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The art of decoration for women and men

The art of decoration for women and men

Date: 2023/03/20

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- What is the art of decoration?

The art of decoration is that science, art, and creative ability that exists in the designer or the one who does the work of decoration in order to show that striking beauty in the place, which attracts attention to it from the side of those who see it, and whose role is to carry out the process of adapting cultures while investing different personal capabilities and vision Creative at the service of design for aesthetic elements.

As the art of decoration depends mainly on those techniques of creativity and innovation, as the designer uses and exploits all his materials, spaces, places, and lighting to achieve an integrated and beautiful design, and this is first through the availability of his aesthetic spirit, and secondly, his familiarity with these foundations, skillful methods, and techniques. His knowledge of the different and all kinds of materials and tools that he will deal with while performing his work, and even how to integrate them with each other in an aesthetic way.


2- Decoration for men:

In every corner of the house, a man needs things that belong to him alone, so care must be taken to have these things when starting to work or renewing decoration for men, because a man has his own taste and tendencies that no one understands. It is known that a man's interest in designs and decorations is very limited, if not at the core of his work.

There are several things that a man is keen to have in the house, such as:

  • dinning table

It is considered one of the important places to sit for eating, so you must be careful to choose it carefully in order to be a place for food and to exchange conversations with whomever you wish.

  • Drawers

Drawers are considered one of the focal points in the living room and bedroom, especially if the house is small, as a man can put some private things inside that are out of place.

  • Practical furniture

Men usually tend to make practical choices with regard to furniture, so it is difficult to convince them to try bold and out of the ordinary things, so we see that furniture in black or neutral colors is one of their favorite things.

  • the desk

The office is considered part of the house, especially if the person is a man who works full time and needs a separate office that allows him to enjoy a quiet atmosphere, and it is preferable that it be consistent with the general décor and very elegant.

  • white covers

White and clean sheets are among the things that a man is keen to have, as they give him a wide range and reflect comfort and calmness on his psyche, so he is keen to have them, especially in the bedroom.

  • TV set

To make the room in which the TV is located more elegant, we can add some antiques such as a table with drawers and put some accessories on it, such as lamps and a TV set.

  • the bathroom

Some believe that the luxurious bathroom is reserved for women only, but this is a misconception, as the man needs his own and comfortable bathroom, so his floor can be made radiant with a precious mirror and shelves to place things related to him, such as tools related to shaving and others.

  • Lighting Options Pendants, sconces, lamps, 3 things that can be able to change the lighting appropriately. For example, the kitchen needs bright light for cooking purposes, and the bedroom and dining room need slightly dim lights, unlike the living room and bathroom, which need strong lights.
  • seats

Leather-covered seats are among the favorites of men, so he does not exclude his options from this frame, while making sure to coordinate them with chairs and cushions.

3- Women's decoration

The house for a woman represents her “private kingdom”, as she is his crowned princess, who gives it the appropriate touches that keep pace with modern developments, and her feminine nature made her diligent in looking at the latest trends in the world of decoration and home designs.

Women's interest in decoration and home furnishings is originally due to women's always being associated with beauty.

In the wide world of decoration for women, there are special touches that reflect the feminine taste, noting that the majority of women associate interior design with the fashion of clothing and accessories. Where women are attracted to decor of a simple nature, away from sharp and hard lines and huge shapes or geometric shapes. Note that swaying shapes are desirable for women.

The materials desired by women are crystal, especially in decoration, such as crystal ropes that fall from a niche (nish) in the ceiling (or in the walls). Women also tend to decorate the table tops in the rooms of the house, with soft sheets, topped with candles, small statues, copper baskets and crystal pieces.

We find great differences between women in taste, choices, and inclinations with regard to home decoration, including furniture, antiques, or colors. The same place, without diversifying them, makes them feel gloomy, and it is better to mix eastern and western decorations, so that each room has a different look from the other.

And this difference in decoration for women is what distinguishes the difference in decoration in homes and adding beauty to each house according to the taste of each of them.

4- The difference between women and men in decoration

The man realizes that he differs from the woman in taste and inclinations, as he prefers simplicity, while she tends to mix colors, and choosing them together for home decorations often leads to a clash, and in order to avoid reaching that stage, he gave her free rein in selection.

Specialists in women's affairs attributed her interest in home décor more than men to the natural and biological differences between them. The girl always tends to aesthetic aspects since childhood, so we see her seeking to acquire a beautiful bride and stereoscopic houses, while the boy tends to rough work and violent games.

The one who contemplates the majority of home decorations finds that they seem to be a reflection of a woman's personality.

  • A practical woman whose home decor is dominated by discipline, organization and neutral colors.
  • While the dreamy woman, her house is characterized by soft colors and the romance of candles.
  • Women's moods also appear in the colors of home decorations. The stubborn, fickle woman combines many and mixed colors in her designs, unlike the dreamy personality who chooses warm colors and quiet decorations.

Also, culture in general associated women with beauty, while linking men with strength, muscles, and exhausting work. Therefore, we find that the girl, from a young age, does the housework and organizes it, either while playing or trying to help and imitate the mother, even in arranging flowers, embroidery, or cooking.

- Most of the customers in decoration are women, just as the man, when he agrees with her to implement the decorations of his house, often does not interfere in the implementation details and leaves her as an engineer everything from choosing colors and designs, given that she is a woman and masters the choice instinctively.

This behavior of men is unlike women, as she is keen to intervene and follow all stages of implementation of decoration, starting from defining its two types between classic and modern, through its implementation on the ground, and even imposes her vision regarding shape, design, and quality of materials, and changes her opinion more than once. Engineers also benefit from women's intervention in designs, especially with regard to colors, furniture distribution locations, and the addition of new things that add more distinction. It is also rare for a man to disagree with a woman or insist on his choice, and if this happens, they leave the matter to the decorator or the female taste prevails.

“There is no evidence that men and women have different tastes,” said Andre Kobitz, an expert with the Shape Design Council. But women will buy furniture according to their needs.”

And men are the ones who look at the external appearance of the furniture and tend to buy traditional pieces of furniture such as sofas, chairs, and others.

Also, once new pieces of furniture enter the house, men usually do not change their arrangement. But the matter differs with women who accept to change the arrangement of furniture more than once to bring some kind of joy to the place.


5- Smd Decoration company  for interior design and decoration in Turkey

Smd Decoration company for decoration in Turkey, based in Istanbul, specializing in luxury residential projects, decoration, interior design and exterior cladding,

The Smd Decoration company for interior design and decoration in Turkey is with you in your home, office, workplace, or investment. It aims to create beauty and sophistication wherever it is located. It starts from the idea of ​​​​the real estate project, through the stages of its implementation, until marketing the project and selling it, in addition to interior design, decoration, and decorations of reception desks for it are not just A service you provide, but a lifestyle that creates designs that put you in the heart of modernity.

The houses in which the Smd Decoration company for interior design and decoration in Turkey implements the decoration have a special character that combines modernity and sophistication, as our contemporary designs highlight the strength of our team with its ability to transform ordinary places into places with a special character through classic designs or modern designs and other Design patterns, except that the work of this company during its implementation is completely identical to the designs and three-dimensional graphics, and also works according to the tastes of men and women in a manner commensurate with their tendencies.

We also note that Smd Decoration, an interior design and decoration company in Turkey, does not charge its fees through bitcoin or digital currencies, but rather through paper currencies or bank transfers.