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SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Tropical style (tropical style)

Tropical style (tropical style)

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

The tropical style (tropical style) is based on materials derived from nature in interior design detailsfrom diverse wood species and reeds.But this does not mean the inevitability of the simplicity of this style, as the spirit of tropical style can also be quoted and entered into any luxurious style by giving natural accents with plants or patterns of curtains and walls, to give the elegant design a warm tropical touch.

The spaces of the house can be designed to be nice and comfortable by adding white or calm shades of warm colors, and you can use linen curtains or if you want a more transparent and charming atmosphere, you can use thin silk curtains for a softer and streamlined appearance.You can use tropical plants and lacy pillows to deepen the desired effect.The living room is the most suitable place to show the characteristics of any style in interior design, since it is the main place in the houseusing warm colors and special trimmings with a plant body, adding tropical shrubs in pots to the spaces of the place will give you a unique sense of pleasure and relaxation.

Natural materials are used in kitchen decor to emphasize the tropical effect.While the speech does not express how wonderful the bedroom is in the tropical style.This style creates happy and warm moments for you to remember with its charming colors, soft silk and dancing shadows behind the shutters of the Reed Windows.

What makes this style truly specialis the possibility to place your board anywhere and have a carefree session with your family and friends with a unique view.

If you are a fan of this cozy style, you will be glad to know that we have just started a whole new show in which we aim to present as many designs as possible for all interior spaces. Have fun!

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