a minute idea

SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Design sections and elements

Design sections and elements

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

In a general and clear sense, design is a creative idea that arises in a vacuum by means of several elements that will be explained in the article that we have prepared in subsequent steps.As for design in the strictest sense, it is a process of formation and innovation in which some elements of the environment and its components are collected and processed to put them in a certain composition in order to give it a function or a meaning and to come up with a new and well-made product, which has distinctive aesthetic or functional advantages, to effectively perform its function and meet the purpose of its design.


Design departments:

Design has several sections, we can create, innovate and extract an integrated artistic image, even if the design section differs, but the foundations are the same for each section we must follow..

Technical design
Architectural design
Engineering design
Decorative design
Graphic design
Web layout design
Software design and Information Systems
Web page design


Design conditions

That these psychological motives are united together, forming a single integrated and interrelated action in Idea and content.
The components should be balanced, that is, one component in it should not overshadow the other.
To have a dominant idea in it, all the components and elements of the design revolve around it.
There should be a proportion and proportionality between the size and colors of the shapes present in the design.
There should be a rhythm and organization between the intervals in the units of the artwork, so that the artist achieves vitality and diversity in his artwork.

Design elements

1. the point

The point is considered the simplest and most important design element, which is the beginning of drawing any shape or line, the point has several sizes and dimensions that vary depending on the purpose of its use, the point can be divided into two parts, namely:

Geometric point: this point is formed as a result of the intersection of lines with each other.
Decorative point: it is the unit that is smaller in area and size than the units of nature or geometric shapes.


2. the line

It is the line between two points, or it is defined as the continuity of adjacent points in different directions and the resulting lines of different types, the most prominent of which are:

Horizontal lines: the horizontal line is used as a floor or base for what is above it, where the vertical lines rest on it, and the horizontal line expresses stability, stability and a sense of horizontal breadth, and it also brings some objects closer to the viewer and shows them in a clear way.
Vertical or vertical lines: they are the dominant lines in the design, denoting greatness and height, and they also feel balanced when they converge with horizontal lines.
Oblique lines: emits the sensation of upward or downward movement, as the oblique line is directed towards two vertical or horizontal directions.
Curved lines: curves are used to connect disparate design elements and form an integrated design, such as being used in commercial commodity advertising, curved lines suggest agility, tenderness and dynamics of movement, and also have the ability to attract the attention of the viewer or the beholder.
Spiral lines: spiral lines are derived from curves and circles and express sea eddies, sea snails or sand whirlwinds, and they also suggest the vulva after the narrow if its direction is from narrow to wide and vice versa.


3-the area

Space is considered the unit of construction in the design, and the designer must take into account the style of space distribution in the design to obtain a successful and distinctive design.The area has a length, width and height, and does not have a depth, and they differ among each other in things, namely:

The number of spaces and shapes in the design.
The location of shapes and spaces relative to the framework and boundaries of the work, and relative to some of them.
The Shape of spaces, they may be Elementary shapes such as Circle, Square and rectangle, or modified shapes, such as geometric, organic, natural, abstract, representative, non-representative, objective and non-objective.


4. size

It is the feeling of the weight and heaviness of the work of art, the amount of its own space in the surrounding space.


5. color

Color is an essential element of design, as the design needs color to appear more clearly and beautifully, and color has the ability to distinguish between good design and bad design, between beautiful design and ugly design, and when starting to design, the origin of color, its value, and purity must be preserved.

It is worth mentioning that SMD decorations in Istanbul had previously separated the color wheel, the principles of color, the color system and the six rules.you can refer to these two articles to find out this very important element when starting any design.

اللون في التصميم


6. texture

It is the external body of the surfaces of works of art, divided into:

Texture in terms of degree: smooth, rough.
Texture in terms of genre: real, and imaginary.

الملمس في التصميم

Collection of animal skin patterns


6. accuracy

The designer must take into account the accuracy in all the details of his design, no matter how small.


7-lighting and its shades

When designing, this point must be maintained so that it accentuates its aesthetics, and the light is divided into sections.

Basic colors: such as red, yellow, blue.
Secondary colors: such as purple, orange.
Neutral colors: such as white, black, gray.

الاضاءة وظلالها في التصميم


8. vacuum

It is the empty space surrounding the artwork.




Taking into account objectivity is one of the most important design features, as there must be consistency between all design elements, for example, the background of roses and hearts does not match the computer word.

So before the conclusion and after knowing the basics of design and its elements, every designer or artist in any field should be careful and study the appropriate colors and play with the required lighting and other data to be achieved in the existing space.

SMD always strives to achieve ambition by developing and working on the basics of design in every project it undertakes, whether in decorations designed inside Turkey or even abroad.
