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Your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions is planning and perseverance

Your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions is planning and perseverance

Date: 2023/05/14

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

Decoration and architecture competitions are known for being one of the most creative and imaginative competitions, and every year they attract a large number of talented designers and engineers. However, proof of success in these competitions is not easy, as it requires effort, preparation and creative thinking.


Therefore, your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions comes to help you prepare for the competitions and get a better chance of winning. Your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions  covers a set of tips and advice that can help you improve your skills and increase your chances of winning competitions.


Regardless of your level in design and architecture, in your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions, you will find useful information and valuable tips that will help you achieve success in this exciting and exciting field.


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2- General advice from your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions 

Here are some tips in your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions  that can help you guide success in decoration and architecture competitions: 


1- Study the competition:

 Before starting any competition, you must carefully read the terms and requirements, which are your guide to excellence , and carefully study the required project. You should also look for available opportunities that fit your skills and interests.


2- Creativity and creative thinking: 

Creativity and creative thinking is  your guide to excellence  and is one of the most important qualities that referees and arbitration committees look for in competitions. So you must work on developing and improving this characteristic constantly.


3- Advance preparation:

 Before starting any competition, you must prepare well, and you must work on researching ideas, materials, and products that we will use in your project.


4- Design a unique project: 

Your project must be unique and new, and it must be characterized by innovation, quality and uniqueness. It should also be appropriate to the topic requested in the competition.


5- Teamwork :

 In some competitions, teamwork may be required. So you must cooperate with your team and communicate well to achieve the best results.


6- Grammar check: 

Your project must be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and grammar and spelling must be checked several times before submitting the project.


7- Good Presentation:

 When presenting your project, you must present the project well using photos, videos, and presentations, and the presentation must be elaborate and beautiful.


You must work hard and diligently and prepare well for the competition, focus on creativity and creative thinking to design a unique and new project, and submit it well and elaborately to achieve a better chance of winning the competition.


 To watch a video about your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions,    click here  

3- Preparing in advance for success in decoration and architecture competitions 

You can do several things to prepare in advance in  your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions, including:


1- Search for the topic: 

You must search for the topic required in the competition, and learn about the requirements that must be met in the project. You can search for available opportunities, past competitions, and winning projects to get an idea of ​​what the judges and judges expect.


2- Select materials: 

After researching the topic, you should determine the materials and tools that you will need to make your project. Find the right materials and tools for the project, your level and your budget.


3- Drawing and Design: 

You can use drawing and design to design your project and specify its materials, colors and shape. You can use various computer programs for design and drawing.


4- Experience and training: 

You should experiment and practice using different materials and tools and improve your drawing and design skills. You can search for various training courses and technical workshops that help you develop your skills.


5- Preparing the first model: 

After preparing the project and selecting materials and tools, you should prepare, test and improve the first prototype of the project before starting the actual work on the project.


6- Time planning:

 You must plan the time and schedule work on the project and set deadlines for project delivery.


7- Check grammar and spelling:

 You must check the grammar and spelling of the project and ensure that it is free of grammatical and spelling errors.


You must do the pre-contest preparation with accuracy and focus, and focus on research, experiment, training, planning, good preparation for the project, and checking grammar and spelling before submitting the project in the competition. Which is considered one of the most important items in your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions 


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4- The appropriate materials for the project in  your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions   

You can select the appropriate materials for the project in  your directory by succeeding in decoration and architecture competitions 

 Using the following steps:


1- Determine the topic: You must select the topic that you want to work on, and then select the appropriate materials for the project.


2- Searching for materials: You can search for the different materials that can be used in the project, and learn about their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.


3- Determine the basic materials: You must determine the basic materials that you will use in the project, on which the success of the project depends.


4- Select additional materials: You can select additional materials that can be used to decorate the project or add some aesthetic touches.


5- Quality and budget: You must select the materials that fit your available budget and are characterized by quality and durability.


6- Compatibility and harmony: You must ensure that the different materials are compatible and harmonious with each other, and that they are appropriate to the theme required in the competition.


7- Innovation: You can benefit from different materials and use them in new and innovative ways to design a unique and distinctive project.


You must select the appropriate materials for the project accurately and focus, and focus on research and analysis to determine the basic and additional materials suitable for the project, and ensure their compatibility, harmony, quality and budget, and innovation in their use to design a unique and innovative project.

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5- Suitable projects in  your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions 

There are many materials that can be used in different projects in your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions.  Here are some examples of materials suitable for different projects:

1 - Drawing and Design Project:

 Colored pencils, watercolors, oil colors, charcoal, colored paper, cardboard, patterned paper, canvas, leather, clay, clay, and plastic can all be used. It is the path to success in business


2- Sewing and embroidery project: 

Fabric, thread, needles, ribbon, buttons, embellishments, silk ribbons, and cotton ribbons can all be used.


3 - Sculpture and Carpentry Project: 

Wood, stone, metal, earth, clay, clay, plaster, plastics and resins can all be used.


4- Electronics and Robotics Project :

 Electronic boards, wires, motors, sensors, solar cells, batteries and various electronic components can be used.


5- Architecture and Decoration Project:

 Stone, glass, wood, metal, aluminum, plastic, paperboard, decorative paperboard, leather, canvas and various fabrics can be used.


These are some examples of suitable materials for different projects. You can use the appropriate materials for your project and determine the basic and additional materials that suit your level, budget, and the subject required in the competition. It is your guide to success



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6 -   Your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions    and services provided by SMD Decoration   

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It can be said that participation in the decoration competition requires effort, preparation, planning and innovation, and success in this competition can be achieved by following the steps mentioned,  your guide to success in decoration and architecture competitions  , focusing on the basics, innovation and moving away from traditionalism.


Moreover, your guide to success can be achieved by taking advantage of previous experiences, identifying ideas and materials suitable for the project, determining the appropriate budget, and design innovation.


Finally, you should enjoy the work and take advantage of participating in the competition to develop your skills and experience in the field of decoration and interior design. We wish you all the best and success in your competition.


SMD Decoration offers a variety of services in the field of    interior design and decoration, including:


1- Designing and implementing interior decoration works for houses, apartments, villas, palaces, offices, shops, and others.

2- Designing and implementing interior design works for commercial projects, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools, universities, and others.

3- Carrying out installation, upholstery, painting, finishing, renovation and modernization works for housing and commercial projects.

4- Designing and implementing customized furniture and interior furnishings for residences and commercial projects.

5- Design and implementation of internal and external lighting works and installation of electronic systems.

6- Providing consultations and advice to clients about interior design, decoration, choosing appropriate materials, and color coordination.

SMD Decoration  provides comprehensive services in the field of interior design and decoration, and strives to meet customers' needs, achieve their vision, and turn their ideas into an attractive and tangible reality.

SMD Decoration   is the best distinguished company, so that when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from setting the plan in terms of small details, all the way to putting the final finishes ,

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