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Dressing room ideas

Dressing room ideas

Date: 2022/12/16

The most important categories in decoration

Dressing room ideas-we look at the most beautiful dressing rooms, styles and designs. The wardrobe room has always been a source of pride for every modern home. And now, buying a house, regardless of whether it is an apartment or a house, every new owner is undoubtedly interested not only in the number and size of living rooms, but also in the bedroom. Moreover, the latest trends dictate the presence of both a men's and a women's dressing room.

In this article we want to talk about some dressing room ideas, how to make the decorations of these cabinets, organize them in the right and appropriate way for the existing spaces.What is the difference between a men's and women's dressing room. We will also give you some great examples of how to design the perfect dressing room.

Dressing room ideas


Dressing rooms are the new must-have home accessory in our homes, but with some homes being too small to accommodate the allocation of a full dressing room, many are looking for innovative designs for small dressing rooms.


Of course, the function or contents of the dressing room contribute to the design of the room from the inside, because the uses of that room may vary from person to person, some tend to store all the clothes of all seasons, all bags and shoes inside the dressing room, others tend to store unused seasonal clothes in boxes.

The size of the dressing room

A modern dressing room has always been a separate room with a large number of wardrobes, wardrobes, organizers, mirrors with a convenient area. This is where the fashionista spends a lot of time choosing the best outfits and their combinations with accessory shoes. That's why the size of the dressing room is important and the more space it has, the better.

If the area of the rooms is small and we want to design a dressing room, we can use some of the spaces in the house, such as the hallway, under the stairs or the pantry if possible.

Dressing room preparation

Of course, there is a big difference between men's and women's dressing rooms, so it makes sense to consider them separately.

Women's dressing room.

The women's dressing room is a real boudoir with a lot of furniture. This is obvious, because a modern fashionista usually has a huge amount of clothes, shoes and accessories. And a large wardrobe is perfect for storage and experimentation. There should be several wardrobes for clothes, a separate storage for underwear, a separate closet for shoes and a huge closet for accessories. The main feature of the women's dressing room is the presence of a dressing table where there is also a pantry for cosmetics and jewelry.

Men's dressing room.

Men are usually more austere both in the variety of clothes and in the amount of dressing room furniture. Several lockers for tracksuits and casual wear. A separate shoe cabinet. And maybe another storage unit for all kinds of accessories. Despite the fact that many modern men pay a lot of attention to their appearance, usually one mirror in the dressing room is enough.

Styles and design elements

First we will ask you the most important question is how to design a dressing room so that it looks great and you want to spend a lot of time there Today, more and more interior designers are engaged in this task. First we would like to highlight when the importance of a large free space in the dressing room. It is not very comfortable in a narrow room. So the furniture in the dressing room is often arranged along the contour along the walls. The dressing room should be as open as possible and have a lot of light. Ottoman carpet and fur on the floor are also necessary as an indispensable attribute of comfort.

As for the front design of furniture, many people like the closed type of cabinets. Personally, I prefer open or glass. It is convenient to always see what is stored in the place, and not search through all the boxes. Really important is the huge full-length mirror. Better yet, two. It is always convenient to have such a mirror to see yourself trying on absolutely any clothes and accessory.

Dressing room lighting

The color palette doesn't really matter much. Since the dressing room is usually a room without windows with artificial lighting, you should choose soft warm colors. Then the light will not glowbright when reflected from the same bright surfaces, even if you install several light sources.


And last but not least is it possible to do without a dressing room

A good question for those who do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for the dressing room. And the answer is yes! Despite the fact that the dressing room is a very comfortable room for storing and trying on clothes, you can still do without it. Many of us are used to keeping cosmetics in the bathroom and clothing accessories in the bedroom.


In conclusion

We would like to say that the dressing room is one of the most beloved rooms for everyone that is why we see a lot of photos taken in the dressing room on Instagram.

Of course, it's great if there are two such rooms or even one space that brings together a woman and a man, while maintaining each other's privacy and needs. Especially for those who want to design a new dressing room or upgrade an existing dressing room, so we SMD decorations team in Turkey have collected some photos to inspire you.. We wish you a wonderful time while watching..

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