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The best engineering company using the golden ratio in Turkey

The best engineering company using the golden ratio in Turkey

Date: 2023/03/13

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

Although art and design are often associated with instinct and creativity, there is another aspect that is used alongside them, which is mathematics , which is used in certain proportions and numbers that help us create beautiful and balanced designs that satisfy the brain of the beholder.

Have you ever wondered why you find some faces more beautiful than others, while another person might see them as very ordinary? What is the secret of evaluating world art paintings that may be very simple as being very beautiful? Why are antiquities described as timeless masterpieces? And what is the secret that makes some graphics and designs attractive and comfortable to the eye, while others are the opposite?!

All of these facts are linked to a mysterious ratio known as the Golden Ratio .

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2- Definition of the golden ratio , and the locations of the golden ratio in nature.

It is a mathematical ratio found in nature, made by the Creator in many forms, and when used correctly, it helps you to create a more aesthetic composition in visual forms, gives them a special elegance, and enhances the organic and natural structures between their parts, so the eye is aesthetically pleasing to them.

The golden ratio , which is called in English "Golden Ratio", is known by many other names as well, such as the "Golden Mean", or the Greek letter " Phi".

", or the Golden Section, "Section", and many other designations, all of which indicate one meaning, which is a ratio between two numbers approximately equal to "1.618".

This ratio is usually written with the Greek letter Phi (Φ), and it is strongly associated with a series or "Fibonacci" sequence, which is a series of numbers so that each new number is the product of the sum of the two previous numbers (Fibonacci numbers are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3). , 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on..), if you calculate the ratio of each number and the number that precedes it, you will see that the result is gradually approaching the number "1.618", or what is called phi (Φ ) .

Beauty and aesthetics have been known for a long time, and few people know that the most effective creativity, splendor and balance is the one that depends on proportion and a special mathematical style. Proportionality is the greatest secret of beauty, and the golden ratio is the rhythm of the beautiful universe . Mathematically equal, and the design based on balance between lengths is a secret followed by everyone who aims for mastery and creativity.

Fans of the golden ratio say that the golden ratio is aesthetically pleasing, because it is common in the natural world. Human bodies are examples of the golden ratio . Some shells also expand in proportion to the golden ratio in a pattern known as a golden spiral. Tree leaves and pine cone seeds tend to Growing in patterns approximating the golden ratio , the spirals of sunflowers and other seeds tend to approximate phi , as phi (Φ) allows for efficient distribution or packing, so leaves growing following the golden ratio will not shade each other and will remain in relation to each other in what Known as the golden angle.

We also see this in the spiral arrangement of the leaves in some plants, which is called "planta symphysis", and in the golden spiral pattern of pine cones, cauliflower and pineapple, and the arrangement of the seeds in sunflowers as well.


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 3- The history of the golden ratio .

Man's quest to discover beauty led to the discovery of the golden ratio and the knowledge that it is the secret behind everything that is attractive and comfortable to the eye, and that it is truly a measure of the degree of creativity in design in its various fields.

The story of the golden ratio began with the ancient Greeks, and we can summarize the most important stages of the development of the golden ratio over four periods:

  • For the first time it was in the year 300 BC, when the classical Greek mathematician and geologist "Euclid" presented the first written definition of the golden ratio in his mathematical book "Elements" at that time, and Euclid called it "the maximum and average ratio", and this ratio made many assumptions And its proofs using the golden ratio , and its definition was as follows:

"A straight line is said to have been cut in a maximum and an average proportion, as is the case for the whole line, so that the straight line is from greatest to smallest."

  • In 1509 A.D., the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli Further also used the golden ratio to describe the natural world in his book De Divina Proportione, which was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci. Pacioli's book and illustrations by Leonardo have made the golden ratio popular among mathematicians and artists, and in the centuries since Pacioli's book many enthusiasts have claimed that the figure is naturally pleasing to the eye, that it is a mathematical distillation of beauty, that the line slices of the golden ratio , and the lengths of the sides of the golden rectangle, The golden triangles, represented throughout the history of art, were also made by sixteenth-century mathematicians such as Raphael Pompili.Solve engineering problems using this ratio.
  • In the year 1835 AD, the German mathematician "Martin Ohm" described the ratio for the first time as golden when he used the term "Goldener Schnitt", which translates to the "Golden Section".
  • In the 1910s, mathematician Mark Barr first began using the Greek letter phi (ϕ) as a symbol for the golden ratio . It is also represented by tau (τ), the first letter of the ancient Greek.

What is important to mention here is that the golden ratio is not an aesthetic goal that we must strive to achieve. We may come up with wonderful designs and ideas that do not apply to the golden ratio , but it is one of the means that help us evaluate beauty mathematically, as many studies and researches that were conducted on the golden ratio , I tried Proving its conformity to the human body, flowers and plants, which makes us think about the importance of having an aesthetic criterion to which we refer to in evaluating all things.

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4- What are the uses of the golden ratio ?

