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Marvel at the Eiffel Tower Paris architecture

Marvel at the Eiffel Tower Paris architecture

Date: 2023/04/12

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:


The architecture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is considered  one of the most famous landmarks in Europe and the world, as it is located in the far reaches of the French capital, and it is very close to the Seine River. The architecture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris  is one of the seven wonders of the world. It is very famous and is the main tourist attraction. For France, it generates millions annually, because it is a tourist destination that attracts visitors from all over the world. The Eiffel Tower in Paris was considered the tallest building in the world and it took two years to build it. It is mainly used as a watch tower and a radio and television broadcasting tower.

The Paris Eiffel Tower  is the winner of a competition for projects that were to determine the appearance of the exhibition complex and its decoration. According to the original plan, 20 years after the exhibition, this metal structure was to be dismantled, because it did not fit the architectural appearance of the French capital and was not designed as a permanent building, the radio development provided the world's most popular attraction.



The SMD Decoration  company   explains the art of interior decoration according to creative and aesthetic services, and it shows you, dear reader, the architecture in the Eiffel Tower, Paris,    according to the following:

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2 - the legend   of architecture in the Eiffel Tower Paris  .     

The idea in the Tower of France was to construct a great building to be an icon for this exhibition and to commemorate the memory of the French Revolution.

 To watch a video about the architecture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris,  click here  

SMD Decoration company   shows the details of   the architecture in the Eiffel Tower in Paris   : 


Building the Eiffel Tower

The main material in  the Tower of France is pudding steel. The weight of the tower itself is about 7,300 tons, and the entire structure with the foundation and additional structures weighs 10,000 tons. In total, this architectural legend shows the Eiffel Tower in Paris where 18,038 individual parts were used in the construction, which were assembled with 2.5 million rivets. At the same time, each part of the tower weighed no more than three tons, which eliminated most of the lifting and installation problems.

Several architectural styles were used in the  somewhat innovative Paris Eiffel Tower during construction, which the builder, Gustave Eiffel, learned from his experience building bridges. The tower was built by 300 workers in just two years, and thanks to its high level of safety and easy-to-assemble design, only one person died during construction.

Paris Tower from the inside The high level and speed of work was achieved on the one hand by the very detailed drawings created by the engineers of the Eiffel Bureau and by the fact that all parts of the tower were delivered to the construction site ready for use. It was not necessary to drill holes in the various elements, adjusting them to each other, and two-thirds of the screws were already in place. So the workers can only assemble the tower as a constructor, using the ready detailed drawings.

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Tower lighting

An important element of the architecture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is its lighting. It was clear that such a large structure needed lighting, so 10,000 gas lamps and searchlights were installed on the tower, illuminating the sky with the colors of the French tricolor. In 1900 they began to illuminate the plan of the tower with electric lights.


Building the Eiffel Tower in 1925, a huge advertisement appeared on the tower bought by Andre Citroën. Initially, on three sides of the tower there was a vertically written surname and the name of the Citroen concern, which was visible for 40 kilometers around. Then it was updated a bit by adding a clock and indicators. This lighting was dismantled in 1934.


Construction of the Eiffel Tower In 1937, the Eiffel Tower was lit by beams of light, and in 1986 modern lighting based on gas-discharge lamps was installed. Then the lighting was changed and modified several times, for example in 2008 the tower was lit up with stars in the shape of the European Union flag.


The backlight was last updated in 2015 and the lamps have been replaced with LEDs to save energy. At the same time, work has been done to install thermal panels, wind turbines, and a rainwater harvesting and utilization system.

3- Architecture facts on the Eiffel Tower, Paris


The architecture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is among the historical monuments, and it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. About fifty engineers and three hundred workers participated in its construction. . 

 Historically, the designer of the Eiffel Tower  has been used by many scientists and experts to conduct scientific experiments, for example meteorological experiments, free-falling objects, and meteorological observations.

 Periodically, every seven years, the tower was painted with about sixty tons of paint, in order to protect it from corrosion caused by weather factors.

The exact height of the tower is 300.65 metres. Which was given the name: “three-meter tower” or simply “three hundred meters”, but after construction an antenna spire was installed, the height of which became 324.82 meters.

The Eiffel Tower looks like an unusual pyramid. Four columns rest on a concrete foundation, and when raised they intertwine into a single square column.

The designer of the Eiffel Tower is greatly influenced by sunlight. The side of the tower facing the sun heats up, and due to thermal expansion, the top can deflect 18 cm, much more than the effect of strong winds.

The expert bridge builder was well aware of the potential dangers of strong winds and created a completely stable structure with twisted columns. As a result, the tower resists winds very effectively. 


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4- The architecture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris   and the services provided by SMD Decoration   .

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SMD Decoration has people who specialize in interior decoration and color coordination and are able to design interior decoration with full perfection,   

SMD Decoration     advises every engineer when implementing the interior decoration to follow his  method in the preparation process for the project and gives his creativity to reach the desired results.

SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the customer and apply them in all stages of interior decoration in order to satisfy him and obtain his confidence and maintain its worth and strength in the labor market with its good reputation in interior decoration.

The SMD Decoration company is one of the best distinguished companies, so that when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from setting the plan in terms of small details all the way to the final finishes, and the SMD Decoration company uses the best cadres of designers, architects, interior engineers and artists as well, and that To give distinctive and impressive results to its customers and to follow all international developments in the field of interior decoration and design in order to remain a leader in the field of design, proactive with hundreds of steps. Through the distinguished SMD Decoration services that we offer you, we put our own mark in any field by focusing on simple details to produce great results, such as thinking about the harmony between the surrounding environment and the exterior design. 

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