a minute idea

SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

My experience with the first project implementing supermarket decorations

My experience with the first project implementing supermarket decorations

Date: 2023/03/26

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

After many years of studies, courses and practical technical applications, I did some research about the publicity of my business titles and about the competitors in the field. It was necessary for me to have proper training and work in companies with similar activities, large companies in a large team with many years of experience, to get the most out of their experience and successes. It was also about following successful managers, following in their footsteps and avoiding their mistakes.

But I had a great idea, an idea that I want to make a reality and a dream that I hope will one day come true. I repeated these words many times until I decided to start. Certainly not just my desire to pursue a dream, but several factors that contributed to the fact that I started 

And I will tell you  my experience with the first project  of designing and implementing an interior decoration for a supermarket in our region. Let's go.....


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2- My experience with the first preparation and implementation project   .       

 My experience with the first project was first by designing exceptional decorations for a supermarket, so I chose designs and decorations that fit his budget while being attractive and practical for the merchant, as decoration is an important factor in attracting customers to the supermarket.

 My experience with the first project was to keep the supermarket decor simple and eye-catching 

After I chose the work team who work with each other, I started discussing the project with them, the work plan, and the mechanisms for reaching our goals. 

I treated my new team very friendly and tried to provide them with an environment of familiarity. I recounted to them the motivational phrases from the bottom of my heart, which conveyed meanings about their success and the success of their work 

In my experience with the first project , it is very important to  organize the opening, and the first step in this arrangement is to adopt good decorations and after relying on appropriate designs, as my experience with the first project  was to set  the basic requirements for a supermarket such as refrigerators, shelves, etc., and the shape of the details of the supermarket furniture.

 To watch a video about my experience with the first supermarket decoration project, click here   

And because  SMD Decoration   is the most distinguished company in the art of interior decoration,  it shows you, dear reader, my experience with the first project,  and what are the tools and equipment for supermarket decoration.   Let's go….


 The tools and equipment that the supermarket needs in carrying out the decoration are: 

Fridge : 

Supermarket refrigerators are one of the most important pieces of equipment he needs 

Open refrigerators were adopted and wall-mounted, open and closed refrigerators were placed 

 Beverage refrigerator

Three differently decorated drinks were chosen 



Wooden shelves of a traditional shape were chosen, and some shelves with beautiful colors were adopted to draw attention to some products on the shelves of the grocery store

Grocery store shelves are usually wooden and traditionally shaped, but if you want to draw attention,

 Where the wall shelves were installed to display most types of goods and products on them, and they also gave the shop a quiet, elegant and simple appearance that does not disturb the onlookers from the customers

. The shelves of vegetables and fruits were installed to display them in a regular and tidy manner, and they were chosen in calm and simple colors so that the color of the shelf does not overshadow the color of the food, which causes visual disturbance to customers. 

The bakery racks were installed so that it would be easier for the customer to choose what he wants from them. The design was chosen in the form of a table and there are not many shelves, and the light and dark brown color close to the color of the bread was chosen for a more tidy shape.

The shelves of legumes and spices have been decorated, which is one of the most important pillars of the shop 

exterior decoration 

 A distinctive sign bearing his name in distinctive and different colors was adopted, and simple doors were installed by dividing it into two parts, one for exit and the other for entry.


Strong lighting was installed in distinctive colors, and the name of the store was written in Arabic and English, with light letters. The name of the supermarket was remarkable and delicate at the same time.

Cashier decor 

 A cashier desk was installed that fits the size of the shop. It was adopted in a simple, turquoise and green color. We adopted a tape that pulls purchases electronically, and a design based on a revolving closing door with stands. 



Types of ceramics that facilitate movement and walking were chosen, especially for the sewer basket, and we chose white and gray colors, completely avoiding bright and exotic colors.


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3-  My experience with the first  advice and course correction project  .   


Despite the happiness I felt when  I experienced the first project   , the pressure I put myself under was enough to make me not feel this happy. It was a very big responsibility. While this was all part of the plan and feasibility study, it was still worth considering 

Because of the many factors and situations that arose in the team I formed, I eagerly decided to change the approach I was taking and correct the wrong path. He encouraged me to do so by leaving one to work his middle and the other's unreasonable demands 

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And I will write to you in another topic about a new experience where I corrected all the previous mistakes. But I must say that I made many mistakes in  my experience with the first project  and I advise any ambitious person not to repeat them. I wish you wisdom and success in all decisions.


4- My experience with the first project   by SMD Decoration and the services provided.

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The SMD Decoration company   advises not to rush to complete any work because it leads to disappointment, so think carefully before making any important decision. The appropriate work team must be chosen and advises each engineer when implementing the interior decoration to follow his method in the process of preparing the project and give his creativity that he does to  reach to the desired results

SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the customer and apply them in all stages of interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.


The SMD Decoration company is one of the most distinguished companies, so that when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from setting the plan in terms of small details up to the final finishes, so we put our own mark in any field by focusing on simple details to give great results such as thinking about harmony between the environment Surroundings and exterior design To contact customer service, click here 


We would like to point out that SMD Decoration   for interior design and decoration in Turkey does not use bitcoins or digital currencies in its business dealings, but rather charges its fees through paper currencies or bank transfers.