us be keen to provide this space and help our children enjoy their time and reach their full potential.


Use comfortable and safe furniture:


When we talk about using comfortable and safe furniture, we are talking about the importance of choosing furniture that provides comfort and safety for everyone. Comfortable furniture helps us relax and enjoy our time at home or at work, while safe furniture protects us from injuries and accidents.

When it comes to children's furniture, the most important thing is that it is comfortable and safe for them. We must take into account the size of the children and their individual needs when choosing furniture.

Let’s start with comfort. Children spend a lot of time in their rooms, whether they are playing, studying or relaxing. So, the furniture should be designed in a way that makes them feel comfortable and relaxed. For example, you can choose a comfortable and soft chair to sit on or a comfortable bed to sleep on.

As for safety, furniture should be designed in a way that protects children from injury or falling. For example, the edges of the furniture should be rounded and free of sharp corners that could cause injury to the child. The furniture should also be well secured to prevent it from falling and harming the child.

In addition, the size of the furniture should be proportionate to the size of the children. It is not appropriate for the furniture to be too big or too small so that the child feels cramped or uncomfortable. The furniture should be appropriate for their size and easy for them to use easily.


Combine entertainment and learning elements:

We can use entertainment and educational elements together to create an exciting and beneficial environment for children. For example, we can provide children with a variety of books and games that develop their language and mental skills. These books can be exciting adventures that take children on a journey to imaginary worlds or tell inspiring stories of courage and friendship.

In addition, we can use educational items such as drawing boards and maps to enhance children’s creativity and spatial thinking skills. For example, we can encourage children to draw their own pictures and hang them in the classroom, which helps them express their thoughts and feelings in an artistic way.

By using these different elements, we can create a rich environment that stimulates children’s imagination and enhances their creativity. When children interact with books, toys and paintings, their thinking is enhanced and their language, artistic and mental skills are developed. Thus, learning becomes fun and interesting for them and their passion for exploring more and learning is developed continuously.


Considering the child's needs as he grows older:


When we talk about designing a child’s room, we must take into account his different needs and development over time. As the child grows and his interests and needs change, we must be able to easily change the room’s furniture and decorations to suit his new stage.

 The design of a child's room should be flexible and adaptable so that it can meet his changing needs as he grows. The room should be a comfortable and inspiring place for the child, where he feels happy and comfortable and can develop his interests and talents freely.


Additional ideas:

Use soft lighting: It is best to avoid using strong, direct lighting, and instead use soft, eye-friendly lighting. For example, lamps with a diffused shade can be used to provide even, soothing lighting in the room.

Good ventilation: Make sure that there is good ventilation in the room to ensure that the child gets fresh and clean air. Windows can be opened to allow fresh air to flow, and a fan can also be used to improve ventilation in the room.

Soft Rug: A soft rug can be added to the floor to provide a play area and protect the baby from the cold. It can be thought of as a soft mat that provides comfort for the baby while playing and protects him from the cold floor.

Storage Cabinets: Cabinets can be added to organize the child's toys, clothes, and books. They can be thought of as a place to store important things for the child, such as favorite toys, organized clothes, and books he loves to read.


Planning children's room decor when pregnant (2)



To watch a video about interior design and decoration from  SMD Decoration,  click here.



Advantages of designing your children's rooms with SMD:

  • Innovative design specially for your children:

We design your children's rooms in an innovative way that is customized to their personality and needs.

Taking into account their different stages of growth.

We use bright colors and fun shapes to stimulate their creativity and add joy to their rooms.

  • Safe and environmentally friendly materials:

We use safe and eco-friendly materials in designing your children's rooms.

Making sure that they are free of any toxic or hazardous materials to their health.

  • High quality and competitive prices:

We offer you our services with high quality and competitive prices that suit your budget.

  • Professional and specialized team:

Your children's rooms are designed by a professional team specialized in designing children's rooms.

He has extensive experience and good taste.

  • An integrated service that guarantees your comfort:

We offer you a comprehensive service that starts from listening to your ideas and ends with delivering your children’s rooms ready for use.

Ensuring your complete satisfaction at every stage.




Ideas for designing children's rooms according to the gender of the fetus:

• Boys' rooms:


Colors: Dark colors such as deep blue, dark green, or warm brown can be used in your designs. Deep blue can give a sense of confidence and calm, while dark green can add a touch of nature and freshness to the space. As for warm brown, it can give a sense of elegance.

Decorations: You can draw inspiration from animals, cars, or sports in your interior designs. For example, you can use artwork depicting your favorite animals. Or you can use furniture pieces inspired by car designs. For sports fans, you can use posters or flags of your favorite teams to show your passion and interest in sports.


• Girls' rooms:


When we talk about colors and decorations, we are talking about how to add vitality and beauty to the spaces we live in. Light colors such as pink, purple, and yellow can add a touch of happiness and vitality to the environment around us. For example, we can use pink to decorate the bedroom. As for purple, it can be used to decorate the living room. As for yellow, it can be used to decorate the kitchen or dining room, as it can give a feeling of vitality and energy.

