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The best types of paint in Turkey and the best decorating and painting companies in Turkey

The best types of paint in Turkey and the best decorating and painting companies in Turkey

Date: 2023/03/26

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction.

Paint is a very important element of decoration, as it reflects the general taste of the building owners. Its role and importance is not limited to the aesthetic aspect, but rather it is one of the most important elements in achieving comfort for visitors and residents in the building, as the effect of colors and graphics on mental health has become one of the most important design sciences. Modern, every place must have a special color imprint commensurate with the function in this place, for example, people tend to make the living room colors calm and comfortable, and the colors in the living rooms are in harmony with the decor and are often dark, people stay away from the pure white color in their homes In contrast to hospital and operating rooms, where the white color reveals any contamination, which facilitates cleaning and disinfection, and the matter applies to all facilities such as clubs that exaggerate the use of colors, as for water basins and water amusement parks that combine blue and white colors, similar to the waves of the sea.

If the color of the paint in Turkey and in the whole world expresses the function of the place and becomes a symbol of it, then who has not heard of the blue city in Morocco, Chefchaouen, which is distinguished by the blue color of its houses, or the most famous houses in the world, the White House inhabited by the President of the United States of America, just as the paint expresses the taste of the inhabitants And the owners of the place, changing the color of the paint in the building can change the shape of the building, inside and out.

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2- The best types of paint in Turkey

The types of paint differ according to the nature and function of the place to be painted. For example, there are special types for external surfaces and others for internal surfaces that are not exposed to weather factors such as wind, dust and sunlight, and others for insulation functions from moisture, and there are special types that are quick-drying and without any odors that you may need if you do not It is not possible to evacuate the building when the painting process is carried out. The following are some types of paint in Turkey for walls:


It is easy to use (you can apply it at home without the need for previous experience), mold resistant, and has a relatively low price. Its most important problem is that it is rough and is affected by water and moisture.

Oil paints

It is distinguished by its bright and many colors with its degrees, and it is water and moisture resistant, i.e. it is suitable for places such as the kitchen and bathrooms. One of its drawbacks is that it needs special preparations when applied to protect it from annoying and harmful odors, and it also takes a long time to dry and its strong smell to disappear.

Types of plastic paints

It is one of the new types that is characterized by ease of use, reasonable price, and quick drying, in addition to the possibility of cleaning it with soap and water. It offers many colors, glossy, semi-glossy, and matte types. Among its defects is its vulnerability to moisture, in addition to the inability to apply it on wooden surfaces.

Epoxy paints

It is one of the quick-drying paints, which requires caution and accuracy when using it. It is considered one of the most common types, and among its defects is its effect on light and color change.

Velor paints

It is one of the most luxurious and best types of paint, as it is characterized by its attractive glossy appearance. This type is available with a wide gradation of many colors and lasts for a long period of time. It is also distinguished by its ease of cleaning. It is one of the types of paint that does not cause harm to the environment and is fire resistant.

lime paints;

Lime paint has been known since ancient times and can only be used on bricks and cement whites only, that is, it cannot be used to paint iron or wood. Its colors are limited and its quality is weak. It is very affected by weather conditions, which lead to its precipitation.

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Here are some tips that you must consider in order to be able to choose the most appropriate types of paint in Turkey for the walls of your home:

  1. Determine the areas and walls to be painted to determine the amount of paint and estimate the cost.
  2. Choose high quality paint. Especially in places where family members spend the most time, such as family dining rooms and living rooms.
  3. Take into account the colors of the furniture, the existing appliances, and the lighting, to get a consistent and homogeneous décor.
  4. Check for washability and clean with soap and water.


3- Stages of applying paint .

 Whether you're looking to update the exterior of your home or office or give your interior walls a fresh coat of paint, the process can be both exciting and stressful. There are many steps involved in the painting process, from priming to finishing touches. In this article, we will explore the three main stages of home painting in detail.

First: Before painting, it is important to prepare the surfaces to be painted. This includes cleaning surfaces to remove any dirt or dust, and sanding them to create a smooth, even surface. If there are any cracks or holes, they should be filled with putty compound and sanded until they are even with the surrounding area. It is also important to clear furniture and cover any surfaces that will not be painted, such as windows and door frames, to protect them from splashes.

Second: The type of paint suitable for the area should be studied. You can also rely on yourself in determining the appropriate type. There are special types or cases in which it is better to hear a specialized opinion. In SMD Decoration, we put our experience at your service in planning and implementing paint to get a satisfactory and elegant result.

Third: Implementation Just as there are different types of paint that are simple and safe to use without experience, there are types and cases that should be treated using special tools, equipment and materials to get the best results according to safety and security standards. Our company, SMD Decoration, offers you the highest quality standards in planning and implementing paint .

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4- SMD Decoration services in painting planning and implementation

With confidence, SMD Decoration is one of the most distinguished companies in planning and executing painting in Turkey. When we receive a specific project, we follow it up, starting from placing small details to final finishes. SMD Decoration uses the best cadres of architects, interior designers, technicians and Artists as well, in order to give distinguished results to its clients, and it follows up all international developments in the field of painting and decoration, in order to remain in front of all companies specialized in the field of painting and decoration with hundreds of steps. If you are looking for excellence in implementing paint in Turkey, then SMD Decoration is your first and only choice , and   because Excellence is a decision, not a mere coincidence, so he decided to be distinguished through the distinctive SMD Decoration services that we offer you.

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