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Your right guide in the implementation stages of interior decoration

Your right guide in the implementation stages of interior decoration

Date: 2023/05/04

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

The stages of the interior design process  depend on preparing, equipping, and arranging the place to suit the goal on which the decoration will be based, whether it is an office, house, shop, and others. 

Successful interior decoration is what suits the purpose required of it inside the place, and it must be suitable for the customer and not cause him any harm, but rather helps him to adapt, so it must be adhered to, and the interior decoration must suit each individual according to his inclinations, even with the space and location of the place, and this is what shows us the importance of Stages of implementation of interior decoration  and shows the importance of cooperation between the client and the interior designer. 

Stages of the interior design process   The process of shaping and decorating the spaces created by humans by provoking a smile, and this field is closely related to engineering, and despite the clear interest in the aesthetics of places and their design, interior decoration is able to change the mood, and is even able to control what we feel from feelings such as happiness and depression. And romance, so whoever does not feel happy enough in his home should think about redecorating it again


The implementation of interior decorations plays an important role, and it is the role of the "hidden healer" by raising a smile or inciting to think about what is outside the framework of work and the requirements of contemporary life.

Studies have shown that the interior coordination of the house is able to change the mood, and is even able to control the feelings we feel such as happiness, depression and romance, so whoever does not feel happy enough in his home should think about redesigning it again, according to the designer.


The stages of implementing interior decoration  is the process of merging special characteristics from inside and outside, and interior decoration makes things pleasant and beautiful, as it reformulates ideas and trains them to apply them practically, and defines the initial concept through the form of implementation and how this idea affects the reality.  


The stages of implementing the interior decorations are based on the techniques of art and innovation. With all its materials, spaces, places and lights to obtain the required interior decoration,

SMD Decoration  provides   interior decoration works according to technical and creative services. SMD Decoration shows  you, dear reader, the stages of interior decoration implementation     according to the following:  

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2- Important steps and factors in  the implementation stages of interior decoration:


Many people want to renovate their homes or improve their interior decoration, but at the same time, appropriate and creative ideas for redecorating a house on a limited budget may not be available. From this point of view, we show you the stages of interior design implementation


An agreement is reached between the interior designer and the customers, whereby the aesthetic dimension and its impact on the workers inside the place or the daily pioneers are largely controlled in the decoration design.

The interior designer does not depend on repeating the ideas that were designed in similar places in the same way.  

 Because the stages of implementing the interior design  contain many different tastes, related to colors and materials, which depend on reshaping the formulation of these ideas by studying all aspects of the idea and putting it into practice to apply it on the ground.   


And because  SMD Decoration   is the most elegant and distinguished company in the art of interior decoration,  we will share, dear reader, rules and tips that must be observed in the stages of implementing interior decoration    , which we will mention in detail.

 To watch a video on the steps of implementing the interior decoration, click here    

The first rule: Furniture and its role in the stages of interior decoration 

The furniture that decorates the interior plays an important role. The furniture contains all the right components, from the dining table, chairs, sofa, footstool, bar stool and guest seats are all components of the furniture and have a prominent role in the beauty of the interior design. And the color of the furniture constitutes a third of the interior design, which must be carefully coordinated with the colors of the walls and accessories. The type of furniture must match the style of other interior items such as accessories, wall and floor design 


The second rule: picture frames and their role in the stages of interior decoration

Picture frames are the living soul of every home. When used proportionately, it will add a lot to the home's intimate spirit and style.

Famous painting and photographs, calligraphy, rugs and many other things that should be tasteful and coordinate with home decor 

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The third rule: light and brightness and its role in the stages of interior decoration

Light and brightness are important factors in interior decoration. Lighting lamps can be natural or a variety of chandeliers. Lighting points of interest may include any or all of the following.

development of the optical industry

 The light branch design matches the overall interior style

 The intensity and amount of light is everywhere

 The color of the light used

That concentrated points of light combined with darkness create an eye-catching beauty.

The fourth rule: Decorations and the method of dividing them in the stages of interior decoration

Planning a room in decoration is an important and easy way to divide large spaces into smaller ones; He is. Segmentation is one way of dividing the fixed and mobile space in the market

I prefer the entrance area than the reception area

 Separate the kitchen from the dining room

Corridors and reception rooms

By dividing the space, different styles of furniture can be applied to different rooms, bringing beauty and variety.


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3- The basics of   the stages of implementing interior decoration     .

Executing interior decorations  is preparing and equipping a place to perform a job with minimal effort, including floors, walls, ceilings, and furnishings as specified. It is the art of treating a space or room and all its dimensions in a way that makes aesthetic use of all design elements that facilitate work inside the building.

 It is about the stages of implementing the interior design   based on specific architectural data, reviving this design and then implementing it in any place and space, whatever its destination and character, using different materials and the appropriate colors become a price.

Dear reader, we will share the basics of the stages of implementing interior decoration that must be taken into account. Let's go….


Giving soul to furniture 

 When thinking about changing the implementation of interior decorations, you must seriously consider choosing pieces that are in line with the nature of the place 

Colors and how to choose them 

Colors are the important element that gives the place vitality and activity, and each color has its own meanings and psychological impact

place lighting 

It is considered one of the most important elements and basics of the stages of implementing the interior decoration , as it refreshes the interior atmosphere in the place 

Task lighting can be used for dining tables and bedside table lamps, while directed lighting is that used to highlight artwork, sculptures, and more. As for mood lighting, it improves visibility and adds vitality to the place. 

SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the client and apply them at every stage of the implementation of the interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.


4- Tips  for the stages of implementing interior decoration  and services provided by SMD Decoration 

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The SMD Decoration company is  one of the most creative companies, as it shows the typical internal system upon receiving a specific project   

 And it follows it up, starting from drawing up the plan in terms of small details, all the way to setting the final finishes, and SMD Decoration uses the best cadres of designers, architects, interior designers, and artists as well, in order to give distinguished and impressive results to its customers, and it follows up all global developments in The field of interior decoration and design, in order to remain a leader in the field of decoration, ahead of hundreds of steps. If you are looking for excellence, then the company is your first choice because excellence is a decision and not a mere coincidence, so he decided to be distinguished through the distinctive SMD Decoration services that we offer you, so we put our own mark in Any field focusing on simple details to produce great results, such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the exterior design  

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We would like to point out that SMD Decoration   for interior design and decoration in Turkey does not use bitcoins or digital currencies in its business dealings, but rather charges its fees through paper currencies or bank transfers.