As for decorations, we can get our inspiration from princesses, butterflies, or stuffed animals. For example, we can use pictures of princesses and palaces to decorate the children's room. As for butterflies, we can use them to design wall paintings or pillows to decorate the living room. As for stuffed animals, we can use them to decorate the bedroom or the children's room.


• Shared children's rooms:


Colors: You know, in the world there are many beautiful colors that can be used to decorate the house. But here I will mention some neutral colors, such as white, yellow and light green. These colors are ideal. For example, you can use white to give the room a more spacious and clean look, yellow to create a bright and lively atmosphere, and light green to create a sense of nature and tranquility.

Decorations: When we talk about decorations, we mean the way we decorate the house and make it look beautiful and comfortable. When we say “unisex decorations”, we mean that you can use designs and styles that suit everyone, regardless of their gender. For example, you can use neutral colors as we talked about before, and you can also use furniture with a simple and elegant design that suits all tastes. This means that the house will be comfortable and beautiful for everyone, regardless of nationality or personal interests.


Practical steps to implement children's room design:


Determine the budget: Before starting to design the room, it is necessary to determine the amount of money available to spend on the project. This helps in identifying options and making appropriate decisions based on the available resources.

Room Measurement: The room should be measured accurately to determine its area and dimensions. This helps in determining the available spaces and determining the appropriate location for furniture and decorations.

Design sketch: Design software or hand-drawn sketches can be used to visualize different ideas for designing a room. This can be like creating a roadmap for the work, identifying basic ideas, and arranging elements in the room.

Choosing furniture and decorations: Furniture and decorations should be chosen carefully, taking into account the child’s safety, needs, and taste. For example, bright and cheerful colors can be chosen for the room that promote positive energy and vitality.

Implementing the design: After choosing the appropriate furniture and decorations, it is time to implement the design on the ground. Skilled craftsmen can be called upon to carry out the necessary work, such as installing the furniture and applying the finishing touches to complete the design in a wonderful and beautiful way.


Tips for choosing children's room furniture:

Here are some important tips for choosing children's room furniture. Choosing the right furniture for a children's room can be a difficult task, so you should consider many factors before making a final decision.

Furniture Safety: It is essential to ensure that the furniture we choose is safe to use and does not contain toxic materials. For example, it may be better to choose furniture made of natural wood instead of furniture made of plastic that may contain harmful materials. It is also important to ensure that the edges of the furniture are smooth and do not contain sharp corners that could cause injury to children.

Quality of materials used: We should pay attention to the quality of materials used in making furniture. When we choose furniture made of high-quality materials, it can last for a long period of time and withstand daily use. For example, if we choose a sofa made of genuine leather, it may be more durable and resistant to damage than a sofa made of fabric.

The right size of furniture for the room: It is very important to choose furniture that is appropriate for the size of the room. When the furniture is too large for the available space, it can restrict the movement of children and make the room look cramped and crowded. So, we must take into account the size of the room and choose furniture that fits it appropriately.

Easy to clean furniture: It is better to choose furniture that is easy to clean, as it is easy to clean and keep the room clean. For example, it may be better to choose furniture made of materials that can be easily wiped down when our children spill food or drinks on the furniture. This makes it easier for us to keep the room clean and keep the furniture in good condition for a longer period.


Planning children's room decor when pregnant (3)


Tips for choosing children's room decorations:


Here are some tips for choosing children's room decorations that will help you create a fun and creative atmosphere in your children's room:

Choosing the right colors: Use bright and cheerful colors in the children's room, such as blue, yellow, and green. These colors are stimulating and help engage children in play and interaction.

Use your favorite drawings and characters: Decorate the walls with pictures of your children's favorite characters, such as cartoon characters or their favorite animals. You can also use colorful drawings.

Provide a space for play: Allocate enough space in the children's room for play and exploration. You can arrange toys and games appropriate for the child's age in a specific corner, and organize them in a way that makes it easy for the child to reach and use them easily.

Use proper lighting: Use natural lighting and soft, colored lamps in the children's room. Proper lighting creates a comfortable atmosphere in the room, and helps children feel safe and relaxed.

Space organization: Try to organize the children's room appropriately to provide enough space for movement and play. Use cabinets and shelves to store toys and personal items, which helps maintain order and arrangement in the room.

Provide a study area: If your child is of school age, provide a designated study area in his room. Use a small desk, a comfortable chair, and good lighting to create an environment conducive to learning and concentration.

Finally, the child's personality and interests must be taken into account when designing the room. The child can be involved in choosing the decorations and colors he likes, taking into account his personality and special interests. This helps to involve him and make him feel comfortable and happy in his own place.


Inspiration from children's room designs:

Modern Kids Room Photos: You can browse through the pictures of modern kids rooms on the SMD website for fresh and inspiring ideas. These pictures will help you visualize how your child's room can look in an innovative and exciting way.

