a minute idea

SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Interior designer and the most important services he performs

Interior designer and the most important services he performs

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

A decorator is a multifaceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment.Such solutions are practical, enhance the quality of life and culture of its occupants, and are aesthetically attractive.The designs are created in response to the shell of the building and its format, recognizing the actual location and social context of the project.Designs must comply with code and regulatory requirements, and promote the principles of environmental sustainability.The interior design process follows a coordinated methodology, including research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process.Where the client's needs and resources are met to produce an internal space that meets the project objectives.


مهندس ديكور وأهم الخدمات التي يؤديها


Interior design includes a set of services performed by a professional decorator


Qualified through education, experience and examination, to protect and promote the life, health, safety and welfare of the public. These services may include any or all of the following tasks:

Research and analysis of client objectives and requirements; development of documents, drawings and diagrams that identify those needs

Formulate preliminary space plans, studies and concepts of three-dimensional and dimensional design that integrate the needs of the client's program.They are based on knowledge of the principles of interior design and theories of human behavior

Emphasize that the initial space plans and design concepts are safe, practical and aesthetically appropriate.And it meets all the requirements of public health, safety and well-being.Including code, accessibility, environment and sustainability guidelines.

Choose colors, materials and finishes to adequately communicate the design concept.And meet the requirements of social and psychological performance, maintenance, life cycle performance, environmental requirements and safety

Selection of specifications for furniture, fittings, equipment, handicrafts, including diagrams and detailed product descriptions; provision of contract documents to facilitate the pricing, purchase and installation of furniture

Providing project management services, including preparation of project budgets and timelines

Preparation of construction documentation, consisting of plans, elevations, details and specifications, to clarify non-structural and / or non-seismic section layouts ; power and communication locations ; mirrored ceiling plans and lighting designs; materials and finishes ; and furniture layouts

Preparation of construction documents for compliance with regional building and fire codes, municipal codes and any other laws, regulations and judicial guidelines applicable to the internal space

Coordinate and collaborate with other design professionals who may be retained to provide consulting services, including but not limited to, architects; structural, mechanical and electrical engineers , and specialist consultants

Confirmation that the construction documentation for non-structural and / or non-seismic construction is signed and sealed by the responsible interior designer, as applicable to the jurisdiction requirements for filing with law enforcement officials

Manage contract documents, bids and negotiations as the client's agent

Monitor and prepare reports on the implementation of projects during Progress and upon completion, as a representative on behalf of the client; and conduct post-occupancy assessment reports.

