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Color wheel and color principles

Color wheel and color principles

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

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In this article, we are SMD decorations company in Turkey, we will talk about the color wheel, its sections, the features of each color, what they are characterized and when they exist, how to combine them in a correct and smooth way, and this is what the design team in our company decorations Turkey does to reach at the end of the project a wonderful balanced art painting of beauty that relaxes the onlookers, whether our projects inside or outside Turkey.


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The color wheel

It is a tool by which it is possible to make a light representation of the relationship between all the pigments of different colors; in it we can show each of the primary, secondary, tertiary colors in different color schemes.

The first color wheel existed more than three hundred years ago, it was developed by the master Isaac Newton, according to other color schemes.


Isaac Newton

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Isaac Newton and the theory of color

The basic color wheel is characterized by twelve colors that can be combined in many ways to create a number of different effects, and the colors can complement each other or create chaos each depending on the understanding of the color base, and the colors are divided into warm and cold categories

Warm, warm or hot colors are so named, because they tend to light, fire and heat source, such as red, orange and yellow, and their arrangement in the chromatic circle is as follows: reddish-violet, red, reddish-orange, orange, yellowish-orange, yellowish-green.Cold colors that tend to darken are called cold due to their association with the dark space, the depth of sea water and the prevalence of night (absence of light), for example, green, blue, violet are considered cold colors.And their arrangement in the tonal circle is as follows: moderate green, bluish-green, blue, bluish-violet and moderately Violet.

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It is important to simplify the color wheel to understand it well, in it each color can be viewed in a light, medium and dark imageany, that is, the sum of the colors with their thirty-six shades at first glance shows us twelve colors in their pure state only, and to get to know these colors, their types and how they were formed and collected


Primary colors

Red, yellow, blueare the basis from which all other colors are formed by mixing them or some of them in different proportions .


tow colors

Orange, green, violetits location is the middle distance between the primary colors on the color wheel, and consists of mixing the primary colorsyellow + red = orangeblue + yellow = greenred + blue = violet (purple )

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Tripartite or medial colors

It is the result of mixing between a primary color and a secondary color adjacent in the color wheelred (primary ) + Violet (secondary ) = reddish violetthere are 6 Intermediate colors in the color wheel, namely: greenish yellow, greenish blue, bluish violet , reddish Violet , reddish orange , yellowish orange


You may wonder and ask yourself a color like Brown, ' Where Are you from?'Brown often consists of dark tones and high intensity of warm colors such as reddish-orange and yellowish-orange .Primary , secondary , and intermediate colors are in their pure, well-defined form and are the source of all the colors and their combinations that we see daily ( most of the colors that we find also consist of one or more neutral colors black, white, and gray that are not present in the color wheel.

Integrated colors are defined as opposite colors in the color circle that complement each other, including: highlighting lights and shadows, dark and light; when two complementary colors are combined in an appropriate ratio, it produces a monochrome color such as gray, white or black.

And these colors are: red complements green.Orange complements blue.Violet complements yellow

The use of complementary colors creates a dramatic high-contrast look for your project, especially when using a pure color gradient for each; banking giant ING displays an integrated color scheme, the complementary color scheme is ideal for small pops of color to make elements stand out but it can be difficult to use, it is advisable to avoid using a complementary scheme for large projects or as the basis for your website, and also avoid text with integrated colors.

Several other types of complementary color schemes combine this two-color pairing with the additional colors of the four color palettes, the complementary split system uses a complementary color and the two colors adjacent to it, and the double complementary scheme uses two colors side by side on the wheel and the corresponding color pair.moreover, the close complementary scheme uses a gradient to the right or left of the complementary color on the wheel to form a color pair.


Neutral colors

Before concluding, we talk about neutral colors, a group that does not belong to any of the previous groups, and these colors are known as neutral colors, namely black, white, gray, and there is another group of colors that are considered among the neutral colors, such as gold, silver, ivory, and beige .

In conclusion, The Color System and the study of how to use it in decorations is one of the most important steps that decorators around the world must take in order to be creative in filling the void in a simple and creative way at the same time, and for this we at SMD decorations in Turkey are working on selecting colors with precision, study and patience so that it suits every design we work on, starting from the colors of the walls, whether from paint, wallpaper or even drawings to the smallest details of the choice of accessories and lighting.SMDdecoration
