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SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Design of men's councils

Design of men's councils

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

Majlis is one of the most important pillars of palaces, villas and houses as well, it is an expression of the high taste of the owners of the house, it is a function of their generosity and the presence of their welcome, it is the part frequented by guests and where friends and friends spend most of their time, and in this article we will highlight the design of men's Majlis .

From here, councils must have the lion's share of the interior design of villas, as it is the responsibility of decoration engineers to balance aesthetics, taste and good choice of designs on the one hand, while maintaining space and spaciousness on the other hand, and on the third hand to highlight luxury and luxury away from vulgarity and extravagance at the same time.

There are two main types of councils that are fundamentally different from each other: men's councils and women's councils.In this article, we will highlight the design of men's councils, and in the article that follows, We will mention the evening councils, the most important features of them, and some of the interior decoration designs with examples and illustrative photos.

تصميم مجالس الرجال
تصميم مجالس الرجال

What distinguishes the design of men's councils

One of the most important advantages of men's Majlis decoration is to send spaciousness, generosity and hospitality to everyone who enters it from guests, parents and relatives, and the design of men's Majlis decoration may be a challenge in itself, where the large size of the space is one of the most important specifications of the majlis for men, and to design it in a functional, beautiful and harmonious way, attention must be paid to a set of points and details that we will mention in this article, and we hope that it will help you reach your goal and make it easier for you to design the character that you have chosen.

Some basics of designing the decor of men's councils in a modern way

1-Creating a possibility of communication between those in the men's Council

When designing the decor of men's councils, it should be taken into account to create a welcoming atmosphere for the largest number of guests with interest in the possibility of communication and chat among them, for example, choosing a circular Council, which is suitable for open lounges rather than closed ones, where the shape of the corners affects the possibility of placing circular furniture in them, and it should be taken into account that there are corridors to facilitate entry and exit without passing through all those in the seating area, so the circle should be divided for more than one arch.Or the council can be in the form of a large arc that is not closed to be practical as well with the advantage of bringing the two sitting in the council closer and facilitating communication between them.

تصميم مجالس الرجال
2 - visually unifying the space gives luxury in the design of men's councils

The area should be made spacious even if the types of furniture and sessions are different and divided Harmoniously by adding some basic details, such as dividing the ceiling, for example, with wooden beams, gypsum decor, curtains of the same model, wallpaper or paint color, distributing some tables here and there, and can also make indoor plants to connect facilities also to assemble all the board.

تصميم مجالس الرجال
ديكورات تركيا
3-Stay away from small accessories, especially in councils with limited spaces

The abundance of small details and accessories makes you feel crowded and distracted, and the concept you want from your design will not appear, so it is recommendedchoose to focus on large pieces to luxury the board, such as libraries, large coffee tables, clear views, even large paintings.

4-measurements make a difference

The higher the ceiling of the Majlis or the men's reception hall, for example, the more you have to choose high-rise furniture pieces as much as possible, such as choosing a long library and choosing long chandeliers, otherwise you will feel unbalanced and the furniture will become small for the Majlis, so take into account the sizes of the Majlis when choosing furniture pieces.

5-creativity in lighting gives a special atmosphere in the decor of men's councils


The size of the men's council does not matter in the subject of choosing the size of the lighting, although the larger the size of the council and the higher its height, the more it gives the opportunity to choose huge chandeliers and creativity in the imagination, but do not stop daring and choose a large chandelier and place it in the middle of the council with an emphasis on distributing enough light to the rest of the ceiling and corners.

تصميم مجالس الرجال
6-use of colors

The paint helps to soften the effect of walls that extend for a long distance or high-rise walls, using more than one color can reach a comfortable level of looking and also using colored wallpaper or gypsum partitions.

تصميم مجالس الرجال
7-the large size of art paintings and accessories give a special character in the decor of men's councils

The boldness in choosing paintings or antiques and accessories in large sizes gives luxury and luxury to the decor of a men's board, but it must be consideredplacing them in the appropriate area and taking into account visual symmetry when looking at the board in general so as not to affect your design and Idea.

تصميم مجالس الرجال
8-get rid of inertia

Adding curtains, a fountain, an aquarium, a fireplace, ornamental plants or tablecloths or anything that gives the factor of movement and sound and gives the quality of spaciousness and vitality to the council.

تصميم مجالس الرجال
9-linkage and coordination

The repetition of colors, materials and the type of fabric used throughout the board and the distribution of some similar cushions and accessories here and there, all this makes the guest reflect on the splendor of the design

If the design of men's councils in any style confirms to all of us the point that it is a beautiful, comfortable and friendly place to gather loved ones and friends to spend their time, memories, exchange of conversation and other activities, so the councils must be comfortable for oneself and look so that they do not feel bored or some tightness, and this is what we study before starting the design of council spaces in any project that reaches us, you can visit our works on the site or visit our YouTube account and watch some of the works of SMD decorations in Turkey.