The golden ratio is used in all kinds of arts, designs, and public life without restrictions. There is no design that the golden ratio cannot be applied to, whatever the type of specific field, as it remains to achieve the golden ratio in design that makes it in a special and distinct balance, and attracts attention to the areas that you desire. Specifically in highlighting it, and among the most prominent areas in which the golden ratio is used :

1- Architectural Design :

There is no doubt that all architects strive over time and age to create distinctive and harmonious designs, based on the principles of the golden ratio , as they add more beauty and distinction to multiple designs and buildings.

Some say that the first to know the golden ratio were the Pharaohs, and their evidence for that is the pyramids, specifically the Pyramid of Khufu (the Great Pyramid), as recent studies have proven that the Pyramid of Khufu is subject to the foundations of the golden ratio , as the ratio between the distance from the top of the pyramid (its top) to the middle of its rib From the sides of the face of the pyramid, and between the distance from the same point to the center of the square base, equal to the value of the golden ratio , just as the king’s room inside the Great Pyramid is subject to the laws of the golden ratio .

The golden ratio also appears in Islamic architectural design , which is characterized by fine details and dazzling fine art, and there are many examples that indicate that Islamic architecture is linked to the golden ratio , and among these examples: the Mosque of Uqba ibn Nafi (the Great Kairouan) in Tunisia, which shows the ratio It is golden in consistency between most parts of the mosque, from the total area of ​​the mosque to the area of ​​the mosque’s courtyard, as well as the proportionality shown in the mosque’s minarets.

In our time, the architects "Mario Bota" and "Le Corbusier" are famous for their reliance on the golden ratio in many works, and among the most prominent buildings in which the golden ratio is located (the United Nations building), where the size and shape of windows, columns and some sections of the building depend on the golden ratio .

 2- In interior design :

The golden ratio is associated with many areas of human life, including interior design , as the more the golden ratio is present in designs and things, the more comfortable and attractive things appear, and to achieve the golden ratio in interior design , the following must be followed:

  • Typography Hierarchy:

The golden ratio can help you figure out what font size you should use for titles and text on a website, magazine, blog post, or even a book cover.

Suppose that the size of the body text of your blog is "12 pixels" and you want to know the appropriate font size for the main title, all you have to do is apply this simple equation (number of pixels x 1.618 = header text size), i.e. (12 x 1.618 = 19.416) which means The size of the title text must be "19 or 20 pixels" and this will follow the golden ratio and balance the size of the body text.

But if you want to know the size of the body text of your blog, you can simply do the opposite. If the size of the titles text in your blog is "25 pixels", you can divide it by (1.618) to get the size of the body text, i.e. (25 ÷ 1.618 = 15.451), which means The size of the text of the article should be (15 or 16 pixels).

  • Logo design :

If you are designing a new logo and feel that there is a stumbling block in the logo, turn to the golden ratio to help you draw elements and shapes, as it will determine the best aspect ratios for your logo, as many popular logos of the most famous companies and brands follow the golden ratio , such as Twitter, Apple and Pepsi.

  • Layout: 

Taking advantage of the golden ratio can help you design a visually appealing user interface that draws the user's attention to the most important things. For example, we may see some sites highlighting a large group of content on the left side, with a slightly narrow column on the right side. Golden Ratio proportions so that you highlight the most important content, and draw the viewer's attention to it.

  • Spacing:

It may take some time and many attempts to reach the final shape of the distribution of elements in a design , especially if it is crowded, in order to shorten the time and effort. You can draw the golden ratio and let the squares direct you in this task. This will ensure that you calculate the spacing and proportions and place the elements in the best position in terms of Importance, aesthetics, and comfort to the eye, and it will often be better than relying on intuition or points of view, as any simple modifications you make in design to achieve the golden ratio can make a big difference in the final result.

  • Using the rule of triangulation or the golden ratio after scaling images:

When cropping images, it is easy to specify the area to be cropped, but how do you ensure that this image and its elements remain balanced after resizing? You can use one of the rules of the golden ratio as a guide to recompose the image. You can also use the rule of triangulation as well.

  • The interior designer uses the golden ratio in architectural and interior design when organizing furniture pieces to reach consistency and harmony, as well as in choosing wallpaper and paint colors that are consistent with the furniture.

3- In painting and music:

The Renaissance era is one of the most wonderful artistic eras, in which artists relied heavily on the golden ratio, and paintings were produced in this era, among the most famous and wonderful paintings throughout history. Da Vinci designed his famous painting “Mona Lisa”, which appeared in its known splendor until now. It is in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

And also the wonderful painting "The Last Supper" Da Vinci introduced "Fai" in the dimensions of the table, walls and back drawing of the painting, as he explained in a book about the wonderful mathematical and aesthetic properties of the golden number called "De divina proportio" meaning divine proportion.

In the contemporary era, the painter "Salvador Dali" was famous for his interest in the golden ratio , especially in his painting "The Sacrament of the LaSt Suppe".

In music, musicians succeeded in creating wonderful musical phrases by pressing the keys of the musical instrument with a fixed mathematical spacing according to the "Fibonacci" sequence. The American band composed a song called "Laterra" on this sequence in 2001, and it is a song with time signatures. Inspired by Fibonacci.

