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About the decorative pattern in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates

About the decorative pattern in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates

Date: 2023/04/11

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

The idea of ​​building the Burj Khalifa was born in Dubai. Based on the government's desire to diversify the economy, which was mainly dependent on the oil sector, as there was a need for a strong tourism sector to be another source of the economy, as Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum wanted Dubai to put

- a map of the world with something unique that attracts millions of visitors; The decorative pattern was in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates  , which is considered the tallest building in the world, which contributed to Dubai's international appreciation and attracted many international investments, as Dubai set its sights on completing this huge project, and the number of skilled engineers and technicians who contributed to the construction of the project was 350 people. Khalifa, the tallest building built by man and the tallest tower in the world

The SMD Decoration  company   provides the art of  interior decoration according to creative and aesthetic services, and it shows   you, dear reader, the rules of the decorative style in the Burj Khalifa in the UAE,  according to the following       

 Image 1

2- The idea and design  of the decorative pattern in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates   and its types  .  


The decorative pattern in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates was designed with the presence of central hexagonal axes, columns, and three wings that form the letter (Y). To appear lace associated with the finishing work and the design of the tower, it embodies Islamic architecture, and it should be noted that the design

It takes into account harsh weather conditions and is wind resistant. It is one of  the features of Burj Khalifa

The use of the latest methods in  the decorative pattern in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates and the most advanced in construction techniques, materials and facilities, where three basic tower cranes were used near the axis of the building structure and their height was adjusted as needed, and construction cranes are characterized by high speed and high lifting capacity, and they were used to transport workers and equipment in high areas. from the tower

The water temperature was taken into consideration when determining how to design and place the concrete mix. Concrete blocks have been tested for their performance. Concrete should also reduce upward pumping pressure over long distances. The booms were used to transport concrete to various construction sites.

 To watch a video about the decorative style in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates,     click here 

And  SMD Decoration shows   that the interior design and construction of the Burj Khalifa building was approved with glass, wood, stainless steel, dark polished stones, silver and stone floors, stucco walls, and hand-woven carpets. The decorative style in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates can be divided into the following areas:

Luxury apartments:

 Burj Khalifa contains 900 apartments located on floors 19-37, 43-72 and 76-108.

Corporate suites:

 Burj Khalifa offers many corporate suites spread over 37 floors 

Armani Hotel Dubai

 Burj Khalifa consists of 160 rooms in the Armani Hotel Dubai, distributed from the first floor to the thirty-ninth floor, in addition to 144 hotel suites. 

Top of the tower:

The upper part of the tower is represented by balconies, which is a feature of the Burj Khalifa 

Other services:

The Burj Khalifa structure  includes  many services such as parking floors (B1, B2), five swimming pools, a club and a library dedicated to the residents of the tower, in addition to a restaurant. 

   Image 2

The decorative pattern in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates is considered the most advanced in terms of engineering design, as it was designed with high precision and skill. SMD Decoration shows   the idea inspired by the design: 

1- Design inspired by the heritage of the region 

2- Windproof design 

3- A design inspired by the lily flower 

3- The basics of the decorative pattern in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates      . 

When talking about the decorative style in Burj Khalifa in the Emirates  , you will find a lot of information about the details of the building and architectural information, but we will highlight the simple Emirates Burj Khalifa information about the architectural aspects 

1- More than 45,000 cubic meters of concrete were used, including 192 columns buried more than 50 meters deep.

2 - 330,000 cubic meters of concrete and 39,000 tons of armor were used. The exterior of Burj Khalifa consists of reflective glass and aluminum and steel panels.

3- About 26,000 panes of glass were cut by hand.

4- It took 22 million man-hours to build

5- The view of the Burj Khalifa is crowned  with a mast made of more than 4,000 tons of structural steel. 

6- The column was designed as an integral part of the tower design. The tree houses communications equipment

7- The architectural design is characterized by the triple abstract print of Hymnocalis flower


Image 3

The eyes of the world turn to the view of the Burj Khalifa in conjunction with any occasion or celebration, especially during the New Year celebrations, where the Burj Khalifa shined by presenting wonderful offers 

On the upper floors, compared to the ground floor, the sun is still visible several minutes after sunset. This prompted clerics in Dubai to issue a fatwa that those who reside above the 80th floor must wait an additional two minutes during Ramadan to break the fast, and those who reside above the 150th floors must wait 3 minutes.


SMD Decoration Company is trying to follow its established standards and additional conditions set by the customer and apply them in all stages of interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his trust and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.


4- The decorative pattern in the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates  and the services provided by SMD Decoration   .

Image 4

SMD Decoration shows  that Burj Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan   installed the lateral load resistance system and floor framing system, which are the two main components of the superstructure of Burj Khalifa.

The SMD Decoration   company is the best distinguished company, so that when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from developing the plan in terms of small details, all the way to the final finishes, and the SMD Decoration company uses the best cadres of designers, architects, interior engineers and artists as well, and that To give distinguished and impressive results to its customers and to follow all international developments in the field of interior decoration and design in order to remain a leader in the field of interior decoration  , proactive with hundreds of steps. Distinguished by services  The distinctive SMD Decoration that we offer you, so we put our own mark in any field by focusing on simple details to give great results, such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the external design. To communicate with customer service, click here 


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