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SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

We looked for you and chose the best professional interior architecture company in Türkiye for you

We looked for you and chose the best professional interior architecture company in Türkiye for you

Date: 2023/04/04

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents


Turkey is known as the country of art and beauty, as it has the most brilliant interior designers in the world, and this was reflected in their various works, as they were able to attract the world's attention to their wonderful decor, which prompted many people to deal with them in that field, in which they showed a sophisticated sense and unparalleled ingenuity. 

2- Define interior architecture

It is the art of dealing with a group of materials and workshops that include studies of the interior spaces of places and their contents, the study of colors, natural and artificial lighting, furniture design, materials technology, natural ventilation, and the extent of the psychological impact of interior design elements on the users of interior spaces.

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3- Methods of implementing interior architecture in Turkey ?

  • Analyze the needs that the client would like to achieve in terms of type and volume of work and focus on them, regardless of the designer's personal preferences.
  •         Developing a design prototype and 2D and 3D plans to achieve the client's needs and goals in line with the theories of human behavior.
  •  Developing the final design and presenting it through appropriate means for displaying it, such as graphics and images.
  •   Drawing an initial work plan by making maximum use of computer applications and modern technologies in the design process.
  •  Work on designing safe spaces that meet the requirements of public health and safety, such as cooperating with electrical engineers to choose electrical wires suitable for the electric current and placing them in insulated pipes, as well as methods of protection from fires and potential natural disasters to avoid risks to the lives of residents.
  •  Obtaining the necessary technical approvals and licenses.
  •  Careful selection of work details that include: colors in interior design, identification of materials, furnishings and equipment, specifications of furniture, flooring, plumbing fixtures, and other necessary tools
  •  Focusing on natural lighting and paying attention to where sunlight enters, because of its role in feeling comfortable and stimulating the mind and body, then choosing artificial lighting in cooperation with a lighting engineer because of its great importance in the design, as it inspires the soul, gives life to it, makes it deeper and more charming, and draws the customer’s attention to the most attractive spaces.
  •  Staying away from expensive or worthless materials in the interior design process to facilitate the periodic maintenance process in the future.
  •  Calculating costs, presenting offers, drafting contracts, determining the project cost and requirements, in addition to setting a time plan for all its stages until completion.
  •  Supervising construction and benefiting from the services of everyone who can contribute to the implementation, in effective cooperation with craftsmen, architects, civil engineers, electricians, contractors, mechanics, and all consultants, and integrated work with them to obtain the required result.
  •  Reconciliation between planning and implementation during work and after the completion of the project.


4- History of interior architecture in Türkiye:

The concept of interior architecture in Turkey was associated with the rest of the architectural disciplines until the early twentieth century, when it imposed itself as an independent specialty due to its utmost importance on the ground and its great impact on our lives, our health, and our general mood, since these interior spaces we spend most of our time in and we cannot do without them at all, so it became an element Fundamentally, it cannot be neglected or marginalized in light of the continuous change and development in the construction and design of buildings and the change in the client’s taste and his desire to obtain new innovative ideas for his building that meet his aspirations and passion. 

In the year 2000, universities began racing to introduce the specialty of interior architecture in Turkey among its group of colleges and academies, as it began to attract many students who love art and interior architectural coordination, and their number increased with time until it became available in more than ten important Turkish universities seeking to teach its principles and provide its students with a clear methodology of thinking. Consistent and in-depth planning for the application of unique solutions during the process of planning spaces in the interior areas of buildings with the aim of providing an organized and healthy environment, and customers can choose between hundreds of wonderful classic and modern designs, as the interior architecture in Turkey in the last years overcame the customary character in the design of decoration to live up to its technical style in Establishment and construction mixed with beauty, sophistication and creativity.

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5- Why is Smd decoration the best interior architecture company in Turkey ?

  •         Smd is a reputable company and one of the most successful interior architecture companies in the world that specializes in providing interior design projects, architectural projects and creative space planning in all Turkish provinces.

To watch a video about one of our previous works, click here .

  • Smd uses technical and technical cadres with high capabilities that guarantee the customer the choice between all common styles such as contemporary, modern, traditional, transitional and simple styles that are not available in some other companies such as the Scandinavian, bohemian, coastal and Hollywood glam style with the possibility of modification according to his desire and all this with high accuracy in design and exceptional quality in implementation .

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  • Smd has carried out amazing projects on the territory of the Republic of Turkey, until it has become the first destination for many customers looking for the implementation of designs of all kinds, modern or traditional.
  • Smd Company  was aware of the danger of delay and non-compliance with the specified time and its negative effects on trust between the client and the companies, so it took upon itself, since its establishment, to perform the projects received with the speed and accuracy agreed upon and at the best cost.
  • Smd offers free consultations by experts and specialists in decoration and interior divisions, and the customer is not considered obligated to sign with the company after obtaining these services, as they are free and fall within the framework of the company's efforts to spread awareness of this aspect and educate those who are about to build and decorate the nature of the services that need to be provided, including These advisories are as follows:
  • Study the architectural plans for the project
  •     Submitting suggestions to him, as well as making a technical, financial and time study for the project and providing a list of services required by the project
  •     The company provides an explanation of the types of design with pictures of examples of its work, as well as visiting implemented sites at the same time to inform the visitor of a large number of samples, whether marble, wood, paints, wallpaper, carpets …..etc.
  • Smd Decoration  offers a modern and integrated package of interior design services for residential projects such as palaces, villas, apartments and rest houses, as well as for commercial projects such as hotels, offices, restaurants, commercial centers and resorts.
  • Smd Decoration  relies on providing the best service and quality at the lowest prices in the market, believing in its role in serving the Turkish community and contributing to the development of the urban sector away from purely commercial benefit companies.
  •  What distinguishes the designs of Smd Decoration is its new and striking ideas, which convey to you the latest decoration trends in an appropriate and fully executable manner, as the company is keen to attach detailed executive plans for its designs that include the smallest details of the materials used in the design and make sure that they are present in the local market and even indicate the shops for their purchase (in In the event that the customer desires implementation with products from the local market.

The advantages of contracting with the Smd Decoration company in Turkey lie in the fact that it provides support during the implementation phase through distinguished engineering supervision

We always recommend contacting an engineering company that has a long history in engineering designs and experience

Smd Decoration is your suitable choice, and for more information, you can contact the specialized engineering team.  

You can contact our specialized team by clicking here .