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Discover the types of fabric used in furnishings and future designs

Discover the types of fabric used in furnishings and future designs

Date: 2023/04/05


Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

The choice of the types of fabric used in the upholstery   is one of the basic elements in the design of the furnishings, as it is used to cover sofas, chairs, curtains, pillows, blankets, and others. The types of fabric used in furnishings differ   in the material used, color, texture, design, texture and quality.

There are many options for fabrics from which home furniture is made, as they differ in their patterns, colors, texture and quality as well, so that the fabrics of all kinds are used in the manufacture of various pieces of upholstered home furniture such as sofas and dining room chairs, and they are divided into two basic types: Natural and synthetic fabrics, and many people are confused about how to choose the types of fabrics that suit the requirements of their homes, in terms of fabric quality and pattern, to provide a beautiful appearance and comfort, in addition to being easy to clean and take care of.

The types of fabrics used in furnishings are used  to add comfort, elegance and beauty to the interior spaces. Soft and comfortable fabrics can be used to achieve comfort and relaxation, while luxurious and elegant fabrics can be used to add beauty and elegance to the furnishings.

The fabrics used in the furnishings are available in many different materials, such as cotton, leather, silk, wool, polyester, etc., where the appropriate material is chosen according to the uses of the furnishings and the available budget.


The types of fabrics used in furnishings are  an important part of the interior design process, as they must be compatible with the rest of the elements in the room to achieve the desired look and comfort, and care must be taken to choose high-quality fabrics to obtain long-lasting furnishings that can withstand repeated use.

SMD Decoration  provides   the art of  interior decoration according to creative and aesthetic services   

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2- The types of fabric used in the furnishings and included in its design      

Fabric is an essential element in the design of furnishings, as it is used in the implementation of chairs, sofas, curtains, pillows, curtains, mats, and other interior decorations. The types of fabrics used in furnishings vary based on the expected use, the desired decorative style, and the available budget. 

There are many types of fabric used in furnishings , and they differ in the materials used, style, design, color, and texture. Here are some common types of fabrics used in upholstery:

1- Cotton:

 Cotton is one of the most popular fabrics used in furnishings, and it is characterized by its softness and durability, as it allows the skin to breathe and has good wrinkle resistance.

2- Silk: 

Silk is considered one of the luxurious and high-end fabrics, and it is distinguished by its soft texture and unique luster, and it is usually used in luxurious and expensive furnishings.


3- Wool:

 Wool is durable, wrinkle- and wrinkle-resistant, and is commonly used in warm furnishings, such as for homes in cold regions.

4- Linen:

 Linen is durable, wrinkle- and wear-resistant, breathable and moisture-wicking, and is commonly used in light furnishings.

5 - Polyester: 

Polyester is a cheap, wrinkle-resistant industrial fabric that is commonly used in the manufacture of inexpensive upholstery and finished products.



 To watch a video about the steps of the art of interior decoration, click here    

3- Things to consider when choosing  the types of fabric used in furnishings  

There are many types of fabric used in furnishings, and they differ in the material used, color, texture, design, texture, and quality.

Here are some things to consider when using fabrics in upholstery:

1 - Type of fabric:

The appropriate type of fabric must be chosen according to the uses of the furnishings and the available budget, and it must be characterized by durability and high quality.

2 - Design and color:

 The appropriate design and color of the furnishings must be chosen according to the style of decoration, the available space, and the available budget.

3- Texture: 

You should choose a fabric that feels comfortable and soft to the skin and has the ability to withstand repeated use.


4 - Ease of cleaning: 

A fabric that is easy to clean and maintain on a regular basis should be chosen, especially if the upholstery is used on a daily basis.


5- Quality:

 Care must be taken to choose high-quality fabrics to obtain long-lasting furnishings that can withstand repeated use.

It should be noted that the use of fabrics in furnishings is an important part of the interior design process, and it must be compatible with the rest of the elements in the room to achieve the desired appearance and comfort.  

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4- The basic elements in selecting  the types of fabric used in furnishings .

The basic elements in choosing the types of fabric used in furnishings differ  according to the purpose of using the furnishings and the available budget, but in general, they include the following basic elements:

1- Article: 

The right material should be chosen for the expected use of the furnishings, such as cotton, leather, silk, wool, polyester, etc.

2- Quality: 

Care must be taken to choose high-quality fabrics to obtain long-lasting furnishings that can withstand repeated use, as the quality of the fabrics affects durability, appearance, and comfort.

3 - Design and color: 

The appropriate design and color of the furnishings must be chosen according to the style of decoration, the available space and the available budget, and the design must be characterized by elegance, beauty and uniqueness.

4- Comfort: 

Fabrics that provide comfort and relaxation must be chosen, as furnishings are used for sitting, relaxing, sleeping, and others.

5- Maintenance:

 Fabrics that are easy to care for and that can be easily washed and cleaned should be chosen.

6- Budget:

 Fabrics and furnishings should be chosen according to the available budget, and deals and discounts should be researched to get the best value for money.

By choosing the right fabrics according to the basic elements mentioned above, it is possible to obtain beautiful and durable furnishings that add comfort and elegance to the interior spaces.

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SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the customer and apply them in all stages of interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.


4 – – Types of fabric used in furnishings   and services provided by SMD Decoration   .

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SMD Decoration companies provide a variety of services to customers designing and implementing integrated interior decorations, and these services include choosing suitable fabrics for furnishings. SMD Decoration provides   the following services:

 Furnishings suitable for the available space and the required decorative style are designed and implemented, and appropriate fabrics are selected according to the design and available budget.

2- Providing advice on the types of fabric used in furnishings   to customers in choosing the appropriate fabrics for furnishings, based on the expected use and the required decorative style.

3- Provide samples of different fabrics for customers to choose from.

4- Providing the service of ordering fabrics from suppliers, based on the customer’s choice.

5- Providing advice and instructions to customers regarding the care of fabrics to maintain their quality and durability.

6- Supervise the installation of the tapestries and ensure that the fabrics are installed correctly according to the specified design.


By using the services of SMD Decoration companies,  customers can obtain beautiful and high-quality furnishings that suit the style of decoration and meet their needs and requirements.


SMD Decoration is  one of the most distinguished companies, so that when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from developing the plan in terms of small details, all the way to final finishing .

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