a minute idea

SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Decoration concept

Decoration concept

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

Decoration: Decoration or what is called interior design, is the science that adapts cultures,

and various capabilities in the service of designing aesthetic elements within the inherited customs and traditions,

It relies on creativity and innovation techniques, so that the designer handles all his materials,

spaces, places, and lighting; To achieve an integrated design,

Through his familiarity with the foundations, architectural styles and various techniques,

And his knowledge of all materials and tools that he will deal with during the implementation of the work,

and how to use colors and combine them with each other,

In this article, we will talk about the elements of decor, the terms and principles of design.

decorative elements:


Floors, where they play an important role in showing the shape of the design, as they illustrate the voids, spaces in it،

It gives a special splendor to the existing furniture and furnishings, and can be exploited by placing various accessories such as flowers that increase the charm of the place،

It has a lot of shapes and types such as: wooden floors. Marble floors. Vinyl flooring. Carpet floors.

Walls, which are of great importance in showing the beauty of the design and its installation, are the first elements that attract attention when entering any premises،

The designer should take into account the heights of the walls, the doors and windows they contain, so that they are suitable for the design،

They can be processed in three basic ways: binding them with various types of wood, both natural and artificial.

Cover them with wallpaper. Paint them with different colors and drawings. Ceilings, false ceilings.

Aesthetic accessories, various pieces of furniture. Terms of starting with the design find out the purpose behind the use of the design.

Ease of unscrewing it, moving it from place to place, without affecting its quality.

Choose quality materials suitable for the design student's budget. Adopt colors that match the student's desire and psychology.

Ease of movement between its elements. Use ventilated areas well and effectively.

Important foundations of successful design

Any design needs a set of foundations that form a certain dynamism of the elements used, achieving a beautiful rhythm with

Uniform form, and one of the most important of these bases:

Poise in composition, a state in which the design elements are distributed in moderation and harmoniously, which enhances a sense of comfort to the viewer.
The unity of design, which often appears when determining the relationship between elements by a certain rule, indicates the designer's awareness when planning his design elements, and one of these rules:

Morphological, volumetric symmetry between the elements.
Convergence of the spatial element.
Chromatic symmetry between elements, colors and fonts have an important role in connecting design elements with each other.
Space, is that space that exists in the general form of design, and is determined when realizing the relationship that connects the elements used, and the floor on which they will be located.