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Types of marble and its uses in decoration

Types of marble and its uses in decoration

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

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Marble is a natural stone of the most prominent igneous rocks produced under rare conditions in the subsoil of heat and pressure, it is characterized by multiple colors and shapes, withstands high temperatures and is not scratch-resistant, it is durable. Its types are natural and artificial marble and are used in construction, especially in palaces and villas in facades, floors, walls and stairs, we will explain in our article from SMD decorations in Turkey the types of marble and its uses in decorations with some illustrative images.. Continue ^_^

Types of marble

There are so many types of marble that you can choose from what you like, some of which are expensive, some of which are affordable, some of which are strong, some of which are medium and also weak, and they all share the element of beauty, and here are some of them.

Calcutta Golden marble: it is a type of Calcutta marble, very luxurious, very magnificent and beautiful, often used by the aristocrat, and is called Calcutta golden because its veins are golden.

Black marble: it contains two types, namely Levadia Blace Marble, which is a Greek type and black in color and has white-gray veins, and the other type is Nero Marquina Marble, which is a Spanish type and is characterized by its black color.

White marble: it is white in color and the most used in homes, because it has many types.

One of these types is Blanco Michael (Blanco Macael) and it is characterized by the consistency of its white color with blue-gray stripes permeating the white background, giving a wonderful view.
The second type is Blanco Ibiza (Blanco Ibiza) and is famous for its strength.
The third type is Blanco Tranco (Blanco Tranco) and is famous for its dark gray veins.
The last type is Blanco Carrara (Blanco Carrara), which is from Italy from the alpine region, and this type is especially distinguished by quality and is often used in bathrooms, living rooms and kitchens.

Red marble: this type is expensive, which makes it less used than other types of marble.

Brown: it is the most common in the types that are used in tiles, it is used as a decorative material, and the brown color is distinctive, loved and in great demand.

Pink marble: it has a well-known calm and positive color, it is often used in places intended for rest

Yellow: it is a color that gives rise to optimism and joy, but its use is not widespread.

Green marble: one of the most famous and beautiful types, it has different shapes.

Blue: it comes in light and dark blue colors, and may come in the form of blue veins on pieces of gray marble.

Uses of marble in decorationMarble in the kitchen

The use of marble in the kitchen is one of the most common uses as a work surface and the most important feature of marble is that it suits the classic and modern style as well.

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Marble flooring

The use of marble in floor decoration gives it a charm and luxury to the place and from the beauty of the floor we do not need to put carpets because marble is a decoration in itself.Cleaning marble floors without any chemicals is taken into account, only soapy water is enough.

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Marble as a visual point

Marble is a very beautiful natural rock and because of this, some prefer to use it as a visual point in the packaging of the fireplace, do not worry, the marble withstands high temperatures, and whatever the style of the room is modern or classic, The Marble is in line with all materials and frames.

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Marble in the bathroom

The use of marble in the bathroom increases the room and gives it luxury, and you must be surprised, dear reader, if you think about using marble in the bathroom, because you will think that you have entered a five-star hotel, but you should know that not all types of marble can be used in the bathroom, where you must choose the right type for bathrooms, namely moisture-resistant marble, the most important of which is Italian marble.

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Marble in the staircase

Despite the high price of marble, some people use marble in the stairs, as it gives an elegant appearance and changes The Shape of the House.

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If our article is talking about the types of marble and its aesthetics while using it in interior decoration for any space that suggests luxury and beauty at the same time, as marble is used largely for multiple purposes in finishes, it gives the place elegance, sophistication and luxury, so many people prefer to use it while making decorations for their spaces, whether homes, villas, restaurant companies or shops, we will leave you now with a set of photos of the uses of marble in decorations.

With this, we have finished showing some photos that explained the beauty of using marble in home decorations and other spaces, this is not knowing that you should use the right marble for some spaces where moisture is available
