a minute idea

SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

small living room

small living room

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

small living room small living rooms

To arrange the central space of the apartment in which we rest, entertain and social SIT - which has small dimensions seems quite a challenge.

Failure in this task is more likely when the room is smaller, and one piece of furniture can impair the performance of the entire room.

Since it is a place where you spend a large part of our daily time

It's good to know how to make it bigger than its size and how to best use each centimeter.

Therefore, initially it is necessary to know that the first secret of a well-decorated small living room is to choose the right furniture size.

Always insist on items that will give you the impression of spaciousness

Such as white furniture, mirrors, horizontal stripes, glass, metal accessories that reflect light (knobs, lamps ...).

Save space instead of making a closet, you will choose shelves above the set of seats or above the TV.

Instead of setting up the TV on a shelf, you can place it on the wall and thus save more space.

There are some simple ideas, and more inspiration for your small living room small living room you will find below in our creative collection!