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SMD | SMD Decoration Architecture

Smd decoration is the best interior design company in Qatar

Smd decoration is the best interior design company in Qatar

Date: 2023/03/27

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

Each of us lives in a place, whether it is designated for sleeping, living, or working. Of course, he wants to feel comfortable and content in it, so he tries to prepare this place to perform his job and purpose, and this is only done through an interior design company specialized in this field, that has the competence and experience to make designs. required, and supervising its implementation.


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2- What is the concept of interior design?


The term interior design refers to the design of voids, spaces, and interior decorations for a building, whether it is a house, school, university, restaurant, commercial center, and other places, to make it more comfortable, beautiful, and serviceable in order to fulfill its intended purpose. And in the process of planning the site, taking care of its gardens, and selecting and arranging furniture and decorations.

The interior design does not overlook any detail in the place, whether it is visible or hidden, starting from the door and window, the ceiling and walls, light and furniture, paintings and colors, and ending with the way the holdings are displayed, and creating harmony and harmony between them.

From here, we can define the interior design company as a company that is concerned with planning and innovation based on specific architectural data, bringing this planning into existence, and then implementing it in all places and spaces, whatever the purposes and nature of their use, using different materials, appropriate colors, and at the appropriate cost.

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 3- Criteria for the success of an interior design company in Qatar , and the attributes of a successful interior design engineer ?


To evaluate an interior design company in Qatar, we can set a number of criteria that determine its success in its work, which are:

  • Standards for the quality of internal space limiters and openings:

    It consists of: 

A- Economic criteria: This item consists of statements that measure the selection of wall finishes, ceilings, and floors from materials that are suitable for the budget, and the selection of floor cladding materials and wall finishing from materials that do not

You need special cleaners, taking into account the costs of care and maintenance when choosing materials, and using sliding doors to save space.

B- Functional criteria: This item consists of phrases that measure the choice of floor finishes used for each area of ​​the place, taking into account the durability and strength of the floor, its resistance to friction, the extent to which it provides calm and comfort, the treatment of ceilings with soundproofing materials, and the methods of treating walls and ceilings.

C- Aesthetic criteria: This item consists of phrases that measure the success of the interior design company in Qatar by taking into account the harmony and compatibility between the materials for finishing walls, ceilings, floors, and architectural openings, and the use of luminous ceilings to give an aesthetic appearance to the place, and taking into account the consistency of colors, and the quality of the external finishing of cladding materials. Walls, ceilings, floors, architectural openings, and the use of stained glass in windows and doors.

D- Sustainability criteria: This item consists of phrases that measure the enhancement of the quality of the internal environment, by relying on sustainable materials, in terms of the use of sound insulation in walls, floors, doors and windows,

And the use of flooring materials made of natural materials, and the use of environmentally friendly wood.

  • Color quality standards:

    It consists of: 

A- Economic criteria: This item consists of phrases that measure the selection of paint colors whose price is commensurate with the customer’s budget, the choice of inexpensive paint materials to clean and take care of, the selection of fixed paint colors, and the consideration of reducing waste of raw materials when used. 

B- Functional criteria: This item consists of phrases that measure the quality of colors used in painting walls, taking into account the orientation and location of the room before choosing its colors, taking into account activities before choosing colors, and choosing colors that achieve visual comfort. 

C- Aesthetic Standards: This item consists of phrases that measure the suitability of wall colors with other colors

The floors and furniture, and the colors of the place areas match with the lighting used to show the beauty of the place. 

D- Sustainability standards: This item consists of descriptive statements that measure the reliance of the interior design company in Qatar on sustainable materials that do not have harmful effects on human health, the use of fast-drying and safer paints, and the use of brushes instead of aerosols.

(Sprayers) when painting walls, and choosing paints that are free of volatile organic compounds. 

  • Lighting quality standards:

This axis consists of a declarative statement to measure the extent of customer awareness of the economic, functional, aesthetic, and sustainability standards for lighting, which are as follows: 

A- Economic criteria: This item consists of phrases measuring the purchase of industrial lighting devices that are commensurate with the customer’s budget, wandering between stores to compare prices and choosing the best ones, and taking into account cleaning, care and maintenance when choosing industrial lighting devices. 

