a minute idea

SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Design and implementation of studios

Design and implementation of studios

Date: 2023/04/09

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

If you own a TV or radio station, and even if you are a publisher of content on social media or you are thinking of starting to create and publish content, you know the importance of the studio to deliver the message that you present in terms of visual and audio. Received acceptance from the viewer and listener, and since we at SMD Decoration have the good reputation that we are the best company for designing and implementing studios in Istanbul, we can undertake to equip the best studio at the right price for your budget.  

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2- Stages of studio design and implementation

And because we realize the importance of being the best studio design company in Istanbul, we are keen to design the studio appropriately in order to achieve the comfort and confidence of the worker in it, and since his comfort will increase the admiration of the recipient and achieve his purpose of drawing attention and delivering his message, we have developed a plan of several stages that we present to you, dear reader:

To watch a video about the implementation stages of the plan, click  here


The first step:

The company appoints a specialized team to study the studio design project , where it listens to your ideas about the design and presents the available options with an explanation of the costs and the expected completion period to obtain the fastest design and implementation of the studio in Istanbul. This team follows up the project during all stages of implementation according to the agreed plan to obtain satisfactory results.


The second step:

It is called the preliminary design stage, where we distribute the work for each engineer in the work cadre according to his specialization in architecture, decoration and electricity, and form a specialized team to supervise and follow up at this stage.


The third step:

After agreeing with the customer, we develop a work plan that shows the main points that will be worked on, as we provide three-dimensional illustrative models that ensure that the design idea is communicated to the customer and that all details are noted within the design.

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The fourth step:

The successful design of the studio takes into account the appearance, color, recording techniques, lighting, display, sound insulation, noise prevention, and many other things that our professional team of talented engineers works to achieve according to the highest standards and using the best technologies, and this makes us 


Fifth step:

The project management supervises the work team to ensure harmony between the teams' agendas to achieve the maximum possible shortening of the schedule and manage the capabilities and available resources.


Sixth step:

After agreeing on the final design, budget, and equipment, executive boards are created to organize the work of each team and ensure adherence to the plan to reach the expected result and achieve the customer’s goal, which is the process of organizing the work method. 


Seventh step:

Before reaching the final result, the project goes through many stages and repeated reviews through which SMD Decoration is keen to get the best results, achieve all your possible design perceptions, and achieve the highest levels of quality, perfection and savings. 


Eighth step:

After completing the design of the studio, we implement the project and equip the studio with the necessary equipment through the field work team and the supervision and follow-up team until the last stages of the finishes before delivery


Step nine:

It is to ensure the progress of work according to the plan and according to the schedule, and our teams check the quality of work and study the workflow plan to achieve customer satisfaction, that is, the process of evaluating the project continuously and correcting errors, if any 


Step ten:

It is the stage of completion and delivery to the customer, and it is the last step that the customer is waiting for to start his work and project, and we strive to be very special in which we get another customer who is satisfied with our services and achieve our goal in the fastest design and implementation of the studio in Istanbul while maintaining that we are the best studio design company in Istanbul


3- The policy followed in the design and implementation of the studio

Studio design to reflect the idea of ​​the presented content and express the presenter’s personality and message, in addition to adopting advanced lighting, sound and recording systems, ensuring sound and noise isolation, and ensuring appropriate air conditioning to ensure a comfortable work environment.

Here, three criteria for the success of studio design can be identified

  • Performer: The person(s) who work in the studio
  • Follower: The person who receives the content
  • Technology: It is the set of tools, equipment and programs used

SMD Decoration works to adhere to the previous policies while achieving the goals and suggestions of the customer to achieve his vision and maintain the reputation of our company and its leadership in the competition market by paying attention to previous standards, developing design and implementation tools, introducing display methods and advanced technology, and seeking help from experts and talented artists for success The fastest design and implementation of the studio in Istanbul , achieving customer satisfaction and complete quality in our various works and in every detail


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4- SMD Decoration services in the design and implementation of studios

With confidence, SMD Decoration is one of the most distinguished companies. When you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from placing small details to final finishes. SMD Decoration uses the best cadres of architects, interior designers, technicians, and artists as well, to give distinguished results. For its customers, it follows up all global developments in the field of decoration, in order to remain hundreds of steps ahead of all companies specialized in the field of decoration. If you are looking for excellence, then the company is your first and only choice, and because excellence is a decision and not a mere coincidence, so he decided to be distinguished through SMD services . Decoration The distinctive features that we offer you, so we put our own mark in any field by focusing on simple details to produce great results, such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the external design. It is important that the design of the studio presents an idea of ​​the content that is presented through this studio while achieving a comfortable work environment. And isolated from noise and the use of modern techniques and software

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