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The basics in avoiding disasters and mistakes of interior decoration

The basics in avoiding disasters and mistakes of interior decoration

Tarih: 2023.03.17

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1- Introduction:

Interior design is the science that brings together different cultures and abilities, and it is the art of planning, designing, and beautifying human-made spaces, hence its important role in avoiding disasters and mistakes in interior decoration. It works to serve the design of aesthetic elements within   inherited customs and traditions, and relies on creativity and innovation techniques. And thus obtaining fruitful results without the disasters and mistakes of interior decoration, so that the designer treats all his materials, spaces, places, and lighting; To achieve an integrated design, through his familiarity with the foundations, architectural methods and their various techniques, and his knowledge of all the materials and tools that he will deal with during the implementation of the work, and thus obtaining an integrated work free from disasters and errors of interior decoration. 

SMD Decoration  provides   the best and most creative services to avoid disasters and mistakes of interior decoration 

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2- The importance of design in avoiding  disasters and mistakes in interior decoration   . 

 Design is the process of collecting elements, and preparing all that these elements need in terms of treatment, measurement, and modification, by relying on ideas and personal experiences, to produce something new and distinctive, that performs its tasks and avoids the disasters and errors of interior decoration and thus meets the goal of its design   , Interior design has become one of the important things in our time, as it enters many areas of life, which helps us a lot to avoid disasters and mistakes of interior decoration.   Interior design shows the purpose behind the use of design. It shows the ease of disassembling it and moving it from one place to another, without affecting its quality. And choosing quality materials that are suitable for the budget of the design student. Thus avoiding the disasters and mistakes of interior decoration   by adopting colors that match the desire and psychology of the student     

And because excellence and obtaining error-free designs are the desired work of SMD Decoration     through the agreement between the client and the company 

To watch a video about   the interior decoration  , click here   

3- The basics of design used to avoid  disasters and mistakes of interior decoration   .

The comprehensive procedures for planning aim to harness the material, spiritual and social needs to avoid disasters and mistakes of interior decoration and that the design of interior decoration for homes and offices follows precise and simple rules at the same time

Speaking of which, there are many interior decorating disasters and mistakes   that almost everyone makes when designing their interiors. SMD Decoration will remind you, dear reader, of the disasters and mistakes of interior decoration with the basics to be followed to avoid them 

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design scale 

Scale is the number one mistake almost everyone makes when it comes to interior design.

People often fill their rooms with little things that clutter up the space and give the eye nowhere to land.

Others put many large, bulky items in one room, making them look cramped and small.

The secret to a proper fit is a mix of different shapes, heights and sizes. And if there's one thing you want to hire an interior designer for, it's for setting the right scale.

Not making a well thought out plan 

Many of us are impulsive in our purchasing decisions. As soon as we see a masterpiece, lampshade, or ornamental plant, we rush to buy it, thinking that it will add a magical touch to the corner of the hall!

Before buying, we must set a specific plan and budget.

 You need to measure your room or the place you plan to furnish. 

Neglect the opinion of design experts 

The most talented designers can make mistakes. For this, you may need several opinions about the best design or furnishing of the place

If possible, hire an interior designer to get expert guidance. It is not a requirement that you hire one.

Arrangement of accessories 

Almost everyone now has complete collections of antiques, furniture, or porcelain and ceramics 

You may be confused about choosing a suitable way to display these pieces, and to arrange them in a way that avoids vulgarity and gives the place a quiet aesthetic touch.

Well, let's start with the first mistake, which is scattering these pieces all over the house! It's always best to display your one-of-a-kind accessories in arrangements and groupings.

There are some well-established rules for arranging elements into groups called the "rule of three". They display these groups with three adjacent pieces in the same place.


Avoiding  disasters and mistakes in interior decoration depends  on a number of basic elements represented by a set of guidelines to find an interior beautification that pleases and delights the beholder, which are:


The element of balance is represented in finding and achieving equilibrium in the design, that is, it preserves the need for common characteristics between the pieces of objects present in one range, and it also requires a balanced diversity so that the harmony between objects emerges through the distribution of distances depending on shape, line, color, light and shadow.


 It is the process of subjecting lines and flat surfaces to treatment represented by regular succession, and circular models so that these shapes give the space a special rhythm, and this rhythm is used to create movements and mix them with the design and stir the viewer’s desire to see the different parts of the design, and this is done by repetition of lines and colors. 


 It has several names such as emphasis or dominance, and this element is used for the purposes of attracting attention towards a certain area or a certain place, such as mixing color, texture, and line, for example, and it requires that every interior design contain an emphasis center. 


This element is very important, and it is indicated that rectangles with dimensions confined between 2-3,3 to 5,5-8 are called proportional in interior design, and the rectangle is thus more beautiful and elegant than the proportional shapes. Unity: This element expresses perfection in the interior design, and this element is represented by making each space integrated on its own without relying on others, and this element refers to the harmony and harmony between the basic elements in the design. 


This element comes as a way to attract the viewer's attention, but the abundance of repetition, rhythm and unity makes the sense of diversity or contrast corrupt, and the absence of this element loses the value of the design. 


The element of repetition often leads to unity, that is, it leads to the building being closely linked to achieving unity between its dimensions, as is the case with the repetition of vertical lines. 


The presence of contrasts in design attracts the attention of the viewer, and the concept of conflict refers to the use of what is contradictory to each other in terms of length, thickness, straightness, and colors in one design scene. 


 Focusing on one of the aspects of design is an element of interior design, where the designer pays most of his attention on an aspect and highlights it, so that it makes the rest of the surrounding aspects less visible in the space in which the objects are located. 

creativity. moving in.

 Therefore, SMD Decoration takes care of all these details and takes care of them, in order not to waste money or time in repairing or correcting errors.


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SMD Decoration is trying to follow the previous policies and additional conditions set by the client and apply them at all stages in order to satisfy him and obtain his trust and maintain its leadership in the labor market with its good reputation. 


4- SMD Decoration techniques used to avoid  disasters and mistakes in interior decoration

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In fact, SMD Decoration is one of the most distinguished companies, so that when you receive a specific project, you follow it up, starting from placing small details to final finishes, and SMD Decoration uses the best cadres of architects, interior designers, and artists as well, in order to give distinguished results to its customers. And you follow up all global developments in the field of decoration, in order to remain in front of all companies specialized in the field of decoration with hundreds of steps. If you are looking for excellence, then the company is your first and only choice, and because excellence is a decision and not a mere coincidence, so he decided to be distinguished through SMD Decoration servicesThe distinctive that we offer you, we put our own mark in any field by focusing on the simple details to produce great results such as thinking about the consistency between the surrounding environment and the exterior design. If the restaurant is close to the sea or serves seafood, we try to make the exterior design to indicate this thing.

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