Creative Kids Room Designs: If you are looking for unique kids room designs, you can check out the creative ideas available. You can find designs that combine bright colors, innovative shapes, and distinctive decorations, creating a fun and inspiring environment for your child.

Ideas for saving storage space in children's rooms: You can look for ideas for saving storage space in children's rooms to keep the room tidy and organized. For example, you can use practical shelves that are hung on the wall to store toys and books, or use a bed with drawers to store clothes and personal items. These ideas will help you make the most of the available space in your child's room and avoid clutter.


Planning children's room decor when pregnant (4)


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Services provided by  SMD Decoration

SMD Decoration | Turkey Decorations | The best interior design company in Turkey, Istanbul

SMD Decoration  is an interior design company specialized in interior decoration in Turkey.

We are an interior design company that provides a wide range of services in the field of interior design, starting from designing and implementing Turkish home decor, Turkish decor for apartments, villas and palaces, and salon decor.

Even designing and implementing Turkish decorations for commercial projects such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools and universities.


Our designs are characterized by professionalism and passion, and we strive to realize our clients' vision and transform their ideas into a tangible and attractive reality. We believe in the importance of reflecting the Turkish identity, culture and Istanbul decorations in our designs, and we strive to provide a unique and distinctive experience for our clients.


In addition, we provide other services such as installation, upholstery, painting, finishing, renovation and modernization for residences and commercial projects in Istanbul Decorations.

We also specialize in designing and executing custom furniture and interior furnishings for residential and commercial projects.

 We have experience in designing Turkish decorations, implementing interior and exterior lighting in Turkish home decorations, and installing electronic systems.


We consider SMD Decoration as the best decoration company in Turkey, as we provide high quality services and are keen to achieve customer satisfaction.

 We work diligently to implement projects from the precise planning to the final finishing, with great attention to detail and precise execution.


SMD Decoration is the best decoration company in Qatar, where creativity and quality are at the service of the customer.

SMD Decoration is the best decoration company in the Emirates, where the interior design and decoration are beyond imagination.

SMD Decoration is the best decoration company in Saudi Arabia and the Arab countries, where innovation and quality are in every design.

SMD Decoration is the best decoration company in Kuwait, with experience, efficiency, quality of service and overall customer satisfaction.

SMD Decoration is the best decoration company in Amman in terms of services, reviews, opinions and prices.

SMD Decoration is the best decoration company in Bahrain, transforming ideas into reality.

SMD Decoration is the best decoration company in Libya, as the decoration design is in line with the latest trends and standards in this field.

SMD Decoration is the best decoration company in Iraq, studying various influencing factors to meet the needs of customers and match their lifestyle.

SMD Decoration is the most distinguished interior design company , as when receiving a specific project, it follows up on it, starting from developing the plan in terms of small details, all the way to putting the final finishes.


SMD Decoration is a great interior design company in Turkey. The company provides high quality space beautification services at competitive prices.

By using the latest technologies and materials, the company ensures that it achieves the best results for its clients.

The company always aims to meet the needs and desires of customers, and works hard to achieve a design that suits the customer's taste and reflects his personality and needs.

 Its professional team works passionately to transform ideas and visions into tangible reality, with great attention to detail and precise execution.

The company believes in the importance of customer experience and strives to ensure complete customer satisfaction.



 To contact customer service,  click here.


We would like to emphasize that SMD Decoration,  an interior design and decoration company in Turkey, does not use Bitcoin or digital currencies in its commercial transactions, but rather accepts payment in paper currencies or through bank transfers.



SMD Interior Design and Decoration Company

A leading company in the field of interior design and decoration in Türkiye and the Arab region

SMD Decoration and Interior Design was established in 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey. Since then, the company has grown to become one of the leading interior design companies in Turkey and the Arab region. The company provides its services all over the world, including interior design for homes, villas, companies and other commercial projects. The company has extensive experience in the field of interior design and a team of professional designers who can create unique and beautiful interior designs that meet your needs and budget.


SMD Interior Design & Decoration Company offers a wide range of services, including:

  • Interior design of homes and villas
  • Corporate Interior Design
  • Interior design for other commercial projects
  • Interior design for exhibitions and conferences
  • Interior design for hotels and restaurants


SMD Interior Design & Decoration offers a variety of design styles, including:

  • Modern design
  • Classic design
  • Contemporary design
  • Industrial Design
  • Environmental design


SMD Interior Design & Decoration is committed to providing high quality services that meet the needs of its clients. The company works with its clients to understand their needs and goals, and then designs interior designs that meet those needs and goals.


SMD Interior Design and Decoration Company has branches in many important cities in Turkey and the Arab region, including:

  • Istanbul, Türkiye
  • Ankara, Türkiye
  • Bursa, Türkiye
  • Izmir, Türkiye
  • Antalya, Türkiye
  • Doha, Qatar
  • Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Dubai United Arab Emirates
  • Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Kuwait
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  • Tripoli, Libya
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