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Corridors between rooms are decorated with the spirit and splendor of the house

Corridors between rooms are decorated with the spirit and splendor of the house

Date: 2023/04/02

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

Corridors between rooms  are part of the interior decoration, as they are not the spaces that lead to the rooms, but they are of great importance to emphasize the elegance, beauty and luxury of the house.

And decorative corridors between the rooms  that  connect parts of the house and move or lead to most of the rooms play an important and aesthetic role to communicate an elegant vision of the house inside.

The decoration of the corridors between the rooms  is the soul of the house and gives it a distinctive and elegant glow, both in the corridors that lead to the bedrooms and the corridor that leads to the reception, but the most attention-grabbing is the corridor that connects the front door of the house to the reception room 

Elegance, sophistication, and beauty by decorating corridors between rooms do not appear except with the presence of some accessories arranged in the joy of colors and appropriate lighting. Interior corridors must also be decorated, so this main point that connects all parts of the house must not be neglected.

It is necessary to take care of the decoration of the corridors between the rooms   in the same way as the external corridor leading to the reception. We also need to take care of the bedrooms, living rooms and the corridors leading to them because this is a place that we all touch during our stay at home and make a good mood. 

SMD Decoration  provides   the art   of decorating corridors between rooms   according to creative and aesthetic services  

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2- Ideas for    decorating corridors between rooms  .   

Decorating corridors between rooms is one of the things that are marginalized by a large percentage, although it is an important part of the house, and in order to complete the beauty of your home, you must implement the most beautiful simple ideas to get a corridor with an impressive view, and there are many modern designs that suit the corridor and can be made in a few simple and non- expensive.

 To watch a video on the steps to implement  decorating corridors between rooms,   click here  


The decoration of corridors between rooms  contains many different tastes, related to colors and materials, and whatever the luxury of the house or the place in which the interior decoration is intended to be organized,  the decoration of corridors between rooms remains  the magic touch that affects the general appearance 


And because  SMD Decoration   is the most distinguished company in decorating corridors between rooms, it shows you, dear reader, ideas for decorating corridors between rooms. Let's go….


Corridors between rooms are narrow 

 There are simple steps to achieve the decoration of corridors between rooms   that you want both the main ideas are as follows:


1- You can paint the wall in cheerful colors that match the door of the room until you get the look you want.

2- You need to cover the corridor with a small area with long carpets

3- Where the color of the carpet should be light, conveying a sense of comfort 

4- When laying tiles, it contains decorations that give the room space.

5- Good lighting must be placed in the corridor, which is one of the most important things to make it distinctive and elegant.

6- Hanging small pictures on the walls 

Luxurious corridor decorations

The corridors of the houses need to make some decorations in order to be of luxury and beauty, as appropriate designs must be made for your corridor to match it, and among the most prominent ideas in decorating corridors between rooms are as follows  :

1- The area of ​​the corridor must be taken into account, whether it is small or large.

2- Exploiting the corridor of the house to turn it into a photo gallery.

3- Pictures must be placed on the walls in a correct manner to show the beauty of the corridor

4- Securing picture frames in different shapes, but in one color.

5- By inserting pictures inside the frames to be placed on the walls in a distinctive way.



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3- Tips when decorating    corridors between rooms     .

Attention must be paid to the design of the interior decoration of the corridors and the correct selection of its equipment and attractive and innovative decorations, especially those that lead to the reception

planning. When designing narrow and long corridors, it is recommended to use mirrors, bright colors, and appropriate lighting with spatial distribution.

. SMD Decoration explains the important tips in the implementation, rules and  decoration of corridors between rooms  , so let us start…

interior lighting 

When designing a hallway decoration   , the lighting placed there must be taken into account. It is important not to use bright lighting, as this will darken the interior lighting of rooms and corridors and distort the view. The lighting should be dim and sideways. The role of lighting lies mainly in creating a visual space that helps to add aesthetics to the place and an unusual charm.


One of the most important colors for decorating hallways is wood colors and bright accessories, especially if the entrance is large. As for the interior corridors of the house, it is better to decorate them in light and bright colors. The bright and vibrant colors give the place a wonderful luster and joy. Among the basic colors for decorating the entrances and corridors of the house: gold, silver and bronze, especially as they match all the colors of the walls and tables, if any.

Nicole decorates the hallways with bright and decorative wallpaper that gives atmosphere to the hallway and makes it a unique place in the house, not just an entryway.


Among the most important accessories for decorating entrances and corridors are items made of bronze, gold or silver that match the main decoration of the house. And he confirms that it is good to add a carpet that matches the color of the entrance and the corridor so that it suggests the importance of the place, and it is preferable that it be decorated and that the listed accessories match. 

Cabinets and shelves

One of the most popular ideas is to place small closets in the hallways leading to the entrance of the house, as evidenced by the shoe rack and wardrobe. For narrow hallways, there is storage space in the form of wall-mounted shelves, but also in the form of small drawers or wall cabinets.


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4- Decorating corridors between rooms  and services provided by SMD Decoration   .

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SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the customer and apply them in all stages of decorating corridors between rooms  in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.

The SMD Decoration company     advises every engineer when implementing the interior decoration  to follow his method in the preparation process for the project and gives his creativity that he does to reach the desired results

 SMD Decoration has people who specialize in decorating corridors between rooms and coordinating colors and are able to design interior decoration with full perfection,    

The SMD Decoration company is one of the best distinguished companies, so that when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from setting the plan in terms of small details all the way to the final finishes, and the SMD Decoration company uses the best cadres of designers, architects, interior engineers and artists as well, and that To give distinctive and impressive results to its customers. If you are looking for excellence, the company is your first choice 

We put our own mark in any field by focusing on simple details to produce great results, such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the exterior design.

 To contact customer service, click here 


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