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Mediterranean Interior Style

Mediterranean Interior Style

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

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What is the decor of the Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style this style refers to the countries of the northern Mediterranean, including Spain, Greece and Italy.Today it is often referred to as the "modern Spanish style".Mediterranean-style decor ranges from just functional to very formal.


What does a Mediterranean-style house mean

The scheme of the Mediterranean house is defined by an open style with large exterior windows, a low tiled roof.This openness is heard towards pleasant weather, which makes the Mediterranean house a favorite plan for regions with a warm climate.

Your old and new design projects can take advantage of this "warm" Mediterranean house style effect, and it can take you to the gorgeous coast in no time.

The classical charm and seductive beauty of Mediterranean architecture cannot be obtained through any other style.This is exactly the reason why this method is popular nowadays, and it is successfully applied almost everywhere in the world.The big question is: how can you adapt the Mediterranean interior to your place

Mediterranean-style interior design

First of all, we have to distinguish the three predominant types of Mediterranean houses:you can choose between Italian, Greek or Spanish influences; or introduce the regional touch of Western Asia and North Africa.And what can be truly unique is the application of Moorish motifs and the repetition of the rich Islamic influence of the ninth and tenth centuries

The main feature of a Mediterranean-style house is how they bring nature inside the House.Each element is carefully selected to blend the interior with the exterior; there is a lot of wood, organic fabrics and vibrant colors that define the Mediterranean style.This style is usually preferred by families living in warmer regions, which is exactly why such houses are recognized by the shaded roofs and sunny pools in the courtyards.

However, the climate is not a decisive factor for combining Mediterranean colors, house design and architecture.Sun-inspired houses are better in cooler regions, where people need warmth and comfort.Besides, Mediterranean houses will still look authentic if you present elements inspired by your culture and region.

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