B- Functional criteria: This item consists of phrases that measure the consideration of durability, ease of disassembly and installation when selecting lighting devices, the type and intensity of lighting, its suitability for the type of different activities, and the use of 

Light-reflecting colors to increase the amount of lighting used in the place. 

C- Aesthetic criteria: This item consists of phrases that measure the availability of the quality of the external finish of the lighting devices used in the place, and the suitability of the industrial lighting colors with the colors of the walls, ceilings and floors, and the proportionality of the size of the lighting means with the area of ​​​​the place in which it is placed, and taking into account the correct foundations for the distribution of lighting . 

D- Sustainability standards: This item consists of expressions that measure reliance on natural lighting in lighting the rooms of the place during the day, and the use of reflective glass by the interior design company in Qatar to obtain more natural lighting, as well as the use of quality lighting that does not generate heat and radiation.

  • furniture quality standards

    It consists of: 

A- Economic criteria: It measures the consideration of the cost of furniture before purchasing it. 

And the use of furniture units with vertical operation, and ease of cleaning, care and maintenance when choosing furniture pieces, and the use of multi-purpose furniture. 

B- Functional Criteria: This item includes the use of good materials, selection of strong and durable furniture, taking into account ergonomic suitability when selecting furniture units, and ease of use. 

C- Aesthetic criteria: This item consists of phrases that measure the compatibility of the colors of the furniture specified by the interior design company in Qatar with the furnishings and elements of the interior design of the place, taking into account the quality of the external finishing of the furniture pieces, taking into account the proportionality between the size and dimensions of the furniture pieces, and determining the correct foundations For the distribution and coordination of furniture. 

D- Sustainability criteria: These include choosing safe furniture, choosing natural wood in the furniture industry, choosing furniture covered with Formica, and purchasing furniture made of bamboo for its health and environmental suitability.

  • Standards for the quality of interior design supplements: 

It measures the extent to which customers are familiar with economic quality standards 

Functional, aesthetic and sustainability standards for interior design complements, which are: 

A- Economic criteria: It measures the purchase of supplements whose price is commensurate with the budget allocated to them, the purchase of materials that are easy to clean and take care of, and the purchase during the sale period. 

B- Functional criteria: It measures the type of material from which the furnishings are made, the use of light and heavy curtains in the rooms, taking into account that the accessories are characterized by durability, and taking into account the quality of the external finishing as the interior design accessories. 

C- Aesthetic criteria: It measures the harmony of the colors of the curtains with the colors of the walls, floor coverings, and furniture in the room, so that the floor coverings, furnishings, and pictures match the furniture styles. 

And taking into account the quality of the external finish, and the correct foundations for the distribution and coordination of supplements inside the place. 

D- Sustainability standards: They measure avoiding the use of polyester furnishings, relying on cotton materials, and choosing carpets made of natural fibers.

The characteristics of a successful interior design engineer are summarized in the following specifications:

  • Distinguished interior design talent

Refined taste, creativity and the ability to innovate are the most important characteristics of a successful interior design engineer , who loves colors, is skilled in coordinating and understanding them, and pays attention to the smallest details.

  • credibility

A successful interior design engineer must deal with his clients with credibility, commit to timely delivery, and be interested in performing his task with high quality, taking into account the budget set for the design items.

  • Funky designer

It is easy to obtain some traditional designs and implement them as they are, but the successful designer loves to innovate, has a creative spirit, and thinks outside the box, to create distinctive designs that meet the desire of customers.

  • Evaluation

The interior design engineer must have a great evaluation from previous clients who dealt with him, because this confirms that he has the required experience in creating attractive designs.


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4- The stages of implementing interior design in Smd decoration company , and the reasons for the success of Smd decoration company in the field of interior design.  


 In light of the great development that we are living through, it has become necessary for us to be careful when choosing a specific interior design, that it fulfills the requirements of physical and psychological comfort, and a sense of satisfaction and belonging to it, and to achieve this equation we must not hesitate to seek the help of an interior design company that is able to understand our needs and feelings and meet them in decoration colors and shapes,

You can find all of this with Smd decoration, the best interior design company in Qatar , as it implements interior design based on the following stages:

1- Appearance:

Smd decoration company designs space, organizes and arranges its elements, and designs residential landscapes, such as gardens and entertainment venues, and pays attention to designing access passages to the place, and ways to escape from fire.

