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Interior design for Mercedes, Audi and BMW cars

Interior design for Mercedes, Audi and BMW cars

Date: 2023/04/06

The most important categories in decoration

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the introduction :

If you are looking for a luxury car that offers luxury and comfort, then you should consider Audi, BMW, and Mercedes, the three German brands with a distinct and exclusive image. This makes them one of the best-selling luxury car brands in the world, and every manufacturer takes great pride in producing a stylish vehicle with reliable, exciting engines that deliver above-average utility values.

Today we offer you the sharpest comparison between  the interiors of Mercedes, Audi and BMW,  the three giants of the global auto industry, all from Germany, the three most luxurious European cars in terms of quality and the testimony of all consumers. Audi is an old company, but so far we see progress and BMW

"Mercedes" compared to 3 cars, which is considered one of the most powerful cars in Europe and the Middle East, and in terms of quality, durability and strength, so there is no need for a car certificate for this person,


SMD Decoration  provides   the art of  interior decoration according to creative and aesthetic services. SMD Decoration shows  you, dear reader, the interior design of Mercedes, Audi and BMW cars  as follows:   

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2- Mercedes interior design details     .

Mercedes is the oldest of the three German luxury companies that successfully invented the petrol car in 1886. In 2005, it acquired the AMG brand to develop high-performance Mercedes-AMG models.


And because  SMD Decoration   is the most distinguished company, it shows you, dear reader, the details of the interior design of Mercedes cars: 

Luxurious interior design

The Mercedes brand has built a long-standing reputation as a manufacturer of high-priced luxury cars due to its prestige image. When you sit in a Mercedes you will find soft leather, elegant touches and soft seats that make traveling in each car a unique experience.

State of the art security systems

They are at the forefront of automotive safety technology and include safety systems such as airbags and anti-lock braking systems.


Mercedes was instrumental in developing crash zones in the 1950s, which have been used extensively in the automotive industry ever since.

It offers advanced safety features such as a night vision camera and rear airbags, and if any of these systems become popular, they will be offered in future best-selling models.

Driving comfort

Although the Audi and BMW models differ from each other and provide a higher level of driving comfort compared to the cars of the big brands, they still cannot compete with Mercedes.

Mercedes cars are designed to provide the driver and passengers with a comfortable and relaxing experience, which is evident in their range of seat adjustment options, which can accommodate various body shapes and sizes. All the dashboard controls are ergonomically designed and can be operated with minimal effort. In addition, the infotainment system is intuitive and easy to learn.


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3- Details of the interior design of Audi cars   

   Audi began as Auto Union in 1932 - an alliance of four different manufacturers, in fact each of the four rings in the Audi logo represents one of the four original car manufacturers that came together to form the Auto Union.

SMD  Decoration   details the interior design of Audi cars: 

Modern and elegant design

The distinctive four rings are particularly noticeable from the outside due to its restrained design.

Audi is often known for producing some of the best interiors on the market, with plenty of soft-touch plastics that complement the clean, streamlined design.

When it comes to technology, Audi cars tend to be more advanced, and a case in point is the "virtual cockpit" which features customizable screens on the dashboard to suit the driver's needs.

Smooth and quiet driving

Premium cars are designed to give you a luxurious driving experience, which means you can happily ignore engine and road noise when driving at high speeds across open roads.

Audi is available with a range of powerful and economical engines for a smooth and sophisticated drive. If you prefer a more exciting and engaging driving experience, BMW might be the best choice.


Four-wheel drive technology

All-wheel drive technology is available in almost all Audi vehicles and is standard on a number of different model and engine combinations. Some owners have suggested that all-wheel drive technology improves the driving experience because of the extra power it provides when cornering.

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4 - Details of the interior design of BMW cars    .

BMW, which stands for Bavarian Motor Works, started out as an aircraft manufacturer in 1917 before moving into motorcycles in 1923 and finally producing cars in 1927.

SMD  Decoration   explains the details of the interior design of BMW cars: 

Rear wheel drive and exciting driving experience

Most BMWs are rear-wheel drive even the smallest 1 Series cars and are the only cars in their class to offer rear-wheel drive, except for the SUV and hybrid sports car which get all-wheel drive as standard.

Driving a BMW is an exciting and fun experience, with more feedback and engine engagement than some Audi and Mercedes models. To make the driving experience more enjoyable, you can find BMW "M" models which denote motorsports modifications to improve speed and performance.

Advanced navigation and entertainment systems

The BMW instrument cluster has been specially developed for drivers

 Although it faces the driver's seat, the station wagon's wheel is easily accessible from the passenger seat.

When BMW first introduced the infotainment system in 2001, it was heavily criticized because people didn't understand what it was for or how to use it.

However, the latest version of BMW is more advanced and easier to use, ensuring quick and easy operation, and BMW is the only manufacturer to offer satellite navigation as standard on all of its models.



SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the customer and apply them in all stages of interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.


5- Interior design for Mercedes, Audi and BMW cars   and services provided by SMD Decoration   .  : 

Image 4

The interior design of Mercedes, Audi and BMW cars and this friendly competition led to remarkable progress in the automotive industry in terms of performance, safety and design.

SMD Decoration     advises every engineer when implementing the interior decoration to follow his  method in the preparation process for the project and gives his creativity to reach the desired results. The idea of ​​interior decoration depends  on the elements of the artwork that meet in achieving the goal for which it was established.


SMD Decoration has people who specialize in interior decoration and color coordination and are able to design interior decoration with full perfection,   


If you are looking for excellence, then the company is your first and only choice, and because excellence is a decision and not a mere coincidence, so decide to be distinguished through the distinguished SMD Decoration services that we offer you, so we put our own mark in any field by focusing on simple details to give great results such as thinking In harmony between the surrounding environment and the exterior design, to contact customer service, click here 


We would like to point out that SMD Decoration   for interior design and decoration in Turkey does not use bitcoins or digital currencies in its business dealings, but rather charges its fees through paper currencies or bank transfers.