a minute idea

SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Examples in the world of decoration

Examples in the world of decoration

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

It is known that something may go wrong when designing a vacuum, whether at Home, Office, company or any vacuum, but these problems can be avoided by planning the Decoration Design well before starting to implement it, and this is what SMD GROUP does before and during the design, as the editorial team has prepared for you in this article examples in the world of decoration.

Large or small spaces in our homes are not a problem because we can put suitable solutions for each space by Colors, choosing the right furniture and other tricks to highlight the space beautifully and harmoniously.

Examples in the world of decoration:-


An example of a narrow living room:-

We can first choose furniture of a small size and light colors so as not to hinder movement.
Painting the walls in light colors such as off-white, cream or other light colors, they give a feeling of spaciousness of the place.
Attention to lighting is preferably light colors such as white, it relaxes the eye and gives you a feeling of a large space, and you can add decorations from hanging plants and a three-dimensional drawing on the walls.
Place mirrors along the wall, they reflect the lighting and give a feeling of spaciousness.
There is also a solution that if you can do it would be better to open the living room door to the entrance hall.

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مشاكل وحلول في عالم الديكور
مشاكل وحلول في عالم الديكور
مشاكل وحلول في عالم الديكور
مشاكل وحلول في عالم الديكور


An example of a large room space :-

To solve the problem of large room spaces first we can play with colors and make dark colors as they make the spaces look smaller.
A barrier can be placed either by placing a library, a wooden barrier, or any type, depending on the design style chosen by the client.
Choose furniture in dark colors suitable for wall decor and also can add a great accessory.
The place can be filled by laying large carpets on the size of the room or slightly smaller.
Test lighting colors somewhat darker than white such as being off-white or serenity illuminations.

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أمثلة في عالم الديكور
أمثلة في عالم الديكور


An example of a high ceiling problem:-

  • This problem can be solved by painting the ceiling color in a dark color such as brown, red, gray, blue or even black, depending on the design and its type.
    Plasterboard suspended ceiling decor can be made, lighting directed downwards can be used.
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أمثلة في عالم الديكور
أمثلة في عالم الديكور
أمثلة في عالم الديكور
أمثلة في عالم الديكور

مثال على مشكلة السقف المنخفض :-

  • الديكور المناسب للأماكن التي اسقفها منخفضة حيث يمكن حلها من خلال دهان لون السقف بالألوان الفاتحة.
  • وضع خطوط طولية على الحائط.
  • وضع مرايا كبيرة في أحد الحوائط يفضل ان تكون للسقف.
أمثلة في عالم الديكور

مثال لمشكلة الحمام الصغير :-

  • يمكن أن تقوم باستخدام ألوان سيراميك الحائط باللون الأبيض ليعطيك شعور بكبر المساحة.
  • استخدام حاجز زجاجي للدش فلا داعي من وضع بانيو في هذه لمساحة الصغيرة.

At the end of our article, we would like to note that whatever the problem that confronts us when starting to design the decor of any vacuum, there must be a solution that reduces the error and makes the vacuum more beautiful and harmonious in a thoughtful way.we, SMD, for our part, confirm that we are always striving to get the best for you and US in the design world.     