2- House Furniture:

Furniture is one of the most important stages of interior design at Smd decoration ; For its great role in aestheticizing the place, and making use of every square centimeter of space.

3-Materials and Finishes:

The selection of materials and place finishes is one of the important stages in interior design. Many things are considered when selecting materials, such as space goals, cleaning requirements, textures and colours, function, quality and aesthetics.

  • The success and distinction of Smd decoration is due to a number of reasons, the most important of which are:
  • Color assortment

Colors, coordination, and decoration are the basis of interior design in the Smd decoration company , as it takes into account the color combinations of the space for which it is designed, as well as coordinating accessories, furniture pieces, and decorations in a creative artistic and aesthetic style.

  • Fragmentation of empty spaces

As there must be some difference in pieces of furniture and decorations for each empty space in the building, Smd decoration company adopts this principle to break the monotony and boredom, and to strike a balance between the formal aspect and the functional aspect of those places.

  • Matching interior design

Consistency and harmony is a very important factor for the successful coordination and implementation of the design in Smd decoration , and for this reason, it avoids dissonance or extreme contradiction in the colors, patterns, and materials used.

  • Suitable pieces of furniture

Smd decoration company chooses pieces of furniture that are compatible with each other carefully, and are consistent with the style, shape and colors, to implement the style that was previously designed, in addition to taking into account the functional and practical aspect of it so that it is not beautiful in shape and useless, but rather it must be beautiful in shape and useful to the visitors of the place.

  • Simplicity tops

Smd decoration company is interested in creating elegant and simple designs at the same time, that inspire calm and comfort in the hearts of residents and pioneers. A place with many accessories and antiques, or many pieces of furniture, each piece of which belongs to a different style and color combination, is a place that no one should pass through. him as well as live in it, and him

The interior design engineers at Smd decoration take into account the selection of furniture, accessories and colors that suggest simplicity, calmness and joy.

  • Valuable designs

The company relies on luxury furniture and accessories that give the place value, and they do not have to be expensive, as some accessories and furniture design suggests luxury even though their price is reasonable, and that is definitely the best quality.

  • Order and order

It is not enough to coordinate the decor and choose consistent patterns and compatible color combinations only to make the interior design a success, but arrangement and organization play a very important factor in obtaining a place that is comfortable to use, not just comfortable to look at.


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5- Why is Smd decoration the best interior design company in Qatar ?

  • One of the advantages of contracting with Smd Decoration in Qatar lies in the fact that it provides support during the implementation phase through distinguished engineering supervision.
  • Smd Decoration offers free advice from experts and specialists in design, decoration and home finishes regarding color matching and suitability.
  • Smd Decoration uses highly qualified technical and technical staff, which in turn guarantees customers accuracy in design and quality in implementation and supervision.
  • Smd Decoration focused  on designing the best modern designs with great craftsmanship, relying on the high efficiency of its engineers, as they form the backbone of the company.
  • Thanks to the unique projects carried out by  Smd Decoration,   it won many awards, and this enabled the company to develop its commercial and financial identity and add projects of great value.
  • Smd Decoration does not charge its fees by bitcoin or cryptocurrency, but by fiat currency or bank transfer.
  • Smd Decoration continues to exist among the major engineering and decoration companies in Qatar, thanks to its half-century experience in the design, engineering and decoration sector, the strong link with its customers, the good selection of sites, the engineering and designs of residential and commercial projects, and its commitment to the strictest standards, as the company aims Smd Decoration to maintain its principles and values ​​and to continue its creative approach.


    6- The conclusion.

We always recommend communicating with an interior design company in Qatar that has a long history in engineering designs and construction experience. Smd Decoration is your appropriate choice, as it aims to fully achieve the goals, with its integrity and ethics in dealing, making it sit on the throne of companies, As the best interior design company in Qatar, we advise everyone to deal with it. 

To contact customer service in our company, click here .