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Design, innovation, supervision and implementation of office decor

Design, innovation, supervision and implementation of office decor

Date: 2023/04/06

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

Decorative engineering is considered one of the creative fields, as it is a wide gateway to art in the field of decoration, interior design of buildings, and various architectural facilities, and what distinguishes this specialty most; Merging between the spirit of art found in the designer, or interior designer specialized in this field

All these details play an important role in the design and implementation of office décor  

Therefore, SMD Decoration provides the best and most creative office decoration  design and implementation services in this field, so that you can get the best office decoration  .

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2- Steps and works  of designing and implementing an office decor :

 Designing and implementing an office decor   that is of great importance; Because it has a fundamental role in the workflow and the comfort of the employees and their satisfaction with the work environment and in giving the visitors a good idea, and there must be a solid plan that is developed in advance through the agreement between the client and the company according to specific steps that we present to you, dear reader:   

To watch a video on the steps to implement the project, click here 


Study and plan:

SMD Decoration appoints a specialized team to study an office decoration  project  , where the team conducts a simple study of the office before making an interior decoration in terms of space, window openings to know the lighting, and to know the nature of the work, in order to design the decoration appropriately to the nature of the work of the administrative office, as well as knowing the client’s taste so that It can be designed on the basis of a valid system.

carrying out work :

After completing the design of the office decoration ,   SMD Decoration   distributes the work to each engineer in the staff, according to his specialization, whether from architects or decorators, to obtain a specialized work team, and we create different specialized groups to supervise and follow up at this stage.

After agreeing with the customer to develop a work plan and understanding the basic points on which the work will be carried out, the paper plan is converted into 3D boards so that if the customer is satisfied and does not want to amend it, work will be started directly, and if he wants to amend any details, the issue is simple.

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The work is distributed to groups of teams, so there must be coordination between these teams, so that there is no conflict between their agreed work through a project management and organization team that follows up on the completion of the work according to the schedule set for delivery at the date that is agreed upon according to the capabilities and circumstances available.


SMD Decoration takes care of all these details and takes care of them, in order not to waste money or time in repairing or modifying errors.



SMD Decoration guarantees all works for a period of time to be agreed upon after examining the quality of the work by specialized committees and studying all previous stages to avoid any errors and obtain customer satisfaction.


3- Standards and foundations  for designing and implementing office décor

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Offices are designed based on several criteria that must be taken into account before starting work in the office, as  the office décor must be designed appropriately to the nature of the office’s work, comfort must be provided, and a suitable work environment for employees and clients must be provided, and there are a group of these important criteria

Office rooms : Office rooms must be designed based on several criteria that suit the nature of office work. The office area must range between 24-40 square meters, and the largest office depth of the window should not exceed six meters, and in some cases it can reach nearly Seven and a half meters.

 Managers' rooms : Managers' rooms are usually designed in a larger size than other rooms in offices, as there can be a place for small meetings inside, and a secretarial office is attached to it, whose area ranges between 8-20 square meters, while the space in open offices is limited according to the nature of the work that is being done. practiced by the establishment, as well as on the manner in which administrative offices are placed and designed.

 Archive rooms: It is preferable that the archive rooms be close to the staff room, and their area depends on the size of the files that must be kept in them, in addition to the number of workers in them. It may be less than the height of the office rooms, or it may be more. 

Drawing room: Suitable lighting must be chosen in the drawing room, as it must be from the north or northwest, and it is preferable to have an upper room to obtain the appropriate lighting without any reflections.

According to the principle of the most important is important, before listing the ideas, we should remind you of the basics. Whether or not locating a suitable place for the office should be your top priority. It is better for it to be in a location away from noise and bustle, and for the place to be well lit and ventilated. It would also be great if you could do your work and office in front of a beautiful landscape such as a garden or a lake. 

The colors should also be consistent so that they don't distract you and focus you. If you have a color that you like, feel free to make this color cover the room. Thus, your creativity comes out of it, as it is the most deserving of the bright, vibrant colors of life. Because this will reflect positively on your productivity and enthusiasm for work 

SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the client and apply them at all stages in order to satisfy him and gain his trust and maintain its leadership in the labor market with its good reputation.


4- SMD Decoration services in the design and implementation of office decor

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In fact, SMD Decoration is one of the most distinguished companies , so when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from placing small details to final finishes, and SMD Decoration uses the best cadres of architects, interior designers and artists as well, in order to give distinguished results to its customers And you follow up all global developments in the field of decoration, in order to remain in front of all companies specialized in the field of decoration with hundreds of steps. If you are looking for excellence, then the company is your first and only choice, and because excellence is a decision and not a mere coincidence, so he decided to be distinguished through SMD Decoration servicesThe distinctive that we offer you, we put our own mark in any field by focusing on the simple details to produce great results such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the exterior design. If the restaurant is close to the sea or serves seafood, we try to make the exterior design to indicate this thing.

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