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Food trip decorations

Food trip decorations

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

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Food trip decorations

Dining room decorations are of great importance throughout the ages, they are one of the most important rooms in the house, as they testify to the meeting of family members daily, and also to celebrate occasions, and the design of dining room decorations starts from the idea of looking at the best way to use the space allocated to it, and whether this room is open to another room in the house or the general dress code for home design.

Dining room space

Among the most important rooms of the house which must be respected in the distance are green dining room where the meal is to be the last with enough space so we find in most of the houses are Nhat room design with area bigger compared to the rest of the rooms in the house as a whole in order to ensure the comfort you sleep, use, and two inside of it, no one wants to eat his meals daily the center of the room with a narrow space that hardly moves smoothly and easily inside her, so I was of people who are about to design a room dedicated for the Food Project advice we can give you is make sure you have the space allocated to Chamber of medium-to large-and We mean to be very big, but they ought to be possible to lie down and put all the The necessary furniture is inside it without hindering the movement of people inside or looks comfortably and untidily.

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Choosing a suitable design for the dining roomwhen you want to design a room dedicated to dining, the designer or engineer in general will put several ideas to you regarding the type of design you want to apply in your room and you will find yourself in front of hundreds and perhaps millions of designs, which may be confused about what is appropriate, our advice to you is to always make sure to choose simple decorations or designs. these latter are often recent designs, as choosing those traditional designs means that you will need more furniture in addition, and as is customary, the old furniture is heavy in size compared to modern, which may cause in later difficulties when wanting to move from one house to another or when wanting to Cleaning.

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ديكورات سفرة الطعام

Food trip decorations[/caption]

ديكورات سفرة الطعام
ديكورات سفرة الطعام
ديكورات سفرة الطعام

Dining room furniture

Like other rooms in the house, furniture has a very important role when it comes to designing a dining room, so always make sure to choose the right furniture for the place first in terms of the size and area of the room, be vigilant and do not choose bulky furniture and you have a small or medium-sized dining room because that will spoil the decor of the place and make it look.

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ديكورات سفرة الطعام
ديكورات سفرة الطعام

Decorations and designs of dining rooms

There are many people who think that decoration is something unnecessary when it comes to designing a dining room, and this is something completely wrong, but decoration plays an important role in the dining room the only thing is the need to choose the type of decoration appropriate to the room, where modern modern decorations should be placed, that it concerns a modern dining room and vice versa if the room is traditional, and among the most important and most prominent decorations that must be present in the place, for example, we find there is a wall clock, mirrors and carpets, where we find that dining room carpets are one of the things that must be present in the room, where it gives it a unique aesthetic view, also gives the idea that the room is dedicated to for eating, you can choose whatever you want from the types of carpets, whether those are uniform The most important thing is that its color is commensurate with the color of the place so that the room looks color coordinated, and of course you can add whatever you want from other decorations just not to choose, but in order for the room to maintain its aesthetics.

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ديكورات سفرة الطعام
ديكورات سفرة الطعام
ديكورات سفرة الطعام

Practical tips for designing food trip decorations

  • In some houses, the dining room is open to the living room, and here it must be designed so that it looks like a natural extension of the living room in terms of style and materials used in furniture. For this style of open rooms, we find that neutral colors such as beige, brown and gray tones are the best to achieve homogeneity.
    If you choose a modern style table, you can use two types or two colors of chairs, which gives a modern touch to the dining table.
    The dining room should have comfort factors by choosing furniture suitable for the space of the room, taking into account the spaces to be found in the place, for example, at least 70 centimeters should be left behind each chair, and 60 centimeters between the chairs if they are without side arms, provided that the distance between each chair and another is set at 15 centimeters when there are side arms for it.. And these voids allow easy movement without disturbing the seated.

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Food trip decorations[/caption]

Practical tips for designing food trip decorations

  • Seat designs should be chosen that provide comfort while eating, and not get carried away by fashionable designs that may be impractical, while fitting the seats to the overall decor.
    Choose a round or oval table in small places, the rectangular shape will not be practical in a small dining room where it hinders movement
    In small dining rooms you can use dining tables that can be joined and opened to save space.
    Use mirrors in the decor of the dining room to add breadth and royal luxury to the atmosphere.
    Choose dining tables from durable materials and do not choose modern shapes without thinking, as some glass or metal materials may not suit your needs and the needs of your family and guests.

Practical tips for designing food trip decorations

Avoid using sharp-angled dining tables, as they are dangerous for young and old, as well astables with glass facades are poorly fixed.
When choosing a wooden dining table covered with artificial veneer (as is the case with MDF-type wood), you should avoid spilling liquids or exposing it to the sun so that the surface is not irreparably damaged and peeling.
The appropriate height of the dining table is an average of 80 cm, below which it will not be comfortable to sit, although modern designs suggest low tables.
Do not treat the dining room as a neglected room, but rather decorate it as you care about the living room and salon, choose vibrant and bold wall colors, and pay attention to the placement of art paintings, this atmosphere adds hotel luxury and encourages you to enjoy.
If the dining room is modern, stay away from the common use of bedspreads made of cut silk, embroidered organza fabric and other accessories, as they suit the classic style more, and instead use fashionable candles and coordinated bouquets of flowers.
When using a lighting unit directly above the table, it should be at least a meter away from the table.
In color psychology, blue and green are appetite suppressants, so it is preferable not to use themin the dining room.
If you have space in the dining room, add another piece of furniture such as a rectangular table or console on one side of the room, in order to place the travel tools that you need while eating, provided that the style and color match the room, and this piece can form another aesthetic focus for the dining room other than the main table.


Finally, we can say that in our article food travel decorations, we tried to summarize everything related to food travel decorations, with the images supported for that, and we are at SMD decorations company in Turkey, starting from the designers Department to the implementation department, we strive for your satisfaction and make decorations that suit you and suit your dreams.

