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SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Stairs in eclectic style

Stairs in eclectic style

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

Stairs are often placed in an isolated area that is used only for its main purpose of connecting multiple levels in your home.

But this does not mean that it should not be designed in such a way as to attract attention and improve the overall appearance of the surrounding space.

This is especially true

If you have a house with an open space where the staircase is looked at a lot more often.

That is why you should consider a stylish staircase design that not only improves its appearance

It even makes it more practical, often with built-in storage solutions under the stairs.

Welcome to a new collection of interiors in which we show distinctive designs of the A la carte staircase.

Take a look at the following pictures

And get a lot of creative ideas that can help you bring an eclectic look to the staircase in your home.

And if you find yourself in love with the eclectic style

And don't forget that we are working on a new offer for the entire transitional home

So far we have presented the designs of a la carte kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room

And the sunny room, and the dining room, and the children's room, and the home bar. Have fun!