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Types of wallpaper.. Features and disadvantages

Types of wallpaper.. Features and disadvantages

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

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Types of wallpaper.. Features and disadvantages

The editorial team of SMD decorations in Turkey has prepared for you with our article this is an important and interesting topic in the world of decoration, which is the types of wallpaper .. Also in a later article we will prepare for you the basics of choosing the right wallpaper for your blanks.

Since ancient times, wallpaper was made in England, France or perhaps the Netherlands, according to researchers, before the sixteenth century AD, it was hand-painted, where craftsmen drew designs on paper manually or printed decorations using carved wood, and for this reason Wallpaper at that time was expensive and used only in palaces, until the arrival of the twentieth century, decorative wallpaper became an essential material for decorating the walls of houses and other spaces.


Types of wallpaper and suitable ones by room type:

  1. ورق حائط البطانة : يستخدم هذا النوع من الورق لتعديل وتسوية الأسطح الغير مستوية، ويتكون من طبقة واحدة فقط ويتوافر بألوان عديدة.

2-holographic paper: three-dimensional paper is a modern quality of paper that is usually used in children's Rooms Nurseries and schools, one of its features is that it gives an imaginary breadth in the space.

انواع ورق الجدران .. ميزات وعيوب
انواع ورق الجدران .. ميزات وعيوب
انواع ورق الجدران .. ميزات وعيوب
انواع ورق الجدران .. ميزات وعيوب

3- الورق المعدني : يعتبر من أنواع الورق الحديث، حيث يصنع من مساحيق معدنية كالألومنيوم
ويتميز بملمسه الناعم الأملس.

انواع ورق الجدران .. ميزات وعيوب
انواع ورق الجدران .. ميزات وعيوب

4-vegetable fiber paper: this paper is made using a group of plant fibers, and the most distinctive is its texture and wonderful shape, and decoration experts prefer to put it in reception rooms.

5-velvet paper: it is like a cloth and is considered one of the luxury papers, but it is very sensitive, as it is not allowed to stick it in rooms with high humidity, and it is also not suitable for reception and living rooms.

6-pulp paper: this type is considered one of the most easy to install, preferably used in reception rooms, it is made of wood pulp and contains a set of inscriptions and drawings that are printed directly on paper.

7-vinyl paper: it is made of vinyl material and consists of a layer coated with a thick paper made of linen, and it is considered a practical type where it can be washed and cleaned and for that it can be used in every room of the House.

8- الاوراق المطبوعة : هذا النوع شائع الاستخدام ومتوفر في مجموعة واسعة من الألوان والأنماط،
حيث انه عادةً ما تكون ورق الحائط المطبوعة رقميًا أرخص من الورق المطبوع يدويًا،
ويمكن إنتاجه بكميات كبيرة، لكن يمكن تمزقه بسهولة، ويتأثر بالرطوبة لذا من الأفضل عدم استخدامه في المطابخ والحمامات.


Advantages of wallpaper :

Wallpaper is a modern fashion that can be relied on in the design of home decorations, as wallpaper radically changes the overall design and gives the rooms of the House vitality and activity.
The wall paint leaves a strong smell, which causes inconvenience to the residents of the house, while the wallpaper has no smell, it does not cause any allergies.
Stripping wallpaper can be a difficult process and takes some time, but painting is a more difficult process, as it takes several weeks to paint a house.
The process of gluing wallpaper is usually free, the price of which is calculated from the price of paper when buying.


Disadvantages of wallpaper:

Some consider wallpaper to be unfashionable, and this is what causes the price of a house to drop if its walls are decorated with it.
The process of removing some wallpaper requires a lot of effort and time, removing it from high walls can take many hours.
Some believe that the process of removing the old paper causes cracking and removing the wall paint, and this requires renewing the paint and waiting until it dries so that you can put the new paper.
Some types of wallpaper are affected by moisture and sunlight, and this is what makes it prone to tearing and yellowing.
Some people think that installing wallpaper is a bit expensive, you may need a lot of money to decorate the walls of your house, as well as you may have to change it every now and then.

And at the end of our article about the types of wallpaper .. Advantages and disadvantages we would like to remind you that SMD decorations in Turkey, during its designs, puts the finest types of wallpaper, all according to the appropriate space, and of course, after the client's approval.
