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Principles and elements of interior design for exhibitions and events

Principles and elements of interior design for exhibitions and events

Date: 2023/04/02

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

When a customer walks into a store, first impressions count. With retail becoming increasingly competitive, a clean and thoughtful store design can easily mean the difference between winning or losing a sale.

So what should furniture and homeware retailers consider when designing a showroom and offering an alternative product

Interior design for exhibitions and events   is the art of planning, designing and beautifying human-made spaces. This field is closely related to architecture.

They say they feel good about returning to malls and physical stores in a year after a two-year hiatus from normal store operations, consumer expectations will be high. This means that interior design standards for exhibitions and events  play a role for visual marketing and attendance should be at the heart of the matter. When customers encounter interesting and attractive displays in a retail store, they are more likely to stay longer and have a positive impression of the brand. On the contrary, boring displays that are not well maintained will discourage shoppers from buying from you.

When you think about how and where to set up your in-store offerings, it's a lot easier to determine if shoppers are behaving the way you want them to. Do shoppers navigate the store the way they want to, or do they ignore offers? Are there congested areas that prevent customers from moving around properly?

By taking care of these types of changes, you can improve your exhibition and event interior design,  store layout, and presentation strategy to provide the best shopping experience.

SMD Decoration  provides the best and most creative interior design    services for exhibitions and events  in this field 

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2- The concept of  interior design for exhibitions and events    .


The basics of interior design for exhibitions and events   requires a response to the basic principles of three main aspects of design, which are the features of the exhibition architecture, which refers to the architectural features of the exhibition, to determine the best locations for the exhibition, and to gain rich experience and views. The more the item is visible, the more attention it attracts. It's not just about positioning, it's about standing out from the crowd. Think about height, width, and color. Proximity so you need to choose a better place to take advantage of the crowd. Look for location prioritization, where items should be in places that will draw attention and help deliver your realistic message

Placing the exhibits in a real environment is intended to make the visitor really feel the exhibit, as this leads to a better understanding of how the object functions and its meaning. Sensory overload

Interior design for exhibitions and events  is the process of collecting elements, and preparing all that these elements need in terms of treatment, measurement, and modification, by relying on ideas and personal experiences, to produce something new and distinctive, that performs its tasks and meets the purpose of its design.

To watch a video about the interior design steps for exhibitions and events,  click here 


And because excellence and obtaining error-free designs are the desired work of SMD Decoration . During the agreement between the client and the company, the company shows the interior design      standards  for exhibitions and events, according to the following:


Site selection 

There are general conditions that must be met at the site, ie

Easy access 

The space should correspond to the number of apartments and the expected audience to avoid clutter

The nature and variety of the plot and the avoidance of elements that are difficult to control

The nature of the terrain surrounding the find and the angles from which the object is viewed

The quality of the exhibition, choosing the appropriate place for it, and studying its relationship with the city and its contents.

Investigate functional relationships

The exhibition project consists of arranging the elements of a specific program in a chosen location in order to obtain the correct functional relationships for the different functions

Entrances, exits, pavilions, green spaces, water tanks, buildings, means of transportation, and waiting rooms


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3- The basics of   interior design for exhibitions and events   .


Complete procedures for planning and designing interior spaces. It is a series of interior design for exhibitions and events that aims to use the material, spiritual and social needs to serve the members of society. With these components, the focus is on technical aesthetics

The basics of interior design are based on a few basic elements that are represented by a series of proposals to create an interior design that pleases and delights the viewer, namely:

The guidelines for finding an internal beautification that pleases and delights the beholder

The audience  

The audience determines the nature, nature, meaning, diversity and ways, so the project must be based on the target audience according to age and level, then the materials provided must be varied to satisfy the largest possible audience. The most important thing when designing a gallery is the itineraries. It is quite far in front of the building, so the exposure is more of a push than a pull

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The nature of the exhibition 

The theme of the exhibition and the nature of the issuer has a significant impact on the exhibition. For example, if the exhibition is presented for commercial purposes, the exhibits must be researched and curated. The view also has a significant impact on the shape and size of the wing.

The importance of interior design for exhibitions and events  lies  in making the best use of the space available for the place based on the function and professionalism of the design

4- SMD Decoration services in the interior design of exhibitions and events .

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SMD Decoration   gives a set of design standards into consideration when designing the interiors of exhibitions and events,  as follows:

 Orientation of elements and spaces.

Lighting and interior finishes.

communication elements and passages.

noise and insulation.

Interactive outdoor spaces.

green items.

The effect of the location and shape of the building on its interaction with climate changes

In fact, SMD Decoration is one of the most distinguished companies, so when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from placing small details to final finishes, and SMD Decoration uses the best cadres of architects, interior designers and artists as well, in order to give distinguished results to its customers And you follow up all global developments in the field of decoration, in order to remain in front of all companies specialized in the field of decoration with hundreds of steps. If you are looking for excellence, then the company is your first and only choice, and because excellence is a decision and not a mere coincidence, so he decided to be distinguished through SMD Decoration services The distinctive features that we offer you, so we put our own mark in any field by focusing on simple details to produce great results, such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the exterior design. 

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