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Proper distribution of loudspeakers in mosques

Proper distribution of loudspeakers in mosques

Date: 2023/06/22

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

The distribution of loudspeakers in mosques  is a sensitive topic that raises controversy in the community, as it relates to the call to prayer, sermon, recitation, and other religious matters that need an audio announcement in the mosque. The distribution of loudspeakers in mosques can  sometimes disturb nearby residents and cause excessive noise, especially if the volume levels are very high. However, the distribution of loudspeakers in mosques is important in facilitating the announcement of the call to prayer and prayer for worshipers, and in providing an appropriate sound environment for sermons, recitations, and lectures. Therefore, this issue must be dealt with with care and balance, and work to find appropriate solutions for all concerned parties. In the distribution of loudspeakers in mosques


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2- Methods    of distributing loudspeakers in mosques


There are many different methods that can be used to distribute loudspeakers in mosques , and among these methods:


1- The distribution of the amplifiers in the four corners: 

The mosque loudspeakers  can be distributed  in all four parts of the mosque, so that the sound is distributed evenly throughout the mosque.


2- Using directional loudspeakers: 

The distribution of loudspeakers in mosques can be used  by placing directed loudspeakers to direct sound to specific points within the mosque, which helps reduce disturbance to the surrounding residents.


3- Using the central sound system: 

 The distribution of loudspeakers in mosques can be used by placing a central sound system to distribute sound in the mosque, where the loudspeakers are connected to a central sound source, and the sound level is controlled and distributed through this system.


4- Using reflective cylinders:

 It is possible to use  the distribution of loudspeakers in mosques by placing reflective cylinders to distribute sound, as these cylinders direct sound to specific places inside the mosque.


The appropriate method for distributing loudspeakers in mosques can be chosen according to the size and design of the mosque, and according to the needs of the Muslim community that uses the mosque. Care must be taken that the sound does not cause disturbance to the surrounding population and care must be taken to distribute it appropriately to facilitate the sound announcement of the call to prayer, sermons and recitations.

 To watch a video about the distribution of loudspeakers in mosques, click here 

3- Factors that must be taken into account when  distributing loudspeakers in mosques


When distributing loudspeakers in mosques , many factors must be taken into account to provide a suitable acoustic environment and avoid disturbance to the surrounding population. Among these factors when distributing loudspeakers in mosques are:  


1- The size of the mosque: 

When distributing loudspeakers in mosques, the number of loudspeakers, their power, and the sound quality appropriate to the size and design of the mosque must be chosen, in order to provide an appropriate sound environment for prayers, sermons, and recitations. 


2- Direction of the amplifiers:

 When distributing loudspeakers in mosques, it is necessary  to direct the loudspeakers so that the sound is distributed evenly throughout the mosque, and to avoid directing the loudspeakers towards the streets or houses surrounding the mosque. 


3- The volume: 

When distributing loudspeakers in mosques, it is necessary  to determine the appropriate volume level for audio announcements in the mosque, and to avoid making them too loud, causing disturbance to the surrounding population. 


4- The quality of the amplifiers:

 When distributing loudspeakers in mosques,  loudspeakers of high quality and appropriate to the size and sound quality of the mosque should be chosen, and the use of weak or low-quality loudspeakers should be avoided. 


5- Regular maintenance: 

Care must be taken to maintain the amplifiers periodically to maintain their quality and avoid any problems affecting the sound.


6- Consultation:

 Specialists in the field of amplifier distribution can be consulted to determine the most appropriate method for the size and design of the mosque.


By choosing the appropriate method for distributing loudspeakers in mosques and taking into account these factors, a suitable sound environment can be provided for prayers, sermons and recitations, and avoid disturbance to the surrounding population.


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4 - Providing a healthy environment in  distributing loudspeakers in mosques 


A suitable acoustic environment can be provided without disturbing the surrounding population, by using modern technology in distributing loudspeakers in mosques   and controlling the volume and directing it accurately. This can be achieved by following some necessary guidelines and measures, such as:


1- Use directional loudspeakers:

 Mosque Speakers The sound is directed inwards inside the mosque and the sound is reduced in the outward direction, and this helps to avoid disturbance to the surrounding residents.


2- Using a central audio system:

 Where loudspeakers are distributed in mosques  at specific points in the mosque and connected to a central sound source, and the sound level is controlled and distributed through this system, which helps to provide a suitable sound environment without disturbing the surrounding population.


3- Determine the appropriate volume level:

 The appropriate and acceptable volume level for audio advertisements in the mosque is determined, and it is avoided to make it too loud, which causes inconvenience to the surrounding population.


4- Attention to the design of the mosque:

 Where the design of the mosque is chosen so that it is able to reduce the sound leaking outside the mosque and reduce the disturbance to the surrounding residents.

5- Ensure regular maintenance: 

Where care is taken to maintain the mosque loudspeaker and distribution system periodically to maintain its quality and avoid any problems affecting the sound.


By choosing and applying appropriate procedures, a suitable acoustic environment can be provided for prayers, sermons and recitations without disturbing the surrounding population.

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5 - Distribution of loudspeakers in mosques  and services provided by SMD Decoration    

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Loudspeakers in mosques  are important to provide an appropriate and polite sound environment for prayers, sermons and recitations, and many factors must be taken into account when designing a loudspeaker  such as the size of the mosque, the direction of the loudspeakers, the sound level, the quality of the loudspeakers, and regular maintenance.


It is also important to take into account the residents surrounding the mosque and avoid disturbing them, and this can be achieved by using modern technology in  distributing loudspeakers in mosques  and controlling the volume and directing it accurately.


 By choosing and applying appropriate procedures, an appropriate sound environment can be provided for prayers, sermons and recitations without disturbing the surrounding population, and the main goal of  distributing loudspeakers in mosques is to provide an environment suitable for worship, meditation and belonging to the Muslim community.

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