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Important points explain the difference between an architect and an interior designer

Important points explain the difference between an architect and an interior designer

Date: 2023/06/29

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

The architect relies on the art and science of designing and constructing buildings using building materials and various construction methods. The field of architecture includes different types of sciences; Such as mathematics, history, philosophy, technology and psychology, and these sciences are important to the architect; so that he can understand the man and his life and his story,

and factors affecting the psyche. It is also used to consider all other systems such as software engineering and information technology engineering. This is the difference between an architect and an interior designer,   where the architect designs and delivers the entire building, and the architect usually designs the entire interior structure by participating in his own design process; They work with contractors and builders to facilitate the rebuilding or renovation of an existing structure. While the interior designer strives to give the building the desired look, the architects deal with structural renovations.


The difference between an architect and an interior designer where the architect is trained to build a structure that conforms to specific dimensions, rules and laws; He ensures the smooth running of the building and the interior designer is responsible for attractive interior design that satisfies the residents 

The architect focuses on the technical aspects; Such as the shape of the building, materials, orientation, etc. while the interior designer focuses more on the aspects; Such as human needs and aesthetics, creating coherent and aesthetic designs for corporate and residential interiors, within the built environment or an existing building.


SMD Decoration  Company   presents the most creative work in interior decoration according to the SMD Decoration company,  dear reader, shows you the difference between an architect and an interior designer     according to the following:  

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2- The concept of the difference between an architect and an interior designer:

An architect is a scientifically qualified person with highly professional skills who is directly responsible for the design of many different buildings. The qualifications for an architect are very strict as they must gain the qualifications so that they have a bachelor's or master's degree in architecture temporary training to gain sufficient work experience. The interior designer is the art of making the interior design as a room attractive, easy to use and in harmony with the architecture. The purpose of decorating the interior for a year

It is to give a "touch" to the room. This includes applying wall paint, wallpaper, and other floors and ceilings, choosing furniture and accessories such as lamps, providing enough room to move around, and customizing a space or space, for example by adding paintings, sculptures, and rugs.

These are mainly interior design studies. Sometimes there is an exchange between the engineer and the owner to choose and look at the interior items such as furniture, decorations, accessories, and bedroom decorations. Interior design, on the other hand, is the coordination and creativity of beautiful shapes.

Many people want to renovate their homes or improve their interior decoration, but at the same time, suitable and creative ideas for re-decorating a house on a limited budget may not be available. From this point of view, 


An agreement is reached between the interior designer and the customers, whereby the aesthetic dimension and its impact on the workers inside the place or the daily pioneers are largely controlled in the decoration design.

The interior designer does not depend on repeating the ideas that were designed in similar places in the same way.  

And because SMD Decoration is the most creative company    in the art of interior decoration,   it showed you, dear reader, the difference between an architect and an interior designer   

To watch a video about the difference between an architect and an interior designer,  click here  


What is the difference between an architect and an interior designer

 The architect is that person who specializes in designing, planning and constructing buildings and architectural facilities, and he is the one who translates the requirements of clients into a built environment on the ground, and the work of the architect is limited to the following matters and shows what is the difference between an architect and a civil engineer


Multiple disciplines:

 The work of the architect depends on many different disciplines such as mathematics, science, art, and technology, in addition to politics and history. It is worth noting that all of these disciplines depend on the approach and philosophy of the architect himself, and this means that the engineer relies on his creativity, perception, and general view of people and places.

Conduct surveys: 

The architect prepares special surveys, in addition to evaluating the buildings 


The architect also provides the best ideas that help improve and develop the quality of buildings, roads and various facilities.

Follow-up workflow:

 The architect must follow all the developments made by the workers during the construction process, and he is required to keep abreast of everything new in his field of work


The field is open to the architect in many areas of work, as he can work in various fields, the most important of which are the following

landscape design: 

This field includes the design of infrastructure in public areas and in agricultural and forest areas. In addition, landscape architects participate in providing the necessary plans in addition to the establishment of recreational areas.

Planning work:

 The architect works in this field and studies the economic and demographic changes that occurred as a result of the movement of the population to urban areas, and the urban planning engineer must have a great ability to adapt and the ability to solve problems.

Restoration Engineer: 

The work of the architect who works in the field of restoration is limited to preserving and restoring old buildings that have a close connection with societies and history.

Lighting engineer: 

Given the importance of light and its impact on our mental and physical health, architects must improve the quality of lighting in both natural and industrial environments.

weather specialist: 

Due to the climate changes the world is witnessing, severe weather conditions such as floods, heat waves and hurricanes are expected to increase. Here comes the role of the architect who is asked to construct and develop modern buildings that are able to adapt to weather conditions.



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3- The relationship that shows  the difference between the architect and the interior designer     .


There is a relationship showing what is the difference between an architect and a civil engineer , which can be summarized as follows. Both must have a strong and reserved personality; How to acquire customers and how to deal with project staff. Architect and interior designer create spatial solutions and create

Nice and elegant place. Interior designers and architects complete their work; Beautiful building, inside and out. Both must show artistic and architectural creativity and artistic flair. Both must witness the development of events; His work evolved both in the interior and in architecture

The interior designer and architect excels in creativity, art and creating a special spirit for each building.

Interior designer prepares a space to perform a job with minimal effort, including floors, walls, ceilings, and furnishings as specified 

As for the architect, he revives this design and then implements it in any place and space, whatever its destination and character, using different materials and appropriate colors. 

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SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the client and apply them at every stage of the implementation of the interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration. It shows what is the difference between an architect and a structural engineer 


4- Tips that tell the difference between an architect, an interior designer,    and the services provided by SMD Decoration   .

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SMD Decoration is  the most creative company , so that when receiving a specific project, it has people who specialize in interior decoration and color coordination, and are able to design interior decoration with complete perfection and elaborate execution, and are able to  compare civil and architectural engineering   and follow it up, starting from drawing up the plan in terms of small details up to Putting the final finishes, and the SMD Decoration company uses the best cadres of designers, architects, interior designers and artists as well, in order to give distinctive and impressive results to its customers, and it follows up all global developments in the field of interior decoration   And the design is that in order to remain a leader in the field of interior decoration and design, ahead of hundreds of steps. If you are looking for excellence, then the company is your first and last choice because excellence is a decision and not a mere coincidence, so he decided to be distinguished through the distinctive SMD Decoration services that we offer you, so we put our own mark in Any field focusing on simple details to give great results, such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the exterior design 

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