a minute idea

SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

YouTube Studios

YouTube Studios

Date: 2023/03/15

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

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In a time of speed and the spread of the Internet, and the attempt to obtain jobs in different fields to obtain salaries suitable for living and moving forward, new professions and jobs began to appear, some of which bring imaginary and convincing profits that cover the needs of the individual and his living requirements.

Whereas, due to the lack of sufficient job opportunities, young people accepted many different project ideas during this period because self-employment is always the best option for continuous profit and a stable source of continuous income.

But when you think about a project, for example, opening a private studio, you will get a lot of profits.

Perhaps this project requires many supplies, suitable places, and appropriate decorations, mainly and important.

  And if you are interested, we will present to you in our article different ideas and decorations for YouTuber studios. Follow us.

2- Interior YouTuber studios:


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We will present many special designs and decorations to design beautiful and inspiring YouTuber studios that you will like.

The designs, colors, and decorations of YouTuber studios vary according to the content that the YouTuber or content creator wants to present.

First, the mathematical content

The designs differ according to the type of sport, the most famous of which is football. A carpet can be placed on the ground similar to the pitch of a grassy green color, striped and divided. The walls of the studio can be colored green, or divided shelves can be placed in which we put the championship cups (Champions League, World Cup for national teams. ..) And the distinguished and beautiful tournament balls, and they may be signed by players, and decorations similar to individual awards, such as the Golden Ball, or hanging the shirts of the most famous international clubs with a global audience, or pictures of players from history or from the present time, and impressive and beautiful phrases he said can be written Players or commentators on matches draw the attention of the scene and impress it. A large or medium-sized screen can be placed to display snapshots of the matches or to analyze the match.

Second, the educational content

You should focus on calm and simple colors, put a board to write explanations and clarify ideas, and a large screen of suitable dimensions to display videos and illustrative pictures and lessons on them. Pictures can be hung on the walls containing influential and motivating phrases or quotes in different fonts and languages ​​(Latin, for example). And pictures of scholars or historical writers, and put good lighting and take good care of it to make the explanation written by the presenter clear and to distinguish the colors of the pens with which he writes.

Third, the cinematic content: With the spread of viewing platforms and the multiplicity of works and their types, many makers of this content have emerged on YouTube, and to design decorations for the studio, one can rely on a dark red color close to the color of chairs in the cinema, and divide the wall into several shelves and put pictures of actors and Phrases from movies or series, and I play in the form of famous characters, as well as decorations in the form of awards (Oscars, Golden Globes ...) or original novels produced as films and series (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones ...), in addition to Focusing on good studio lighting, which should be close to the color of the walls, clarify the details of the decoration, and make the viewer feel as if he is in the cinema.

Fourth, the content of the games

After the spread of a lot of games on the Internet and the entry of gamers or players into the world of YouTube, we offer ideas for suitable decorations for the photography studio, where the walls can be painted in dark colors and RGB lights can be hung that change the colors of the lighting and are not fixed in color, and pictures of the game that he plays and his achievements and high levels reached.

Most of the time, the content is not specific, as the YouTuber talks about various topics in public life, or about recently spread events, “trends” or ancient historical events, “wars, battles or stories.” Randomness can be relied upon in choosing studio decor according to taste, culture, or Presenter or YouTuber environment.

To watch a video about one of our previous works, click here .

3- Decorations for YouTuber studios:

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To make the decoration more beautiful and have wonderful and beautiful additions, decorations can be added to the decoration that are suitable and suitable for colors and in the right place, where many small or medium-sized objects can be added that draw the attention of the scene, for example, a wall clock or an hourglass can be placed, a small fountain suitable for decoration With beautiful lighting, models of planets and celestial bodies that are placed on a shelf or can be hung from the ceiling of the studio, models of small skeletal structures of animals that are extinct or exist in our time, models of buildings and skyscrapers or international architectural masterpieces such as (the Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Pisa, the Statue of Liberty, New York ..), some small plants such as cacti or types of thorns or beautiful colored flowers or dwarf trees modified to be small in size and placed in a suitable corner, small plastic models of influential international and historical personalities of small size placed on any table or on a shelf, and models of old tools used by our ancestors And old crafts disappeared in our time and old war weapons.

Where this decoration will be a beautiful addition to the decorations of the YouTube studios, as it will be suitable for the content provided by the YouTuber, and the viewer will love it and draw his attention.


4- Lighting decorations for YouTuber studios:

It is possible to allocate a place to hang the YouTube shield provided by the YouTube company to the content creators, and allocate small lighting for it so that it appears as if it shines. Lighting can be suspended from the ceiling in various shapes suitable for the required decor. Lighting can be placed under a table or dim shelves, and LED buttons can be placed around the shelves. In different colors, RGB lights can be placed on the wall, a large light can be placed in the center of the studio in a circular shape in order to distribute the light to the entire studio, and small spotlights with a slightly weak light can be placed behind the content presenter to focus on the decoration behind him, and it is possible to rely on sunlight in Most of the time, therefore, attention must be paid to the location of the studio windows, or to put curtains to prevent entry if they are undesirable, as the lighting must be appropriate with the topics or content provided by the YouTuber and good for the viewer.

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5- SMD Decoration Company Services: 

SMD Decoration follows up the project in all its aspects, starting from the design, then the stages of practical implementation, until the final finishes.

The company relies on its cadres of architects and decorators whose expertise and creative vision combine with modern technology and precision in design to reach the customer's dream and make it a reality.

SMD Decoration provides you with all technical support during implementation by following up on workshops and field monitoring committees of professional engineers and technicians with credibility and transparency in the work.

Planning to work with the customer includes making lists of the materials needed for the work and their types and raw materials preferred by the customer to be agreed upon before starting implementation.

In addition to complete projects, SMD also provides advice, advice and solutions for interior and exterior decorations, including all stages of design and implementation.

We are pleased to be in SMD Decoration the place of your permanent trust and admire our renewable offers and services, which we are keen to suit all tastes and desires while preserving the splendor of our distinctive touch. 

Smd Decoration   is your address for excellence in designs, and for more information, you can contact the specialized engineering team.

To contact the relevant team, please click here