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Decorations of Turkey

Decorations of Turkey

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

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Decorations of turkeywith the flourishing of the Turkish construction industry, it was one of the main factors in the positive impact on design services.The Turkish construction industry has been enjoying a huge boom recently. With the increasing rate of new buildings appearing every year, one of the main factors has been the positive impact on design services, which has led to the emergence of new and creative interior designers throughout Turkey.When we think about traditional Turkish designthe image that many people evoke goes back to the Ottoman era with luxurious furniture and luxurious fabrics, with an exotic flavor.For many years, instead of looking at its traditional designthe country's creative industry has been looking to the West for inspiration.

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Turkish interior designers

Over the past few yearsturkey has established its own style and launched the careers of some rising stars in the world of interior design. Zeynep Fadillioglu is one of the leading interior designers in Turkey.In 2009, she was the first woman to design a mosque, and through her studies in London, she got to know her heritage in traditional Turkish textiles and objects and incorporated it into her modern designs.Her work encompasses traditional materials, colors, textiles and textures but with a contemporary touch but still shows a distinctly Turkish feeling.

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Traditional design

Turkey is famous for carpets all over the world, but now designers are looking for ways to modernize this key element of Turkey's decor to attract the most sophisticated buyers.Companies exchanged slightly intricate patterns of carpets for a more modern and geometric image. Made of wool and dyed in natural colors, they are cut and then freely assembled in ten interchangeable pieces to create a modular design.Turkish people love tea and it is a big part of their daily life and culture.It is because of this popular pastime that many contemporary tea tables have been created, many of which have been recycled using antique materials.To form designs that resonate with people. Every design should tell a story and fit into our lives.Many traditional turkey decorations use the mosaic technique. Sometimes traditional rectangular, square and circular pieces are replaced by rectangular shapes, most of which are made of natural stone to create a complex and simple design.


Cultural influences

Many traditional houses have furniture made of wood with a gold lining, but there are many very contemporary houses that are characterized by the extensive use of glass and more industrial materials.But whether the house is traditional or modern, the way people live and interact with their families with cultural influences has a direct impact on the design of the House.Turks love to entertain and get acquainted in many houses, the sofa is a real advantage for accommodating guests.A large table and chairs are also needed to entertain guests and have dinner.It is common when visiting Turkey to receive many dinner invitations and the Turks do not think about preparing dish after dish for their guests.The Turks of The most hospitable people in the world, and the decorations of Turkey in their homes reflect this love.


The future of Turkey decorations

The turning point in the turkey decorations journey was in 2010 when Istanbul was chosen as the European capital of culture.With a large number of young people, it is an ideal environment for modern design, growth and prosperity.There is a growing desire for high-quality interior design in Turkey, and the future of this sector seems to be in high demand.
