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Civilization of Baghdad, heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration

Civilization of Baghdad, heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration

Date: 2023/05/09

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

The city of Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration , is the capital of the Iraqi  state and the largest city in Iraq as well as being an educational, economic and administrative center . The growth of the urban area and the increase of its influence, as well as the ease of its communication across the Tigris River through bridges where the river enters the cities and divides it into two parts, Rusafa and Karkh. 

The city of Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration, consists of 27 regions, each of which is divided into more than one region, and Baghdad also has cultural and civilizational importance. Because it contains many schools, museums, theaters, and libraries, in addition to Islamic monuments, the city wall, the Caliphate House, Al-Mustansiriya School, and other historical monuments.  

SMD Decoration  explains   to you, dear reader, the rules  of Baghdad in the Abbasid era

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2- Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art, building decoration, and reasons  

The city of Baghdad was known  as the heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration  by other names, such as the city of "Al-Mansour" and Baghdad Al-Abbasiya,  in relation to its builder, Caliph Al-Mansour. It is also called the "Round City" because of the circular shape of its building and the "City of Peace" because the Tigris is called the "Valley of Peace". Al-Mansur ordered the use of this name in the minting of dinars. And the Abbasid dirham and in government correspondence, but people still use the old name "Baghdad" today.   

 To watch a video about Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration, click here         


The city of Baghdad, the innovation of the Abbasids in art and decoration during the reign of Caliph Abi Jaafar al-Mansur  

The city of  Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration,  is a purely Abbasid city. It was built by the second Abbasid caliph, Abu Jaafar al-Mansur, to be the capital of the Abbasid caliphate. Old City of Baghdad

  Construction began in 762 and was completed in 766. The city is in the form of a circle consisting of three central rings, so each of these rings has a specific function and each central ring is surrounded by its own wall. for trade, business and living.

The design of the city of  Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art and  circular decoration, is a unique and distinctive design in the history of building the city, where many ancient cities were built, such as the cities of Mesopotamia before Baghdad, and they were oval or circular in shape, but for military and defensive purposes, an example of this is the city of Al-Madaen in the southern part from Baghdad

The ancient city of Baghdad  is the city of Hatra in the southwestern part of Mosul. Baghdad has four main gates connected by two gates. The Khorasan Gate or the State Gate, the eastern gate, is located opposite the western gate, the Kufa Gate, and the Basra Gate from the south, opposite the Levant Gate from the north. The city also has two walls, one of which is higher than the other by about 13 meters. These two walls are separated by an empty land to transfer defensive moves.

The city wall of  Baghdad, the innovation of the Abbasids in art and decoration, is one of the most complex and numerous walls. It is about thirty meters high and varies in width from bottom to top. Its width is about 15 meters at the bottom and gradually decreases until it reaches 12 meters at the top. The reason for the size of this wall is that it was a catapult target and with a trench for protection, and the water reached the trench from a channel branching from the Karkhaya River.


The city of Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration during the reign of Caliph Harun al-Rashid 

During the reign of the fifth Abbasid caliph, Harun al-Rashid, in the first half century of Baghdad's life, the city of Baghdad witnessed  the Abbasid heresy in art and decoration   apogee, which affected the city's expansion on the western bank of the river. - Al-Rusafa, which has become the center of Baghdad to this day, and during the Abbasid era, there were many scholars in the city. It includes law, languages, literature, geography, history, arithmetic, medicine, and engineering, as well as architects, artists, judges, army commanders, sculptors, and more.

The city of Baghdad, the innovation of the Abbasids in art and decoration during the reign of Caliph Al-Muqtadir Billah

During the reign of Caliph Al-Muqtadir Billah, the city reached its peak in urbanization, expansion, and population. A semi-circular wall was built in Rusafa and Karkh, which led to the transformation of the center of the caliphate. From Karkh to Rusafa.

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3-  Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration, civilization and its manifestations   . 

The city of  Baghdad, the heresy of the Abbasids in art and decoration, reached its peak of prosperity and maturity during the Abbasid era, especially in the early architects and entertainment centers until it surpassed Rome and other major cities.  

. In the following lines, we discover the SMD Decoration company , the characteristics of Baghdad civilization during the time of the Abbasids. So let us begin…

Building the House of Peace 

Old Baghdad in the Abbasid era.  Al-Mansur inaugurated the building in a remarkable ceremony. Its layout was circular. The town was surrounded by two walls, each with four doors, through which those coming from different directions used to enter.

Gardens and parks 

Old Baghdad in the Abbasid era The Abbasids planted lush gardens in Baghdad, which are the best example of the art of gardens in their era. water, and they adorned its trees and clothed it with precious metals and ornaments, and they spread squares, statues and pictures throughout it, and they built canals and rivers in it.


Baghdad, the Abbasid era. The Abbasids engaged in building huge palaces and achieved a great degree of expansion. The first palace built was the (Gold Gate) palace, which was built by Al-Mansur. It has a green dome

Magnificent domes and doors of gold and silver and decorated with many columns decorated with rich carvings, and in the middle the floor was carpeted and embroidered and had poetic verses on it 


Fire extinguishing system

Baghdad, the Abbasid era, Baghdad knew specifically about the fire system, and it is known that fires occur for known reasons, including what is caused by lightning in the sky, and some of them are deliberately caused or as a result of wars and internal conflicts. And it seems that Baghdad has fire safety procedures such as water pills that are placed on top of the dwellings and menstruation dug in the corridors and filled with water to put out fires, and the navigators and workers were assigned to extinguish the fire when it broke out. 


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SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the customer and apply them in all stages of interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.


4- Baghdad, heresy of the Abbasids in art, decoration and services provided by SMD Decoration   .  

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SMD Decoration shows how the city of  Baghdad was the innovation of the Abbasids in art and decoration,  in which urbanization was great in the Abbasid era, to the extent that the two banks of the Tigris were built in which palaces, houses, gardens, magnificent parks, markets, baths and mosques were built. 

SMD Decoration has people who specialize in interior decoration and color coordination and are able to design interior decoration with full perfection,    

The SMD Decoration company     advises every engineer when implementing the interior decoration  to follow his method in the preparation process for the project and gives his creativity that he does to reach the desired results

SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the customer and apply them in all stages of interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.


SMD Decoration is one of the best distinguished companies, so that when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from developing the plan in terms of small details, all the way to final finishing. 

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