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What is the interior design and the most important notes that must be present in the design of a residential apartment

What is the interior design and the most important notes that must be present in the design of a residential apartment

Date: 2023/06/12

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

The designs of the newly built apartments are distinguished by their detailed interior designs that add elegance to every simple interior design, making it another spectacle of luxury, to enjoy a unique aesthetic that can be a reflection of the taste of its residents, rather than just selecting ideas borrowed from the tastes of others, as we see in design magazines or pages.

The interior designs of residential apartments are very important, as they create a luxurious atmosphere in addition to raising the value of the property.

When building a house or even when buying a new property, whether an apartment, a villa, or any other residential property, what matters most to us is how to divide the space of the house from the inside, as many people want to make use of the internal spaces in the houses in the best way, and comfort is taken into account. In the long run, for the residents of the house, in parallel with achieving the aesthetic goals of the dwelling, so a clear and accurate plan must be drawn up for the interior design and implementation to be carried out in a smooth manner and to achieve the desired results.


2- What are the factors that must be taken into account when choosing a residential apartment plan?

Choosing the layout of a new apartment is a difficult decision. With the below mentioned factors in mind, you will be well prepared to choose the most suitable and best apartment plan for you:

  • Understand the dimensions of the apartment and rooms

Knowing the overall apartment dimensions is not enough, so you also need to know the dimensions of each of the rooms within the apartment and the dimensions of the living room and bathrooms as well.

Because any mistake in estimating the space and placing it on the plan leads to bad consequences, and you may have to change your furniture to fit the new space.

  • Chart analysis

Another important factor when choosing an apartment layout is the layout itself. Where are the rooms located? You must pay great attention to the location of each room separately, even the bathrooms. It is very important to make sure of their location within the plan to ensure the privacy of everyone in the house. Look for any small details that might be bothering you.

  • Explore available storage options

In the event that you do not have enough storage spaces, your apartment will turn into a very random, chaotic place, so it is necessary to pay attention to the storage spaces available inside the apartment. 

  • Think about where the windows should be located

It's a small detail, but the consequences are huge. Where are the apartment windows located? The sun's rays help give a sense of more space, and most importantly, they are good for your physical and psychological health. Are the windows of the apartment letting in an adequate amount of light? What view do you show? You don't want to spend your time staring at a narrow, busy street.

Tips when choosing the layout of your future apartment

  • First, you must determine the exact number of rooms to suit the people who will live in them. Think carefully, are the drawn rooms enough for you?
  • Make sure that the rooms are well ventilated and that there is ample space in the living room, as it is the room in which the family spends most of the time
  • The apartment plan  is often a plan for a small house  , so you must make sure that the space is fully utilized in a way that does not affect the way the rooms are divided and their area
  • Hire a skilled engineer to supervise planning and construction, and do not hesitate when you encounter any mysterious matter.


3- What is interior design?

Design is a blueprint for the work that is supposed to be directed by the manager, business owner, or owner of knowledge to those who work with him .

Interior design is defined as the art of planning, designing, and beautifying human-made spaces. This field is closely related to architecture, despite the clear interest in the aesthetics and design of places throughout the ages. 

The interior designer creates interior designs for buildings, hospitals, hotels and restaurants, where the size and nature of the work is determined in cooperation with the client. These charts are accompanied by colored charts, fabric samples, and some photos. It also provides a study of the total cost of the work, and it is worth noting that the designer can make several plans before they are approved by the client.


4- Things to pay attention to while designing an apartment

1- Drawing the plan on paper with the help of an engineering consulting firm that uses the best electronic programs for designing houses.

2- Determine the area in which you want to design a one-story apartment, so that you can put the real measurements of the house and take advantage of all the spaces.

3- Determine everything related to the distribution of the interior rooms and the exterior appearance of the apartment, such as determining the area of ​​doors and windows and the height of the ceilings.

4 - Take into account the direction of the air and natural lighting so that you can benefit from the elements of nature as much as possible.

5- Determine part of the external spaces around the apartment for balconies, so that they are connected to the living room or kitchen.

6- Distribution of rooms locations in the floor apartment based on their type.

7- Taking into account the age groups of the residents of the house when distributing the rooms, especially if there are elderly people, as it is preferable that the bathrooms be close to them


5- Easy tips for writing a successful design brief

Building a dream home might seem like a daunting task, but it isn't! One of the most important sources of anxiety and challenges that a client can face is not understanding his design brief correctly! However, you can prevent this from happening simply by developing a tight, detailed, and referenced brief from the start. 

Here are some of the ways we recommend ensuring you deliver an excellent design brief :

1- Start writing a description of everything you would like to obtain, and do not let hesitation prevent you from employing your creativity. This stage is the beginning of the road to reach the place of dreams. Describe all the colors, areas, patterns, etc. that you want to see.

2- It is important to give a clear picture of the main users of the place: the number of your family members, the number of children, adolescents, or the elderly, and whether you have pets, and defining your lifestyle, hobbies, and the things you do for entertainment helps the designer to achieve a design that suits your needs precisely.

3- Arrange your needs according to their priority. You can draw inspiration from the following questions:

  • How many rooms do you want?
  • Do you need spaces designed specifically for children?
  • What style of kitchen do you prefer?
  • How many bathrooms do you need? Do you want it in certain places?
  • Would you like to add a room for entertainment?
  • What storage solutions do you prefer?

4- Choose the design style and materials you prefer

If you are unfamiliar with design terminology and material nomenclature, don't worry! There is a Smd Decoration interior design company in Turkey that helps you with everything you want.

5- Determine your budget and time requirements

It is very important that you let your designer know the total budget you are allocating for your project, this will ensure that they provide a workable design proposal.

Make sure the deadline is right for both of you and remember that working on a high-quality design takes time; The designer needs time to plan and study the options available to be able to turn the idea in your imagination into reality.

6- Try to keep the design brief clear and concise (no more than 6 pages) and be ready to make modifications and updates throughout the design phase.

A design brief is the first step towards a successful project, make sure you take the time to prepare it!

6- Smd Decoration company  for interior design and decoration in Turkey

Smd Decoration company for decoration in Turkey , based in Istanbul, specializing in luxury residential projects, decoration, interior design and exterior cladding, 

The Smd Decoration company for interior design and decoration in Turkey is with you in your home, office, workplace, or investment. It aims to create beauty and sophistication wherever it is located. It starts from the idea of ​​​​the real estate project, through the stages of its implementation, until marketing the project and selling it, in addition to interior design, decoration, and decorations of reception desks for it are not just A service you provide, but a lifestyle that creates designs that put you in the heart of modernity.

The homes designed by Smd Decoration for interior design and decoration in Turkey have a special character that combines modernity and sophistication, as its contemporary designs highlight the strength of its team with its ability to transform ordinary places into places with a special character through classic designs or modern designs and other design patterns This is except that the work of this company, during its implementation, is completely identical to the three-dimensional designs and drawings.