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Accessories in interior decoration

Accessories in interior decoration

Date: 2023/03/15

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

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We always see luxury apartments and villas in soap operas and movies, and these details draw our attention, especially the interior structure. In reality, the basics are wooden floors, large balconies surrounded by glass, large wooden windows decorated, and luxurious wallpaper. However, all of what was mentioned is the basic building block of the interior structure. But what really makes the internal structure distinctive is the accessories that are placed and used and how to place them, as this is what plays a big role and is the point of distinction and transformation in this field. Too many details may give a bad appearance, and too few give simplicity that is not beautiful and to get the best. Results We, SMD Decoration, give the golden ratio in interior accessories.

2 - Accessories for walls and ceilings:

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The walls occupy the largest part of the room and need special attention, so that the accessories used must be carefully selected, and the ceiling being the highest point, the accessories must be placed in proportion to it. Wall accessories are different, but what distinguishes them is the wide selection. One of the best methods used is a square shape in The wall so that this square is filled with wood and small lights and simple antiques are placed in it, so you get a distinctive shape, luxurious wallpaper with marble edges, one of the most creative and distinctive ways, with the color of the floor matching these edges to obtain golden proportions in the design that suit the company’s customers,The accessories in the traditional ceilings are chandeliers and different lights, but what we try to present is completely different so that we work to choose the lighting in proportion to the nature of the room, is it a kitchen or a living room or whatever, so we use placing edges on the ceiling so that there is a disparity between the layers of the ceiling and the output of the lighting From these small openings with a few wooden details placed on the pillars or on the corners to obtain a unique design, it is necessary to mention the doors inlaid with glass as an accessory that draws attention, and many other designs you will find provided by SMD Decoration, and all that is mentioned is the simplest detail provided by the company We always have more.

3- Floor accessories:

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Floors often limit their accessories, but they do not limit the methods of using these accessories, so we will display the methods used. In the beginning, there is the use of marble with the most luxurious burnt brown color, and there is a method of making a hole in the floor and putting a few details in it, then placing reinforced glass on it, but always The company is looking for excellence, so it took a new direction here, as it relies on placing lighting in these spaces or using distinctive decorations so that they merge with the nature of the room in which they are placed, but what was mentioned is not the only method used. Wooden floors take their share here in terms of charming color, breathtaking luxury and details. We put in these floors to get the finest details for customers who always deserve the best.

4- The mattresses used in the rooms:

   The mattresses used in the rooms are always eye-catching, so it is necessary to think carefully before selecting any mattresses that will be placed in the beginning. The nature of the room must be taken into account, so that the bedrooms have large and comfortable beds with a design made of luxurious leather behind them and two small tables to the side with small clubs. With light lights and distinctive carpets, the result is wonderful, and for the living room, the most luxurious types of seats with completely new designs to obtain an ultra-luxury look, in addition to small tables with drawers with handles that give a royal character to the room, and the design of the kitchen takes the American shape or a simple square design, but with shelves subject And the sinks that take excellent positions, the excellent locations of the refrigerator, and all the details of the kitchen, the furniture provided by the company is exceptionally distinguished, in order to satisfy the discerning customers.

5 - Interior decoration accessories designs from SMD Decoration:

SMD Decoration follows up the project in all its aspects, starting from the design stages, then the practical implementation stages, all the way to the final finishes to obtain excellent results. Their experience and creativity to give completely new accessories in every new and distinctive project to maintain its leadership in this field,So that the company always works to provide technical support during the implementation of projects, through permanent follow-up, and what the company provides of accessories depends on the wooden details, due to its luxury, and we always strive to use glass in many details, whether in drawers or boxes that are placed on The walls, with the abundance of these details, must be logically coordinated between them in order to obtain a satisfactory and beautiful result. Therefore, we try to take advantage of the lights and angles of light to break the stereotypes of these details. We always seek offices to the possible rooms, due to their multiple uses and the beautiful luster they give to the room in which they are placed and the designs. Distinguished by the ever-evolving SMD Decoration company and the masterpieces provided by the company. If you are one of the pioneers of excellence and one of the researchers on unique designs, thenAntiques offered by the company. If you are a pioneer of excellence and a researcher of unique designs, thenAntiques offered by the company. If you are a pioneer of excellence and a researcher of unique designs, thenSMD Decoration is the perfect choice in this case because it always meets the requirements and more.