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The effect of wind on facades and skyscrapers decorations is the appropriate choice

The effect of wind on facades and skyscrapers decorations is the appropriate choice

Date: 2023/06/20

The most important categories in decoration

Table Of Contents

1- Introduction:

The effect of winds on facades and skyscrapers decorations The wind is one of the natural factors that affect the exterior decorations of buildings and skyscrapers, as it works to cause vibrations in the external structures of buildings and affects the glass walls, external panels and other components. The effect of winds on facades and skyscrapers varies  according to their intensity, direction, and speed  .


Therefore, choosing the appropriate materials for the facades and designing them correctly is an important factor in reducing the impact of wind on the facades and skyscrapers decorations . Materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, tempered glass and other high-quality materials can be used to design facades and buildings and make them more durable and resistant to wind impact.


Wind simulation models are also used to assess the impact of wind on facades and skyscrapers, where these models are used to identify weaknesses in design and improve them to reduce the impact of wind. Wind control techniques such as the use of side wings, curved roofs and other techniques can also be used to improve airflow around the building and reduce the impact of wind.


In general, buildings and skyscrapers must be well studied and designed to reduce the impact of winds on facade decorations and skyscrapers on them and make them more durable and safe. The design of facades and buildings must be compatible with the climatic and weather conditions in the area where the buildings and skyscrapers are located.

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2- What is  the effect of the wind on the decorations of the facades and skyscrapers ?

The effect of the wind on the facades and skyscrapers decorations  directly, as it causes the external structures of the buildings to move and causes vibrations in the glass panels and other external panels. The impact of winds on facades and skyscrapers can cause material and physical damage to buildings and people.


Strong winds lead to serious damage to the facades, windows, and glass panels of buildings, as they are heavily moved and lead to cracking in the walls and affecting the life of the building. In addition, the effect of wind on facade decorations and skyscrapers may shatter glass and exterior panels and cause injuries to people standing near the building.


The effect of winds on facades and skyscrapers varies according to their intensity, direction, and speed, and their effect depends on the design of facades, buildings, and their materials. Even the slightest impact from the wind can erode the exterior paints and panels of buildings.


Therefore, the effect of winds on facades and skyscrapers must be taken  into account when designing and implementing facades and skyscrapers, and appropriate materials and advanced technologies should be used to make them more durable and wind-resistant for homes . Wind impact on buildings must also be assessed using wind simulation models and design weaknesses identified and improved to reduce wind impact.

 To watch a video about the effect of winds on facade decorations and skyscrapers, click here   

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3- Suitable materials to resist   the impact of wind on facades and skyscrapers

There are many suitable materials to make the facades more resistant to the impact of the wind on the facades and skyscrapers,  as the appropriate materials must be chosen according to the nature and requirements of the project. Among these materials:  


  1. Aluminum: 

Aluminum is lightweight, strong, and corrosion resistant, and can be used to make exterior panels for facades.


  1. tempered glass: 

Tempered glass facades can be made to be more durable and resistant to external influences such as wind and shock.


  1. stainless steel: 

Stainless steel can be used to make exterior panels for facades, as it is durable, strong and corrosion resistant.


  1. natural stone: 

Natural stone can be used to design facades, as it is characterized by durability, hardness, and resistance to external influences.


  1. Fiber glass: 

Fiberglass is a lightweight material that is resistant to corrosion and external influences, and can be used to design facades.


  1. concrete: 

Reinforced concrete can be used to make the exterior walls of buildings and design facades, as it is characterized by durability and hardness.


  1. laminated panels:

 Laminated panels are durable, light, and resistant to corrosion and external influences, and can be used for facade design.


The materials suitable for designing the facades vary according to the requirements of the project and the climate of the area in which the building is located. Appropriate materials and advanced technologies must be chosen to make the facades more durable and resistant to the impact of wind on facade decorations and skyscrapers .  

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4- Techniques used to resist the impact of wind on facade decorations and skyscrapers 

There are many advanced technologies that can be used to resist wind impact on facades and skyscrapers  and make facades more durable, including:


  1. Advanced engineering design: 

Advanced engineering design can be used to design façades, where computer modeling and engineering analysis are used to assess the impact of wind on a building and to design façades that are resistant to these impacts.


  1. reinforced glass: 

Reinforced glass can be used to manufacture facades, where the glass is reinforced with additional layers of glass or other materials such as plastic or aluminum to make it more robust and resistant to breakage.


  1. Flexible outer panels:

 Independently moving flexible outer panels can be used to reduce the effect of wind, as they are fixed with flexible frames that allow the natural movement of the panels.


  1. Spindle-mounted outer panels:

 Spindle-mounted external panels can be used to stabilize the facades, where the panels are held with hinges attached at the ends to allow the panels to move naturally.


  1. Reinforced translucent panels: 

Tempered transparent panels can be used to manufacture facades, where the glass panels are reinforced with additional layers of toughened glass or aluminum to make them more durable and resistant to external influences.


  1. Hydraulic systems:

 Hydraulic systems can be used to stabilize the facades and reduce the effect of wind, as hydraulic fluids are used to secure the facades securely.


  1. Moving solar panels:

 Movable solar panels can be used to manufacture facades, as the panels can be moved to reduce the impact of wind.


The advanced technologies to make the facades more durable and resist the impact of wind on facade decorations and skyscrapers differ  according to the requirements of the project and the type of building, and the technology must be chosen 


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5 - The effect of winds on facades and skyscrapers decorations   and services provided by SMD Decoration  

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In general, exposure to wind storms affects buildings and decorations in different ways, and may lead to damage and destruction if the design and planning are not done properly. And skyscrapers constitute one of the great challenges in this regard, as they are exposed to the  strong impact of winds on the façade decorations and skyscrapers due to their height and direct exposure to strong winds.


Therefore, the design of facades and decorations that resist the impact of wind on facade decorations and skyscrapers requires the use of appropriate materials, correct installation techniques, and advanced engineering design. Attention must be paid to evaluating potential external influences such as wind strength, direction, speed and frequency, and to identify optimal solutions to reduce their effects.


It can be said that the winds pose a major challenge in the design of facades, decorations, and skyscrapers, and this requires the use of advanced technologies and advanced engineering design to achieve the durability and resistance necessary to withstand the impact of wind.

SMD Decoration offers a variety of services in the field of   interior design and decoration, including:


1- Designing and implementing interior decoration works for houses, apartments, villas, palaces, offices, shops, and others.

2- Designing and implementing interior design works for commercial projects, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools, universities, and others.

3- Carrying out installation, upholstery, painting, finishing, renovation and modernization works for housing and commercial projects.

4- Designing and implementing customized furniture and interior furnishings for residences and commercial projects.

5- Design and implementation of internal and external lighting works and installation of electronic systems.

6- Providing consultations and advice to clients about interior design, decoration, choosing appropriate materials, and color coordination.

SMD Decoration  provides comprehensive services in the field of interior design and decoration, and strives to meet customers' needs, achieve their vision, and turn their ideas into an attractive and tangible reality.

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