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Scandinavian bathhouse

Scandinavian bathhouse

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

Scandinavian bathroom - let's talk about the Scandinavian style and its features for a start

Scandinavian style

Today it is one of the most popular styles and styles in interior design.

Charming whiteness, a combination of modern and classic elements and a minimum of furniture ،

Are the main features of Scandinavian decorations. The main motive of this style is the desire to make the most of the light.

In all countries that have long winters and little sunshine the house is the place where they spend most of their time ،

That is why the mattress should be airy, comfortable and warm

The use of light in Scandinavian interiors is the main generator of this style.

Most Scandinavian houses have natural tones, natural materials and simple decoration.

White walls and floors in all rooms except bathrooms are the golden rule of Scandinavian design.

The Scandinavian bathroom is an intimate place that requires a lot of privacy.

The ideal bathroom will be as practical as it can be with a neat visual appearance and will look clean any way you look at it.

These are the same adjectives that you can use to describe a Scandinavian interior.

That's why we've put together a collection of Scandinavian bathroom interiors that we aim to highlight minimalist beauty.

For this style focuses on the white color palette.


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