4- In corporate logos and websites:

The golden ratio proved to be simply a way to create harmony that our subconscious mind seems to be attracted to, so many designers designed their logos through this ratio such as Apple, Pepsi, Twitter and other companies in various fields.

These are the most important websites for companies that apply the golden ratio:

STudio: It is a studio that provides design and development services in Copenhagen, Denmark. They specialize in creating different visual ideas. This site uses the golden ratio in two out of three pages. The home page provides an overview of the main parts of the work. When you visit and browse the site you will see Simplicity and beauty, they use traditional concepts in designing pages with the use of the golden rectangle in different shapes, as you will not be able to stop yourself from scrutinizing the details of the site, as it is the true meaning of simplicity with a wonderful design .

Mashable: It is a news site and source of information. On this site, the golden ratio testing service from "UX Triggers" was used to discover how "Mashable" used the "Fibonacci" sequence in designing H.

And this was done through a flexible layout of the content with the formatting of the titles on the left and the news links on the right, and the retina was used to complete the proportion and coordination.

The golden ratio here is effective because it gives space to the reader to know the news, and choose the news he would like to browse, unlike other news sites that are overcrowded with content. Mashable explains that the golden ratio can be effective even if it is not visible.

Jackson & Kent: It is a website for a web products company in France. They specialize in technical services such as HTML5, CSS3, Drupal, WordPress, Flash, and others. It is one of the sites that clearly applies the golden ratio on its home page.

5- In photography:

The golden ratio can also be applied in the "art of photography", as the art of photography is a sense of refined imagination and artistic taste, and if the golden ratio is applied to it, it will give imaginative impressions and will greatly express the feelings and spirit of the image, through three methods:

  • The golden thirds: equal to the famous rule of thirds, but the dimensions are not completely equal, as they are applied in a special ratio closer to the golden ratio, by dividing the image into three longitudinal and three transverse pieces, and the object to be photographed is placed in one of the intersections of the four lines, that is, the element becomes The most important being.
  • Golden triangles: They are more suitable for images with slanted lines, so that the image has fixed triangles, and on them the photographer places the objects roughly along those triangles and lines.
  • Golden torsion: Something in the image must follow this torsion, such as a snail, as this torsion leads the eye towards the center.

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5- How do you use  the golden ratio in your own business?

Aesthetics and design don't adhere to strict mathematical laws, but you can use the golden ratio to visualize your composition to help you avoid clutter and create an orderly and balanced design , says graphic designer Jacob Auermiller "On a drawing that might be too crowded, placement is everything you can use the golden ratio To help guide you," the golden ratio can work   like the rule of thirds, but in the end spacing matters and any kind of guiding principle is useful, says human factors engineering student Sarah Berndt. "If everything matters, nothing matters." If you just center each image or arrange text in one blurred block, you risk isolating the reader, viewer or user, so use the golden ratio .As an oversight principle for your work to make sure things are well spaced and well composed, to create contrast and empty space that is pleasing to the eye, and makes content easy to understand, Berndt says, "The golden ratio is about empty space and its relationship to attention space. This is a guiding principle to help you understand the limits of human interest so that you can of creating something aesthetically pleasing.”


        6- Why is Smd Decoration   the best engineering company that uses the golden ratio in Turkey?

Smd Decoration provides the best international quality services, based on the laws and dimensions of the golden ratio , to accomplish innovative and distinctive designs, as Smd Decoration specializes in a variety of engineering consulting services and carries out its work, including architectural design , decoration design , and electrical and mechanical engineering works , interior design , project management and supervision services for the private sector as well as the public sector.

 ▪ Among the most important factors that help  the Smd Decoration company to carry out its work accurately and apply the golden ratio to it, is that it contains technical and technical cadres with high capabilities that cooperate with craftsmen, architects, civils, electricians, contractors, mechanics, interior engineers, and all consultants to complete an integrated work with them, to obtain the required result that satisfy the customer.

Smd Decoration understands the vision and needs of its customers, and takes into account in its designs the current and future plans and the economic aspect for them, as well as informing them of the details of the work steps and listening to their opinions and suggestions, in order for them to be an active and participating party during all stages of the project, to ensure their complete satisfaction.


       7- Conclusion

In conclusion , we always recommend contacting an engineering company that has a long history in engineering designs and experience.

 This is one of the advantages of contracting with the Smd Decoration company in Turkey, as it provides support during all stages of the project through distinguished engineering supervision who can choose the appropriate combination for the design between the balance of the golden ratio and its aesthetics and the application of the client’s desire.

In the end, we must know that work or design is not required to submit to proportions and strict mathematical laws to achieve aesthetics and attraction, as you can create a poor design , but it is compatible with the golden ratio . The goal of using the golden ratio is to communicate your composition, and help you avoid chaos, through Create an orderly and balanced design , especially if your design is very busy. The golden ratio can be a synthetic guide, but it's not a hard and fast rule on how to structure your work, so that everything is in balance with your golden specifications.

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